09 | : Figuring Things Out

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"I'm not fan of you. I'm not a fan of you at all. Oh no so syndicated. God Damn so medicated" Remington jumped around the stage a huge smiled spread across his features and I couldn't but smile in admiration of his voice.
"Oh no I'm misbehaving. Oh no. I don't feel quite right. There's something in the air tonight. Must be the way she's looking at me" His head turned slightly and his eyes met mine before he winked while singing the line.
I flushed in embarrassment.
"Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air now tonight
Must be the words that she speaks"
"Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me
Cause something is wrong
Oh na na na na oh
You walk your walk but your falling down falling down
High heels on a cat walk up or down
You spending money
Don't know where it comes from
Now wake up
Now fall down
Going yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Uh
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air tonight"
Remington slowly began climbing up the sides and then onto the bars above the stage.
My eyes widened and felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
"Must be the way she's looking at me
Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me?
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air now tonight
Must be the words that she speaks
Is there something wrong
Is there something wrong with me?
Well something is wrong
Oh no no no no
You change your hair
You change your lips
But you'll never find your fix
Oh no so syndicated
God damn so medicated
Oh yeah I'm misbehaving
Oh yeah
I don't feel quite right
There's something in the air tonight"
Tearing my eyes away the spikey haired boy hanging upside down from the bars to behind me and I tensed, my whole body going rigid.
Standing infront of me was Andy black eye and all.
"What the fuck" My face twisted up in shock.
"Look I just wanna talk" he sighed.
"Yeah cause that went so well last time" I frowned quickly looking back at the stage and my eyes instantly met with Remington's.
He was still singing but all of his attention was on me.
'Are you okay?' He mouthed quickly when there was a pause in the song.
I hesitated and put a thumbs up.
He eyes flashed in an instant and I knew he knew I was lying.
Slowly turning back around i crossed my arms over my chest and set a dark glare in Andy.
"I'll give you thirty seconds, go"
"I was really fucking drunk-"
"Not anymore drunk than usual not that it makes right" I spat at him.
"Hey you said I had thirty seconds. Just let me talk" he huffed running a lazy hand though his hair, wincing as he bumped his eye.
I rolled my eyes but nodded, urging him to continue.
"And Juliet is filling my head with all this stuff and I want you- no I need you to know I'm honestly and deeply sorry for everything for leaving you, for last night and for the last 3 years. I'm an asshole and I know and you really didn't deserve-"
"Times up" I quickly cut him off and started walking away but his hand quickly caught my upper bicep.
And then suddenly there was a hand on my other bicep.
Turning my head I looked at the new hand and saw Remington looking at Andy with a death glare.
"I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from her" he hissed.
"Listen Rem this isn't any of your your buisness it's between Rosie and I" Andy frowned at his once friend.
"Actually I don't have any business with you" I shot at him before ripping my arm away from Andy and backing up into Remington.
"Hey is everything okay over here?" Emerson quickly walked up to us.
"Yeah, Andy was just leaving" I quickly looked at Andy pointedly.
He sighed and let his hands drop to his sides.
"Just know I'm sorry Rose"
With that he tucked his hands in his pockets and quickly made his way out of the backstage area and headed back to the busses.
"What was that about?" Remington looked down at my with concern.
"He apologized... for everything?" I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned slightly.
"It was probably so you didn't press charges" Emerson scoffed.
"Yeah...no. I don't think so..." I looked back in the direction Andy had gone with a thoughtful expression.
But a hand on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Are you alright?" Remington asked still worried.
"Huh? Yeah no I'm fine just confused is all, I guess"
"I don't trust him"
"Just cause I believe he's sincerely sorry doesn't mean I trust him" I smiled softly.
He smiled and pulled me into a hug.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into the crook of his neck and we stayed wrapped in each other's embrace until my phone began to ring in my pocket.
I quickly pulled away and pulled my phone out.
"It's Awsten he probably needs me back at the bus. My bunk, movie, 6 o clock?" I tilted my head as a small smirk spread across my face.
"As you wish your highness" he teased pecking my forehead before walking off.
I turned away and answered the phone.
"Hey Rosey! AP called and they chose us to be one of the bands to participate in. Rockstar Weekend!" He excalimed clearly very excited.
"Rockstar?.... Weekend? Whats that?" I furrowed my eyebrows nonchalantly making my way back to the bus.
"Rosey! It's where they take two bands to an amusement park for two days. We'd have to cancel our one show Saturday but it'll be so worth it!" He squealed.
I rolled my eyes at my brothers overdramatics and laughed.
"Okay that sounds awesome, when do we leave?"
"Tomorrow morning at like 6am"
"Huh 6am? What! Tomorrow! Ah!! I have to pack a suitcase! Who's the other band?" I panicked quickly picking up my pace towards the bus.
"Not sure they didn't say but they'll all be riding with us there in the morning"
"That's fucking sweet!" I exclaimed bursting through the bus door and hung up on my brother as he jumped startled.
Instantly a grin broke out on to his face when he saw it was me.
"I know right!" He exclaimed.
I quickly made my way back to the bunks and quickly packed a suitcase.
Glancing at the clock I saw it was only 3:30 and decided to eat some pizza with the boys and then I took a long hot shower changing into.

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