chapter 10

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(Rin pov)

Throughout the last three years I have trained and trained to be the greatest exorcist. And sadly no. I'm not the paladin. My classmates did find out I was Satan's bastard son but they got over it and now we are the greatest exorcist team. We are stronger than the paladin, I'm not aiming to be the paladin cause I know that I'm stronger than any paladin that has lives and is to come but I'm not stronger than the current which is dad. Shiro Fujimoto. Yukio and Shiro are a team with their other team mates. But me and my classmates which are now full fledged exorciss are the elite team and we are to do our normal jobs but we're always called in for a job that the plaid is having trouble with. I've gotten smarter as well and of course I'm WAY stronger.

Right now I'm on my way with my team which is: Bon, Shima, Konekomaru, Izumo and Shiemi and me of course. We have a mission to complete. Sir Pheles told us to come to a camp forest because the paladin and his team are having trouble so we're on our way in a plane that was especially created for us. (You know those marvel ships the caption American and everyone else in the avenger's use? Yh it's one of those) Mephisto had it made for us and it's really good.

(Shiro pov)

"God damnit!" I said angrily. "We can't do anything with having the damn demon going missing and we can't get a tracker in it!" I said annoyed and frustrated. "I know what you mean" One of my teammates said as he sounded like he was trying to think of a way to defeat the demon. "We need a god damn map of this forest and a tracker for that demon!" I said annoyed. "Well aren't you lucky" I heard a voice as a blue flames 3D map came into view of the forest and black smoked dot that I think was the demon. I turned around knowing who I would see.


Finally!!!! This story as stressed me out so much over the last few weeks and now it's done!!!

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