Chapter 9

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(Third person pov)

With time passing things got better, Rin started to open up more when he needed something sometimes he'd ask other times he would still just hide away and never ask or tell. Rin did have something he wanted to do but didn't want to ask or how to put it into words. Rin wanted to become an exorcist but he knew there was a slim chance because of... well. For one he is the son of Satan; the Vatican's worst enemy.  He also does shit on school so he'd never get in, Well... maybe. He could try to get his dad and Yukio to help and the churchmen. 

(Rin pov)

A week ago I said I was going out to the park but I actually went to the library and tried to study. I read some of those old kids' books that I had to read in primary school. (I'm sorry for any of you who don't know what that is I'm from the UK so I don't know the American term or any other countries term) I can read them and I do find it hard yo read the bigger books a little but I can read them. 

I had just chosen a book it seemed to have about three hundred pages in it so I had my work cut out for me today. I sat down in one of the soft chairs and began to read. It was about a boy was sent away after an accident at his home. The family tries to get him back but can't as the father is the legal guardian so they have to wait for him to wake up from a coma and the impact of what goes on in the boy's new foster family home makes a big impact on the boy. (That's a hint to a fanfiction that's coming this year but a little different) 

I was so caught up in the reading, which I was now on the sixteenth chapter and there are twenty-three, that I didn't see who came in. "Rin?" I hear I look up to see a familiar face. 'Shit...' I put the book down on the arm of the chair with my finger on the page that I was reading. "I thought you were at the park. Why are you at the library?" dad says a confused and a little bit of a stern tone in his voice. "Uh... Um... I uh..." I desperately try to think of an answer. "Rin" I hear dad say sternly. 'Shit! Shit! Shit! I can't let him know what I'm actually doing here it's bad enough that I want to become an exorcist and I'm an idiot, very stupid and can't read half the words I see in this damn book!' "We'll talk about this when we get home and you WILL tell me the truth Rin" I hear him say and nod still looking away I go and put the book away while Shiro picks up whatever he needed.

(Halfway through this next paragraph I forgot what fanfic I was writing and just typed)

Time skip

At the church

(Third person pov)

"So why were you at the library not that you shouldn't but why did you lie?" Shiro asked looking at Rin who was not looking at him but was looking beside him. Rin put his chin on his folded arms which were on the table. "I don't know" Rin said, it was slightly mumbled. "That's not an answer" Shiro says back. "Because I want to become something" Rin said facing planting his head in his arms. "Alright then but that still doesn't explain why you lied to me" Shiro said in a calm and questioning voice the one Rin had learned to know at any moment. To Shiro, it felt like he was back to square one with Rin, Rin being his defensive, loud, and angry self. Rin went quiet for a moment then mumbled something. "What was that? Bring your head up so I can hear you" Shiro said motioning with his hand hoping his son would oblige "BECAUSE I WANT TO BECOME AN EXORCIST OK! BUT I'M TOO DAMN STUPID AND DON'T LISTEN IN SCHOOL AND DROPPED OUT!" Rin shouted as his hands lay on the table after he smashed them on and he stood up with an angry face that also looked a little tired. "Ri-" "SHUT UP!" Rin shouted as something else smashed against the table and Rin yelled in pain. "AH! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Rin shouted as he gripped his tail and sat down and laid his head on the table, his eyes clenched shut. Rin was taking deep breaths to try and wear off the pain. Shiro had shocked eyes to see Rin's white fluffed tail fo the first time. "Rin you're not stupid. Yes you may have quit school but that doesn't make you stupid" Shiro said calmly and sympathetically. "YES IT DOES, I CAN'T EVEN READ HALF THE WORDS IN THE BOOK!" Rin shouted at Shiro and Rin pointed away from where he and Shiro sat indicating the library. "Why didn't you tell me?" Shiro asked wonderingly but he already had a small idea why. "Because I thought if I could read and pay attention to stuff better and be smarter I would have a chance maybe. Just maybe. But then again you would say it's too dangerous or something along the line of that" Rin spoke more calmly looking up and taking a few quick glances at his dad. Shiro took in what Rin was told him. "I can understand that and yes it is dangerous-" "Told you so I don't see the point in doing it. The point in trying to get smarter" Rin said "You didn't let me finish" Shiro said looking at Rin and for the first time Rin looked at Shiro and he let his tail out without notice. You could hear it sweeping on the wooden floor in the silence. "I will let you train" Rin's eyes lit up but as we all know there is always a catch to these types of things. "BUT" Rin gave a pout and so did Rin's tail as it dropped from standing up high with excitement and happiness. "You have to show me that I can trust you keep safe and listen in school" Shiro said and Rin had his thinking look on as he thought about it. 'It is a reasonable deal actually if you think about it' "Alright" Rin replied "Deal" Rin said agreeably. Rin got up and was about to exit the room when he stopped. "Hey, dad?" Rin question looked back slightly, his white tail behind him swaying slightly. "yes son" Shiro egged him on to carry on. "D-Do you th-think you... you can h-h..." Rin took a gulp before speaking, Rin had always hated asking for help but he knew he needed it. "Help with the reading and a-all that?" Rin asked looking down in embarrassment. "Of course Rin why didn't you just say so" Shiro spoke in sarcasm as he knew it would annoy his oldest son. Rin gave a tsk and an annoyed look.

That night Rin went to sleep more peacefully than he had and he was starting to think his tail wasn't so bad. Shiro hadn't touched it or anything just all depends on the others. As usual, Rin slept in his demon form so he wouldn't be in pain and so he would get a good night's sleep.


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