06 | : On The Spot

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Remington went to get up to wrestle his brother but I quickly wrapped my hand around his upper arm. He stopped and looked down at me.
"Let's just eat the rest of our breakfast in peace" I laughed softly.
"We did not fuck" Remington huffed making me giggle.
"Yet" Emerson added.
I just rolled my eyes.
"Mhmm sure whatever it takes for you two to shut the fuck up"
"So you'd fuck him to make us shut up?" Emerson smirked his eyes widened.
I gaped, my eyes wide in shock.
"That is so not what I said" I denied.
"It so is" Sebastian smirked.
I let out a exasperated sigh before moving my food and setting my head on the table.
"You guys are dicks"
"You want Remington's dick"
Instantly I jumped out of my spot and chased Emerson as he began running away.
"Get back here you stupid fucking pirate! I have short legggggsssss" I complained stopping and but my hands on my knees.
Suddenly I was lifted on to someone's shoulders and let out a small scream before wrapping my arms around Remingtons neck.
"Don't worry my queen I shall be your legs" Remington spoke in a posh voice making me burst out laughing.
Remington took off after his brother and I screamed with laughter as we caught up behind Emerson and I reached out and shoved him and he dramatically dropped to the ground.
Remington let me down and we continued to mess around.
"I'm so sorry brother" Emerson spoke weakly pretending he was dying.
I rolled my eyes but kept my act.
"Off with his head!"
Remington pretended to kill him and Emerson fell back with his eyes closed and his tongue sticking out pretending his was dead.
It wasn't even 10 seconds later and we all burst out laughing. Struggling to catch our breaths.
I turned around and saw my brother rushing towards us.
"We have an interview with Alternarive Press remember?! Hurry the heck up!!"
My eyes widened.
"Ah shit"
I quickly pecked all of the boys on the forehead.
"See yea guys!" I waved before catching up with my brother.
"Bye Rosey!" They all spoke in unison.
Awsten and I made our way to the AP tent and I grinned tackling Otto and Geoff in a hug as the stood in front of the white sheet.
"Here you guys go" the girl smiled handing us all a microphone.
I took mine lazily and fixed my hair quickly.
"Alright, let's get this" Awsten grinned and the cameras red light came on and we were recording.
"I'm Geoff" the dorky boy grinned.
"I'm Otto" my bestfriend smiled throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"And I'm Awsten and we are 3/3's of the band called Waterparks and we are on the spot" my brother smiled and they all looked over at me.
"Oh! And I'm Rosey! Twin sister of Awsten! I'm on Warped Tour with them filling in for their non existent bass player" I winked playfully at the camera making the guys laugh.
"Who is Kyle Fletcher's? When is December's Tragedy releasing music?" The interviewer asked.
"Kyle Fletcher's is a very promising musician. You can catch him on the full sails stage uh they are gonna release their EP at 300 Facebook likes. And yeah hes a good guy. I think he threw a barbecue last night" my brother explained and I just rolled my eyes.
"Yeah I think I saw him" Otto added with a goofy grin.
"Will we see a return of Zombie Awsten in the next music video?"
"Hell no!" I exclaimed.
"We say that with absolute certainty cause we just know! No. It'd be fun but I hate the contacts. I'm really bad at putting in contacts, that was the most stressful part of the video, being in the bathroom going, FUCKKK" Awsten laughed pulling his eyes open as if he was putting in a contact.
"Unless we can dye his eyes uh probably not gonna happen" Geoff agreed and I laughed slightly at his expression.
"What was your favorite toy as a kid?"
"I had a an X-Wing that I built out of legos and that was mine. I loved it. It was the coolest thing" Geoff went first and the camera moved in to Otto who was looking down with a deep thinking expression so they passed on to Awsten.
"Um the first things that's coming my mind wasnt my favorite actually it kinda scared the shit out of me but it came to my mind because my sister is here and she flushed it down the toilet cause she didn't like that it scared me" Awsten laughed and I blushed looking away embarrassed.
"Awe what a good sister" Geoff teased.
I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully.
"Buzz off"
"It was this little monkey and when you squeezed it, it was on like this gymnastics thing and it went like down and went back up and our Aunt who gave it to us told me it would come to life at night and she got it at an orphanage and it would like eat people or something and I was like way too young hear that" Awsteb laughed.
I smiled and glanced at the camera seeing it was on me.
"Um I don't really know I was the little girl who was reading books as soon as she was able to flip a page... um fuck.. I don't know.. Oh! My favorite movie has always always been the nightmare before christmas so on my 5th birthday my father bought my this little Jack Skeleton plushie and I was inseparable from it. I slept with it, he was in my backpack at school and I still sleep with it to this day. It's laying on my bunk back on the bus" I grinned.
"I had a Thomas the tank engine set with actual cast iron rails and cast iron trains. That was definitely my favorite" Otto finally spoke after a couple more minutes of thinking.
"What is the best horror movie?"
"ANNABELLE!" I blurted instantly making the guys groan.
"What? It's a good fucking movie?" I pouted.
"After what the 15th time you watched it?" Otto teased and I just nodded with a smile.
"In my opinion IT was probably like the best horror film ever. It like scared the shit out of me when I was little" Geoff explained.
"Um I like the conjuring 2 more than the first one. Um the first one I saw was the sixth sense. I saw it in Ohio. That's where Rosey and I's grandparents live and it fucked me up so bad when I was like 8 whatever and I watched it at night, and I've been afraid of old women ever since. Please don't hate me, I know that's kinda rude" Awsten smiled uncertainly.
"Titanic" Otto answered.
I rolled my eyes.
"You're a baby Otto"
"Hey, no he's just very afraid of love being torn apart by water and rich dudes" Awsten teased making Otto laugh.
"Fall out boy or My Chem?"
"Hands down My Chemical Romance" I spoke up first and Otto agreed with me.
"Ugh that's so mean" Awsten huffed.
"Uhhhh. I would... I started listening to Fall Out Boy first but....ohhh. ugh you did that. You did that" Geoff complained resting his microphone on his forehead in shame.
"Ohh no. No" Awsten shook his head.
"Noo" and Geoff agreed with him.
"I can't, that's like so mean. Why would you do that to me like. Cause Pete's like pretty much my favorite lyricist and like. And I like listen to Fall Out Boy more but they also theoretically have more songs for me to listen too. But then at the same time My Chem has like a bigger vision with their shit and like... no. No don't ugh uh" Awsten gave in and refused to pick making me smirk slightly.
"What's the best advice you've gotten from Good Charlotte?"
"Change your underwear daily" Geoff spoke without thinking making me raise in eyebrow in mild concern as the other two boys nodded in agreement.
"They-They told me before and I mean they're like you already do it. If your like sweet and nice to everybody then even if everybody fucking hates you then your still like the sweet and nice dude and I'm like people on tours really appreciate it when you like hang out and watch the bands. Stuff like that. It, it basically means small things go a long way in the road because people dont have a lot of shit on the road. Like if you think about it, like touring is literally like pretend you go to work and then when you go to bed at night your still on tour, your just like still at work..so just like smile at somebody. Don't be a dick" Awsten explained very philosophically.
"Um I have yet to meet Good Charlotte but I'm sure they are really awesome" I smiled softly.
"Truck stop sushi or $17 Hot Chocolate?"
"17 dollar hot chocolate sounds awesome. I'm so bouji. I'd be all over that. Are you serious, wait that's easy. What was the first one?" Awsten furrowed his eyebrows.
"Truck stop sushi" I repeated it with my nose scrunched up in disgust.
"Ew. That just sounds like food poisoning. What?"
They continued debating about hot chocolate or nasty sushi when Awsten nudged my shoulder.
"Hm? What? Oh I'm sorry what was the question" My eyes widened.
"Your zoning out again Rosey" Awsten teased but I just ignored him.
"If you got a facial tattoo what would it be?" Geoff repeated the question for me.
"Oh. Okay so you know that famous tattoo artist Kat Von D. She has these gorgeous stars on the right side of her face that are like right on the edge of her eyebrow and eye and they are so fucking awesome I would easily get them" I explained.
"What was your favorite VHS tape as a kid?"
"Uh I had one where...-" Awsten quickly cute Otto off.
"Harriet the spy! Sorry" Awsten apologized.
"Uh half of it was Mrs doubtfire and then i accidentally recorded a rug rats episode over it, I think so it was Mrs. Doubtfire slash Rugrats" Otto laughed.
"Rugrats in Paris is fucking sad. I cried when I first saw that to be honest" Awsten sighed.
"Mine would either have to be The Lion King or Flubber" Geoff went next.
"I think the Lion King was our first movie in general" I spoke up glancing at Awsten who nodded in agreement.
"Mine was and still is The Nightmare Before Christmas" I shrugged innocently.
"Besides Mikey Way, who is your dream Waterparks bassist?"
"Me" Otto smiled.
"Other than Rosey, Pete Wentz" Geoff set a hand on my shoulder making me smile.
"I don't want any other bass player than Rosey. I mean new people come with baggage, when your on tour, like everybody's bullshit comes out and it's like I don't wanna deal with some fucking dude or some girl or whatever. I don't wanna deal with a new person. You know what I mean? Like everybody's got bullshit, I don't wanna hear them like arguing on the phone. I dont wanna be like 'please like you smell like shit stop smoking cigarettes and like your coughing freaks me out' like you know what I mean? Theres so many. Like everybody's got like- people breathe certain ways that are annoying! And that comes out on tour. I've gotten mad at Otto before and I feel bad about it but sometimes its like" Awsten then began to reenact Ottos annoying breathing making us all burst out laughing.
"I'm like Otto shut the fuck up!"
"I have a condition" Otto smiled sheepishly and my brother threw his head back in laughter making me snort slightly.
"But un yeah no bass player unless its Rosey" Awsten concurred.
"What's the biggest Misconception people have about Waterparks?"
"They think we're poor" Awsten blurted which made us all laugh again.
And Awsten fell to his knees whole silently laughing.
"Uh that before the old fashion wave we just started as three friends in a room" Otto laughed.
"Nu uh we started at a label in a laboratory. We were built. We are an industry plan"
Suddenly Otto began to move his head and arms like a puppet.
"Uhm a lot of people actually think we're mean and unapproachable but it's actually quite the opposite" I shrugged.
"Describe Waterparks in Five Words"
"Gods favorite fucking boy band" Awsten counted the words in his fingers.
"Waterparks is so very rich" Otto came up with another.
I smiled slightly and tilted my heads.
"I like mine better. How about 'A Couple Of Fucking Idiots" I teased and my brother scoffed before shoving my shoulder ever so slightly which only made me laugh.
"Okay and the last question is for you Rosey" the Interviewer smiled at me mischievously.
I tilted my head confused but sent her a nod, gesturing to her to ask.
"So your Twitter has blown up the last week or so as you and Palaye Royale befriend each other and there's one question we've all been dying to know.... Do you like Remington Leith?"

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