11 | : Small Gold Packets

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"Rem! Calm down! His phone is broken okay. Please" I quickly rushed forward grasping his shoulder in my hand.
He relaxed at my touch before dropping the kid and shoving him into the side.
He wrapped his arm around my waist brushing my skirt out before heading out of the ride.
I felt a blush return to my face for what must have been the millionth time today.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't even think about my skirt. I guess I picked the wrong day to wear a skirt" I rambled.
Suddenly I was wrapped in tight arms.
My eyes widened and I realized he was hugging me.
I furrowed my eyebrows as he let me go.
"I didn't mean to scare you" he whispered softly.
"No..no... you didn't scare me! I just didn't want you to get in trouble" I quickly shook my head.
He smiled softly.
"Wanna go get something to eat?" He asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Are you kidding I'm starving!" I exclaimed hoping to light up the mood.
Which worked as he laughed cheerfully.
We looked around at the food stand until deciding gyros and lemonade.
Eventually we found an empty bench.
We sat down and I quickly pulled my phone out taking a picture of Remington.
He slid his shades on and smirked trying to look like a badass.

He slid his shades on and smirked trying to look like a badass

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RoseyKnightOffical✔ Spending the weekend with this badass. He's definitely going to be the death of me

AshCostello ✔ You guys a so damn adorable. I ship

Remmybear Are they dating?

SwsRoyale1 They are goals!

RemingtonLeith✔ Be the death of you? No. Be a badass? Yes.

I rolled my eyes and rose an eyebrow at Rem.
He smirked and just continued to eat.

I smiled before looking through Rems Instagram story

I smiled before looking through Rems Instagram story

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I blushed.
I went to Twitter and saw he posted it there too.
I decided to tweet back.
'Okay why does it look like I snapped my neck!'
I tweeted it and set my phone down and took a sip of my lemonade and he set his phone done with a sharp glare at me.
"You do not look like you snapped your neck" he scolded.
I giggled at him and tossed a piece of lettuce in his direction.
He gasped as it landed in my hair.
"You little brat" he pouted.
I smiled.
He smiled and just stared at me.
I frowned waving my hand in his face to catch his attention.
He quickly caught my hand and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it.
I shot him a surprised look.
"What was that for?" I tilted my head.
He stood and walked around the bench so he was to the my right.
I turned to him confused as he threw me on his back.
"Where are we going? The park closes in 20 minutes" I asked my arms wrapped around his neck.
"I wanna do one last ride before tonight's over"
he declared rushing to the ferris wheel.

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