02 | : Deframe Me

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"Anyone getting off on this stop?" Remington joked playfully.
I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder.
He just smirked and we all piled out of the golfcart.
"You guys can take it back if you want I'll just walk" I smiled at the boys they all sent me a look.
"Now way! We wanna watch you play!" Emerson smirked.
I hesitated, "okay"
I turned around and rushed for the stage.
The guards all greeted me and one of them helped me climb on onto the stage.
I got up and turned back to the guard and took the guitar from him.
Not wasting any time whatsoever I began to play the first song on their list.
We played, I'm No Good, I'm About to Break You, Other Side, Malevolence, and  Come For Me.
I went to start the last song when Ash spun around and smirked at me.
I furrowed my eyebrows at her when suddenly the guitar strap around my shoulder lifted up.
I let the person take it off of me before I turned around.
He grinned mischievously at me.
"Sorry it was Ash's idea" he shrugged before lightly pushing me towards Ash who was holding the microphone out for me.
"What is this?" I hesitated looking at Ash with uncertainty.
"You have a gorgeous voice and you know the lyrics. Come on please!" She begged.
I frowned.
"What no way?! I don't sing!" I scolded her.
"Rosey! Rosey!" My head whipped around as a voice stood out over the crowd.
My eyes met with dark chocolate brown ones who belonged to my new friend. Remington Leith Kropp.
He began to chant my name a small smirk playing on his lips and before I knew it so was the whole crowd.
"I'm gonna kill you Leith" I muttered under my breath before giving in and taking the microphone.
I sighed and took a deep breath.
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa" Ash started as the boys began the intro to the song.
"I'm not afraid to crawl through thick and thin
If only you noticed
If only you could see

In the struggle, there is solace" I began singing trying my best not to make any eye contact with anyone in the crowd.
"I'm not afraid to bleed

Just let the past go, it's ancient history
If you keep shutting me out, it's gonna haunt you
When you choke on your words
Don't you go and make a scene " My eyes moved around until they accidentally caught with the same dark chocolate eyes as earlier except this time my eyes wouldnt leave them.
Suddenly my confidence boosted something about him calmed me down.
Ripping my gaze away from him I began to move around the stage.
"I am the one you need
I am the blood that boils when you feel me through your veins
Don't you go and make a scene
Nothing is what it seems

Are we gonna let this go to waste and let it all decay
Don't you go and make a scene"
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa" Ash sent me a knowing smirk but I ignored her, I was genuinely enjoying myself.
"With you or with out you misfortune finds it's way
Are you with me or against me I refuse to wait
I would have giving everything and now I want nothing to do with you
Now your choking on your words
Don't you go and make a scene

I am the one the one you need
I am the blood that boils when you feel me through your veins
Don't you go and make a scene

Nothing is what it seems
Are we gonna let this go to waste and let it all decay

Don't you go and make a scene
Go ahead blame me you can't defame me
Get it all out of your system
Go ahead and hate me I don't care
If you keep shutting me out it's gonna haunt you
When you choke on your words
Don't you go and make a scene
I am the one you need
I am the blood that boils when you feel me through your veins
Don't you go and make a scene
Nothing is what it seems
Are we gonna let this go to waste and let it all decay
Don't you go and make a scene"
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa"
When the song ended I smiled brightly breathing heavily.
I handed the microphone back to Ash and she ended the show.
I left them to put everything away and hopped off the stage.
"That was great Rosey!" Sebastian grinned rushing over and hugging me.
I laughed and hugged him back, then Daniel, and Emerson.
I went to hug Remington when someone behind me threw me over their shoulder.
"Huh? Hey! Otto put me down!!" I smacked the tall brunettes back.
"Nope! You stole the golf cart!" Awsten yelled from behind us.
"Oh shit" I quickly flipped backwards so I fell of Ottos shoulder.
"Hey Palaye! Party on our bus at 10!" I smirked waving at them and blowing them a kiss before running away as they laughed and my brother chased me.
I could hear him right on my tail and groaned.
"Fuck you Awsten I have short legs!" I complained letting him throw me over his shoulder.
"This sucks" I huffed as he walked back to the golf cart.
He set me in the back and I glared at him crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.
"Aw is Rosey poo sad she couldnt hang out with her boyfriend longer" Geoff teased.
"Boyfriend?" I shot him a confused look.
"Don't even pretend that you don't know what we're talking about. We saw the way you were you looking at Remington while you were singing!" Awsten smirked evily.
My eyes widened and I jumped over the seat and wrapped my arms around his head messing up his hair.
"Take it back!"
"No way!" Awsten screamed.
"Yes take it back before I kill you!!" I snapped.
Otto and Geoff quickly ripped me off of Awsten.
"You like Remington! You pretty much had hearts in your eyes when you were looking at him! You loooove himmmm" he continued.
"I have known Remington for 6 hours. Fuck off blueberry bitch " I glared at him.
Suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat made us all turn around.
My eyes widened into saucers and my whole face flushed pink.
"Uh hey Remington!" Geoff smiled.
"Hey Geoff... uh you forgot to give me my hug" Remington smirked at me sending a mischievous wink.
I tried to calm my face down and cleared my throat before taking a few steps forward and pulling into a hug wrapping my arms around my neck.
"See you tonight Ma Belle Rose" he winked at me and patted my head before letting go and turning around and walking away to his brothers.
I stayed frozen in my spot.
My beautiful rose....
"I think he likes you too lil sis" Awsten teased me.
I rolled my eyes and shoved.
"Shut the fuck up"
I ignored the boys snickering and got into the golf cart and we then headed to our stage to get ready for our own concert.

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