Chapter 1

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(Third person view) Rin and Yukio are 9 (almost 10)

"YOU SHOULDN'T OF MESSED WITH ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" A tall guy with a shaved head said as he held Rin by the collar of his t-shirt. The man continusly punched Rin in the face and a few to the stomach. They were in the back of dark alley way as that's were the had man took him.


(Rin pov)

I was walking down the street to go to the store to get milk for the church cause we had none left. I started running half way to the shop cause it was cold and I wanted the heat of the church. I turned a corner and I bashed into this tall guy wearing a black jeans and a black top. "Hey kid watch where you're going!" He said at me loudly and angrly but didn't shout. "I didn't know you were there I just turned the corner!" I snapped back "What did you say!" The man shouted this time. He pulled my up by the collar and dragged me. "AHHHHH LET GO!!!" I shouted "You need to be punished" the man said with a smirk not that I could see it. 'Me and my big mouth!' I thought. He put my up against a wall still holding me up by the collar and started punching me.

(Flashback end)

(Rin pov)

'That's how I'm in this situation now... I couldn't keep my mouth shut for once could I!' Tears started to water from my eyes like a waterfall I couldn't hold them back from the amount of pain I was feeling as I was punched once again. 'please just leave me alone. Please! Please! Please!' I felt warm all of sudden and then I felt myself drop to the floor out of the man's grasp. "WHAT THE HELL!!! WHAT IS THAT!!!" Is all I heard as I heard his footsteps drown out quickly. He was gone. 'What was that about?' I tried to get up but it was too painful. I lay there for what I think was about ten minutes until I tried again.

(10 minutes later)

I tried to get up it wasn't as painful but what I found is that I couldn't stand on two feet for some reason. I look down and I tried to move my hand to look at it. "AHHHHHH" I started running backwards until I tripped over something "A TAIL!!!!!" I was having a full on panic at this point. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!!!" I yelled. I kept walking around in the alley tripping over my fee- no paws and tail until I hit something cold. I turned around and what I saw was weird and terrifying! "OMG!" I yelled at the mirror. I had lighter blue eyes than normal and the pupil was red. I had white fur and two small white horns I was about the size of kitten maybe a little bigger. I had big pointy ears. I also had six legs! The ones in the middle had some frill on the back. I also had a very fluffy neck. A tail with lots of fluff on the end.

(Best picture I could find credit goes to amazing artist! Also he's a little smaller than that at the moment)

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(Best picture I could find credit goes to amazing artist! Also he's a little smaller than that at the moment)

'how am I supposed to go shopping like this! Nevermind that what about going home!' I thought 'calm down I just got a figure out how to change back' At that thought I began to give steady breathing. I imagined my human self and I felt that heat again. I opened my eyes to find myself standing and I could still feel the pain after the beating. 'Right, shopping' I started heading to the store.

"OMG LET ME HELP YOU!" a women at the till said as I brought up the milk to the counter. "I'm fine" I said as I waved me hands and gave a sheepish smile. "No your not!" The women said as she got the first aid kit and sat my up on the counter. "Here you go" she said as she cleaned my cuts and put on plaster's. "Thanks" I said "here you go" I have her the money for the milk and left.

(Time skip)

(Third person view)

The doors were heard being opened and it was expected to be Rin so Shiro went to door of the monastery with Yukio. "Rin!" Yukio said as he saw Rin first. He ran to him "What happened?" Shiro asked when he got there with a little shock but didn't show it. "I ended up tripping down stairs and slamming into a wall ehehe" Rin spoke nervously hoping they'd buy the lie a he rubbed the back of his head with his hand and gave a sheepish smile. "Alright then. Who gave you the plaster's and bandages?" Shiro asked "The lady at the counter of the shop" "ohh ok" Shiro said. "I'm glad your alright Nii~san" Yukio said as he hugged his big brother. "Ofcourse im alright" he said proudly as he hugged back "here's the milk daddy" Rin said as he handed the milk to his father. "Thank you Rin but you should have come straight home if you were hurt" Shiro said "Sorry Daddy but some wall isn't going to stop me!" Rin said loudly and proudly as he put his clenched fist in the air "haha alright, let's go get dinner ready" "yay!" The two boys shouted as they ran for the kitchen holding hands with Rin as the lead.


Sorry it's a little short but I'm on my way to writing the next chapter right now I'm school right now as well so it might take a but of time

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