04 | : Staples

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"Rosey wake up"
Groaning I stirred slightly, rolling over towards the wall.
"Rose get up we're on in 20 minutes"
Instantly I flew up only to slam my head into the bunk so hard the crunch of wood filled my ears and I let out a cry.
"Holy shit! Rosey are you okay?!" Awsten asked quickly grabbing my head.
"Holy shit"
"Is it bad?" I whimpered tears slowly running down my face as I reached up and touch my head.
I brought my hand down to my face and gasped.
My hand was covered in blood.
"Okay, okay, you're alright. We're gonna cancel the show and we're gonna get you to the emergency room" Awsten panicked.
"No, no, don't cancel it, I'll get a cab" I whimpered pushing his hands away from me and hoping off my bunk only to collapse to ground.
"Oh shit" I groaned and Awsten and Otto each grabbed an arm and helped me to my feet.
"Geoff, go get Emerson" I exclaimed.
Geoff nodded and quickly rushed out the bus door.
I was helped over to the couch and handed paper towel to hold to my head.
"I'm bleeding out" I whimpered.
"No, you're not" Otto sighed.
Suddenly Remington burst through the door just as a drop of blood trickled down my forehead.
"Jesus fuck Rose" he gasped rushing over to me and grabbing more tissue wiping the blood from my face.
"I'm dying" I sobbed.
"No, you're not. You guys go get on stage I'll take her to the emergency room" Remington grabbed my hands and slowly pulled me to my feet.
He picked me up bridle style with ease and he made our way towards the road and called a taxi.
He set me inside and he got in before closing the door.
"To the nearest emergency room please!" Remington exclaimed before turning to me and putting pressure on my head.
"Ow ow ow"

2 and a half hours later

1 CT and 4 Staples later.
"I need like 7 more pain killers" I groaned holding my head tightly in my hands.
"I'm sorry miss but I can't do that. The pain shouldn't last too long. But if it gets worse come back" The doctor smiled softly before walking out of the room.
I groaned in pain.
"I need fucking alchohol" I grumbled angrily.
"Not with a concussion you don't" Remington smirked slightly.
"Ugh I wanna die" I huffed.
"C'mon" Remington helped me to my feet.
I hissed in pain and I felt my stomach lurch.
"Woah, hey you okay?" Remington frowned.
"No, I'm dying" I whimpered leaning my head on his chest.
I turned around and saw Emerson coming into the room.
"Emmy hey!" I smiled.
"Hey are you okay? Sorry I was setting up stage Remington texted me and I came as soon as I could" He rushed towards me.
I smiled as he pulled me into a brotherly hug.
"What happened?" He frowned, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"I jolted up and cracked my head on the wood banister of my bunk, they did a CT scan and I just split it open and now I have a minor concussion" I explained in his chest not letting go of him.
"Let's get you back to the bus" Remington spoke up.
I pulled away from Emerson and nodded.
"Okay, but who's carrying me" I smiled at the two boys lazily.
"You broke you head not your legs" Emerson teased me as Remington crouched down in front of me.
"Yeah, well I don't wanna" I hmphed like a small child before leaning down and wrapping my arms around Rem's neck and my legs around his waist.
His stood up and wrapped his hand under my thighs.
"Alright let's go" Remington chuckled before we left the room.
"So are you okay to play tonight's show?" Emerson asked curiously.
"No" I huffed burying my face in to Remington's shoulder.
"Did he say when you can?" Emerson frowned.
"No shows for a week" I rolled my eyes, "but I'm definitely playing the show in Phoenix"
"Why Phoenix?" Remington asked curiously.
"I love Phoenix, my dad's grave is down there. I wanna be on the stage for him" I spoke calmly ignoring Remington tensing up.
"Sorry" Emerson winced.
"For what? You didn't give my dad cancer" I laughed light heartedly.
Emerson just smiled back softly in response.


I groaned as Remington tossed me in to my bunk.
"Sit. Stay don't move" he ordered closing my curtains and walking away.
I frowned amd scrunched up my nose at him telling me what to do.
So like the disobedient child I am, I hoped out of my bunk and made my way to the living room.
"-CT scan was good she had to get staples and has a mild concussion"
"And she needs alchohol!" I exclaimed making my way to grab my Rum of the corner when it was ripped away from me.
I whipped around and narrowed my eyes at my brother.
"Give it back" I demanded.
"You can't have booze with a concussion" he reprimanded.
"So sue me! I'm in pain and am dying, now give me my alcohol!" I growled going to grab it only for him to hold it above my head.
Instinctively I jumped up to grab it but quickly retracted my arms and brought them to my head.
"Holy fucking shit" I clenched my eyes shut as the pain erupted him my skull once more.
"Well we gotta get ready to play our show" Emerson announced.
"I'm coming with you!" I announced shoving past my brother.
"Are you sure? A loud concert isnt gonna make your head feel better at all" Remington frowned.
"Yeah I'm sure"
I quickly opened my snap and made a group chat adding the Waterparks and Palaye Royale boys and named it the Rosey's Cult.
"Cult?" Otto chuckled coming out of the bunks.
"Cult!" I confirmed with a nod.
"Now carry me!" I exclaimed jumping on Remington's back.
He rolled his eyes with a smile.
"Jeez whatever you say my dear princess" he teased.
"No I'm a damn queen!" I winked playfully unaware was beside us recording the whole interaction.
"à la scène!" I pointed towards the door.
We quickly made our way to the stage and I hoped off Remington's back and let them set up.
"Hello Seattle! We are Palaye Royale!" Remington grinned before Sebastian started their first song with Daniel and Emerson following right after.
"You talk your talk like your something else. You walking down the street all by yourself. You spending money. Don't know where it comes from
I'm not a fan of you
I'm not a fan of you at all
Oh no so syndicated
God Damn so medicated
Oh no I'm misbehaving" Remington glanced at me with a huge smile.
I quickly realized this was Remington, a mischevous rock n roll guy who loves what he does. He was in his element.
The sea of fans had their eyes solely on him as they screamed their hearts out to the song they all seemed to know the lyrics to.
"Oh no
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air tonight
Must be the way she's looking at me" Remington whipped around towards me with a wink and began walking towards me.
"Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air now tonight
Must be the words that she speaks" Remington ran over and kissed my hand before running back on stage jumping around.
"Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me
Cause something is wrong
Oh na na na na oh
You walk your walk but your falling down falling down
High heels on a cat walk up or down
You spending money
Don't know where it comes from
Now wake up
Now fall down
Going yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Uh
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air tonight
Must be the way she's looking at me
Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me?
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air now tonight
Must be the words that she speaks
Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me?
Well something is wrong
Oh no no no no
You change your hair
You change your lips
But you'll never find your fix
Oh no so syndicated
God damn so medicated
Oh yeah I'm misbehaving
Oh yeah
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air tonight
Must be the way she's looking at me
Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air now tonight
Must be the words that she speaks
Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me
'Cause something is wrong
Oh no no no no
Something is wrong
Hit me now
Get up
Get down
Stand up
Lie down
Get down
Stand up
Sit down
Something is wrong"
I smiled and watched then play the rest of their set
They played played Sick Boy Solider and I had to hold back a scream because it was one of my favorite songs by them.
"I knew a sick boy soldier
Who grinned at life
Slept soundly
Through the darkness
And whistled to the night
He comes from a town of normal Which he is ashamed
People will remember him kindly But no one remembers his name" Remington sang softly and I felt myself take a deep breath as the beat picked up.
"It gets cold in the winter sometimes I get lost when the feeling ain't
right And mother can't sleep at night She gets lost in the feeling
But her feeling ain't right" I sang along and Daniel must have noticed cause he whispered in Rems ear and they both looked towards me.
Rem smiled and before I knew it I was being yanked out on stage and I didnt have the energy to fight him.
"Sing for them Rosey" he smirked.
My stomach instantly did flips and I felt panic rise in my chest but it was all cut short by Remington grabbing hand.
"You're okay. I'm right here love" he reassured my before handing me the second microphone.
"Fuck" I took a deep breath before starting.
"I knew a sick boy soldier
Who laughed at life
Slept soundly
Through the darkness
And whistled to the night
He comes from a town of normal Which he is ashamed
People will remember him kindly But no one remembers his name" I began to sing softly my eyes on Remington as his eyes widened with shock, he quickly recovers and we sing the chorus together.
"It gets cold in the winter sometimes I get lost when the feeling ain't
right And mother can't sleep at night She gets lost in the feeling
Uu her feeling ain't right"
I let Rem take the next part.
"No no no no no no no no
The feeling ain't right
Oh carry on
The ships and sails are gone
This place is falling down
Lord it's crumbling
It's crumbling to the ground
Oh carry on
The pirates and sailors have gone This ship is sinking now
Lord it's crumbling
It's crumbling to the ground"
"It gets cold in the winter sometimes
I get lost when the feeling ain't right And mother can't sleep at night
She gets lost in the feeling
But her feeling ain't right" We finished the sing with the chorus together.
As soon as the song was over the crowd erupted into the loudest screaming I'd ever heard in my life.
I winced slightly lifting my hand to my head when suddenly I was yanked into Remingtons chest.
I yelped but hugged him back.
"Wow. I think you sang my song better than I did" he grinned.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah right" I shoved him playfully before winking at him and making my way back of the stage.
How does he make my worries just disappear?

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