12 | : My Girl

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I pouted slightly before plopping in to bed when I noticed he was shivering slightly.
I didn't bother attempting to yank the blankets out from under him so I took my huge comforter and carefully threw it over him and he moaned tiredly and rolled over.
I smiled at how cute he looked and took a picture and posted it on my snapchat.
'Didn't even make it to 10pm'
I smirked at my caption and noticed his phone was laying loosely in his hand.
I grabbed it carefully and plugged his phone in and my own. I turned off the lamp and slid into my bed sliding under the sheets since I gave him my blanket and closed my eyes.
After about 3 hours of tossing and turning I gave up.
Sitting up I quietly grabbed my phone and hissed as I felt my knee drag on the blanket.
I remembered I forgot to bandage it back up.
Sitting up I saw scattered spots of blood on the sheet.
I carefully got up limping in to the bathroom.
I rummaged around in my bathroom bag and found my first aid kit.
I hesitated and before put an alchohol wipe on my wound.
My eyes widened and I jumped up biting the knuckle of my thumb jumping up and down to prevent a scream.
"Ah fuck. Fuck jesus" I whispered.
"What are you doing?" A husky voice whispered.
"Ah!" A scream flew from my mouth and I swung around seeing it was Remington. He stood there rubbing his eyes tiredly.
I took a deep breath trying to calm myself as best as I could.
"Your trying to fucking kill me!" I exclaimed chucking the box of bandaids at his face.
He rolled his eyes.
"No your just jumpy as hell"
I gave him a dirty look before sitting back on the toilet trying to out finishing fixing my knee.
Soon tattooed arms took the stuff from me and Remington crouched in front of me and finished cleaned my knee the rest of the way then he put cream on it holding my leg firmly every time I tried jerking away out of pain.
I sighed and gave in my eyes tracing over his concentrated face. Small bags under his eyes from sleep deprivation.
I was so distracted by his features I didn't noticed his eyes moved to me and they were getting closer.
I jumped slightly when I felt his lips on mine but kissed him back.
"Done staring?" He smirked pulling away.
"Sorry" I blushed looking away.
He chuckled and grabbed my face playfully.
"Don't be I'd stare at this beautiful face too" he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and put my hand over his face and shoved it away.
He grinned at me before putting the bandages on my knee and he kissed it.
I blushed and stood up.
He stood up to and I hugged him tightly.
He seemed surprised but hugged me back.
"It's 2 in the morning let's go to sleep" he suggested.
"I don't wannaaa" I whined childishly he laughed and bang to waddle is towards the bedroom since I wouldn't let him free from my hug.
"But I wannnaaa" he whined back.
I pouted but let him go and sat on my bed.
"Okay" He kissed me and hopped back in his bed.
"This is yours. Thanks by the way!" Remington smiled sweetly throwing me my blanket back.
I smiled and shut the light off .
Wrapping the blanket around myself and turning away from him and staring at the wall and tried to sleep but I still couldn't.
I sighed and used my arms to push my self up.
"I wanna die" I whined.
I heard movement and glanced at Remington, and saw his eyes open looking at me.
I felt my crop top slid down my shoulder and smiled tiredly at him.
"Your insomnia?" He asked.
I gave him a pout and nodded.
He smiled and threw his arms open.
I slid off my bed and on to his bed.
He grinned as he snaked his arms around my waist pressing me into his bare chest and threw his blanket over us both.
I smiled and tilted my head up at him make eye with him before kissing him again.
"Goodnight Remmy" I whispered as he craned his neck so he could rest his forehead on mine.
"Goodnight Rosey" he kissed my forehead before laying his head on his pillow while I rested my head on his chest using my fingertips to trace his tattoos.
I stayed awake for a long while doing this until I felt Remington run his fingers through my hair and after maybe 5 minutes of it my hands fell and my eyes closed


I groaned and went to sit up but it was to no avail.
"What the..." I muttered as I felt someone running their fingers through my hair.
Fluttering my eyes open I saw a tattooed chest.
"Your awake"
I glanced up and saw Remington looking at me with a soft smile.
I let out a tired moan.
"Nooo!" I buried my face in his warm shoulder.
He let out a chuckle that made butterflies erupt in my stomach.
"We gotta get ready" he sat up.
I pouted and watched him get off the bed and begin to get ready.
I stayed in bed and threw the blankets over my head and hugged the pillow.
I stayed like this for a few minutes until someone grabbed my feet and yanked me towards them.
I groaned and sat up smacking his chest making him laugh.
"Cmon cutie" he hummed holding the little vlog camera up at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"I need coffee!!" I stood up on the bed stretching and touching the ceiling.
"Why are you such a child?" Remington scolded with a laugh.
"You're one to talk" I leaned down hugging his neck all while still standing on the bed.
"I don't know I think I might just be the adult in this relationship" he boasted.
I rose an eyebrow at him.
"I'm older than you baby boy" I smirked pressing my forehead.
"Guess you're my old lady then?" He shot back.
I cringed.
"Ew no I hate that. It sounds so awful" I scrunched my nose up.
He laughed and started to pull me of the bed.
I wrapped my legs around his torso and tightened my arms around the neck.
He grabbed my thighs from beneath them and walked to my bed and dumping me on the bed.
"Get ready"
I frowned but decided to get ready when I looked at the clock.
I grabbed my stuff and quickly changed in the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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