Update: Thank You All <3

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First: I want to thank you all for continuing to read this story, it means SO MUCH to me, and even if you chose not to follow, the fact that I have people reading my story, and enjoying it means more than you know!


Second: I want to give a HUUUGE Thank you to @FRANCOEURVALPARAISO for the AMAZING fanart of the scene with Abigor and Francoeur in Chapter 9 that he posted on DeviantArt:

Second: I want to give a HUUUGE Thank you to @FRANCOEURVALPARAISO for the AMAZING fanart of the scene with Abigor and Francoeur in Chapter 9 that he posted on DeviantArt:

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I know he finished it in November, but I was in such a rush to get the next chapter out that I never got to fully thank him. Don't judge me :'D

I could sit here and type a whole paragraph about how much I like this, especially  the close up of Abgior's eyes (that's my favorite part xD), aswell as how well he drew Francoeur. His art style is so amazing, go check him out on Deviant Art!

When I say I have never been so excited to log into Deviant Art, I mean I was quite literally fangirling, I could not vote for it fast enough! I'm sitting here realizing that I can't even describe this feeling of ecstasy and amazement in writing. Just know that I appreciate this SO MUCH.

-Like, dude, feel free to draw any scene you want to, not forcing you to, just saying-

Hey and I mean, I'll take any sort of fanart you wanna throw my way, whether it's traditional, digital, stick figures, colored, black and white, I love it all. :3

Message me if you do make something, I'd love to see it :D


Third: SOMEHOW. We are at almost 800 reads. LIKE, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I know some of you are like. 'Some fanfics have like 1.5K reads, 800 isn't that much.'

BUT IT IS. It means that people are continuously and actively reading my stories, and thank you guys SO MUCH, I know I've said it about 50 Million times, but THANK YOU SO MUCH!


I'm working on Chapter 17, and I have the whole thing planned out, but I am probably going to have to split it up into 2 or 3 chapters, because I have SO MUCH PLANNED, I think you guys are gonna enjoy it :P 

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