Chapter 4 EDITED

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I've been trying to find new blue exorcist fanfictions to read does anyone have any suggestions?


(Rin pov)

I woke to be alone on Yukio's bed, I looked over to the window that was in front of me and over to the left a bit. It was light outside so presumed it was late morning or early afternoon. I was still in my 'demon' form. I don't think I would need to quote that because dad did confirm I was a demon when we were running. 'wait... Did I just call him... Dad? I never call him that' my eyes relaxed from the thought after the realization. I got up on my front feet then middle and finally back, a lot like how a cat or dog would get up just with an extra pair of legs. I jumped off the bed landed on my front paws to the back letting middle place last for balance.

I walked over to the door with my claws sometimes hitting the ground creating a nice click sound. I was to short to reach the door nob so I looked up and moved my tail to around door nob and turned it with quite a bit of effort. Everyday human things are a lot harder when you're in a demon form. I walked backward pulled the door nob with my tail and stopped as the door was open a little. Stuck my paw in-between the gap of the door and the wall and pushed a little and snuck my head through then the rest of body I heard the door slam behind me and gave me jump I looked back to see my tail almost got stuck 'that would have been painful!' I thought anxiously.

I turned around to walk down the corridor to my greatest enemy... stairs! I took a small breath through my smallmouth that showed my sharpened canines. I started taking each step slowly but gradually picked up the pace. I was almost at the bottom when I tripped. I tumbled down and gave a loud squeak.

(Yukio pov)

I and dad were sitting at the table I was drinking coffee while dad was looking through files. The rest of the church residents were doing jobs around the monastery. Suddenly we heard a loud squeak. 'It sounded like I came outside of the dining room' I looked at father who looked at me we both got up and went outside the dining room when we turned the corner to look at the bottom of the stairs there he was.

(Shiro pov)

I looked down to see Rin, the small white fluffed Rin shaking his head as he brought one of his middle paws to his head as stopped shaking his head. His back legs lay in front and sat on his butt and his front paws on the ground to balance himself. He took his paw from his head and let it go to the floor he looked up and opened his eyes.

I and Yukio stared at him as he stared wide-eyed at us. Suddenly he took in a sharp breath and got up quickly and ran to the church seats. I got out of my trans of starring the same for Yukio as we followed him with our eyes and started walking after him.

He stopped and frantically looked around "Rin" I said with a small softness in my voice but also stern. He turned around and leaned back as he also took a step back. My face softened as I saw the fear in his eyes. Yukio was beside me slightly behind. I saw Rin look to the left of me a little and quickly ran forward to where he was looking. I turned around so I could follow him I then saw Rin running forward but stopped as his tail was caught by nonother than Yukio that new it was a demons weak spot. He lifted him up so he was upside down. I heard a whine and then Rin was yapping but not like a dog, you could hear a low growl from his throat which soon turned to whine as he tried to reach for the hand in the middle of his tail.

"Put him down your hurting him!" I said quickly as Yukio dropped Rin close to the floor "sorry Rin" Yukio said and a sad Voice but by the time he said it Rin was already on the move, he ran to the alter and snuck underneath the cloth. That draped long to near the bottom of the table. I went over and lifted the cloth to be placed on top of the altar and there I saw the fluffed demon that was curled up in a ball tail wrapping around his small body shaking in fear, his light blue eyes which shone brightly under the dark alter. His eyes filled with fear. "Rin come out from under the altar we're not gonna hurt you" I said a kind and sympathetic voice 'he's afraid of us... How could I let this happen. He should never be afraid of me or Yukio or anyone in the church for that matter' "no" I heard him say, I was astonished that he could talk in his demon form I looked up as I was bent down on the floor I looked at Yukio with concern he gave me a concerning look in return. "Why?" I questioned as I looked back at him.

(Third person view)

Rin was still shaking with fear under the table and Shiro had just asked him "why" to answer he gave before. "b-b-because you s-said..." He paused for a moment before taking again "you said you wouldn't look after me anymore if I was a demon and send me off to someone and look after me" tears were welling up Rin's eyes slowly soaking his fur around his eyes slightly. There wasn't much fur just soft like a new shaved cat. "And I don't wanna go!" Rin said a little more loudly than his last spoke words which were whispers he shook his head as more tears came. "I wanna stay with you and Yukio!" He said as he laid his head down on the hard ground. (Shiro actually said he would do that in the anime/manga)  "Ohh Rin, I won't send you away I never would" Shiro said "B-But" "no buts" the paladin spoke with a small smile that was warm and comforting.

They all stayed quiet for a few minutes and Rin stopped shaking and let himself come out of the ball a little bit. Yukio bent down "I'm sorry for pulling your tail Rin" Yukio said with sympathy and sadness you could see it in his eyes "I-Its ok" he answered back "do you think you can come out?" Yukio asked as he put his hand down on the ground to balance himself, Rin justed nodded and crept as a cat would. Both Yukio and Shiro took a step back to make space for Rin. Not that he was big he was quite tiny actually.  Yukio sat down and cross his legs Shiro sat on his legs as Rin came out from the darkness and into the light that was from the lights and the sunlight shining through the windows. He came forward so he was an arms length away from them both and sat down all six paws on the ground. "Sir I'm do- done?" "Shhhh" Shiro and Yukio said in unison to the church helper that came from the kitchen and the other two followed. Rin's ears suddenly went down at the noise. Once that happened everyone became completely quiet and the helpers sat down beside Yukio and Shiro.

"Is it ok if we ask some questions because we're still confused?" Shiro asked in a calm voice that was close to a whisper but not quite, Rin gave a nod "When did this first happen?" Shiro asked Rin looked at the ground still but lifted a paw to scratch at the loose plank "I was nine almost ten, it was when I came home with lots of scratches and bruises from falling down a fleet of stairs and crashing into a wall" Shiro hummed at this "not that, that was what actually happened" Rin said under his breath "what happened?" Rin's eyes widened as he realized they heard it he looked at them then to the ground again looking to the side a little "I bumped into this guy and he got angry" "Rin why didn't you tell us!" Yukio said loudly but quickly realized that he had raised his voice as Rin's ears went down to try to block the noise. Keyword TRY "Sorry" Yukio said, "why aren't you turning back to human?"  Shiro asked curiously "I can't" he said blandly but you could hear the small hint of fear in his voice. "Why not?" One of the helpers asked "Because I have remained human for so long that it's just taken every ounce of energy I had because remaining human for five years and not turning was very painful" Rin said with his head tilted up a little looked at Shiro's lap "Did you do it because you were scared to tell us?" Shiro asked sadness coated his voice "yeah" Rin said as he looked away "I'll probably just sleep a lot maybe eat a bit but just sleep for about a month. It would take about a week to be human for about an hour since I literally have no energy"

(Rin pov)

"I'll probably just sleep a lot maybe eat a bit but just sleep for about a month. It would take about a week to be human for about and hour since I literally have no energy" I said as I looked back at my father's lap 'I wanna lay on it' I thought 'but I don't think he would like it... Maybe'

(Shiro pov)

I saw Rin starring I followed his gaze to my lap "alright" I said to his last speech 'Does he wanna lay on my lap?' I questioned in my head "Rin" I said as I patted my lap with one of my hands. Rin looked up and opened his mouth open a little in what I presumed was shock. He stood up and walked over to me, he put one paw on my lap and then climbed on he looked at me with warm sparkling eyes and his mouth in a small open round gape. He lay down and his paws faced my stomach and his head laid on its side facing my side he looked up with a genuine contempt look he closed his eyes to sleep. I picked up my hand and stroked his head then made my way to his fluff on his neck. As I started to make my way to his neck he started purring. My eyes went a little wide and my mouth gaped a little, same with everyone else. "shut up" Rin said in an angry voice as if he knew what we were all thinking and looked like at that moment. 'there it is the you we all know and love' I gave a soft chuckle before continuing to play with his soft fluffed main. And at that moment everything was perfect.


I think I want to cry at my own sweet moment in writing honestly that last paragraph was so lovely!!!

1925 words

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