Chapter 3 EDITED

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I'm going to start it from when Rin gets to the church after Shiro brought him there cause his flames got out we all know how that went but from now I'm changing it


(Btw Yukio is here in the church)

(Yukio pov) Rin and Yukio are now they're normal age (16)

A truck had just rammed into the monastery while Rin was standing behind me and dad as we started to shoot the growing number of demons and Astaroth The demon king of Rot. He was very tuff to say the least, no surprise there though he is- no 'it' is a demon king after all. 'That's all they are nothing human about them. But Rin... No, he's different. He's not like them. Nothing like them!' I got pulled out of my thoughts when the Demon King's psychotic laughter got louder. "Hehehahahahahaha!!! This is the most fun I've had in ages!" He yelled as he started to go after one of the parishes' helpers. But he was stopped by a bullet from a shotgun from my father. "Oh no you don't" He said as he hit again.

(Rin pov)

My breathing was getting uneven as I watched the demons die. 'Is this what would happen if they found out... Would... Would they kill me' I had often wondered that but never thought deeply about it till now. I rubbed my had on my left arm as I look down with an anxious look on my face.

"Hahahhahaha" the laugh was heard all around the room but did not bring me out of my terrifying thoughts. "LOOK AT HIM HE'S THINKING ABOUT IT! I wonder Rin do 'they' know about it?" My head lifted up at my name and I starred at the owner which just happened to be the humanoid demon. But that isn't what scared me it was the fact that I knew what and who he meant. "Oh" Astaroth's plastered smirk got bigger by the second. "Well then let's make sure they know, you know it's not nice to keep secrets,"  he said with a devilish voice that had so much sarcasm it made it scarier. "Well, it's not like you've been lied to all your life or anything" He mumbled under his breath. I was bake to hear only because of my enhanced hearing but it was barely enhanced while I was human. All my senses were like that expect to touch and sight that is.

"Get him" Astaroth said in a strong tone. Three demons ran straight at me at full speed I tried to shield myself with arms and hands I could feel the heat.


two gunshots went off. I opened my eyes to find myself low to the ground I knew what had happened.

(Shiro pov)

"Get him" Astaroth said a strong tone. Three demons ran straight past me and Yukio I turned around to see Rin with his arms and hands up for shield.


Yukio used his two gun pistols to shoot the three demons. When he had started shooting the third one Rin was suddenly surrounded by blue swirling wind and there were what seemed to be blue fire sparks in the mix. It rose up to his full body height and lowered back down he wasn't there until... I looked down both mine and Yukio's eyes widened at the sight.

A small white fluffed creature! With six legs!

When it took a step I and Yukio flinched back. "What have you done with Rin!" I shouted as Yukio continued to stare at the creature that was moving towards us looking at the ground. "I've done nothing. Isn't that right Rin" Astaroth said as he gave the biggest grin I've ever seen he had both sarcasm and happiness in his voice. He looked at the fluffed creature who was now standing in front of me a little to the left. The blue wind surrounded it again and went up and went back down to reveal Rin.
"R-rin... Is that you" Yukio said. I was shocked but I turned my attention back to the situation at hand. "YOU DID THIS" I yelled as I started saying the verse to exorcise the demon inside the boy's body "AAHHHH YOU DAMN EXORCIST!!!" Astaroth screamed as he vanished from existence in Assiah. I steadied my breath and Yukio snapped back to reality. "RIN WHAT THE HELL!" "YUKIO DON'T YELL" I shouted at him I didn't mean to lose my composure but so much had happened tonight that it was an acceptance.

"Ri-" I couldn't finish my sentence as he fell on his side in doesn't of my facing away. The blue wind once again surrounded him and there lay a small white six-legged creature. I stepped over and Yukio followed around to look at him. "It really is you" I said to myself.  His eyes closed his side rising up and down to indicate his breathing. I picked him up and let his face lean into my chest and laid him in my arms like I would a baby. (Rin is now the size he is in the picture if you weebs don't remember here ya go)

His paws up against my Chest except for the middle ones which face down 'Rin what happened?' "what's going on?" Yukio asked I looked at him and whispered "we'll have to ask Rin that when he wakes up" I said as I walked around the mess of the monas...

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His paws up against my Chest except for the middle ones which face down 'Rin what happened?' "what's going on?" Yukio asked I looked at him and whispered "we'll have to ask Rin that when he wakes up" I said as I walked around the mess of the monastery. I went up the stairs and put him on top of his covers on his bed.

I was about to walk away when I felt a tug there was a bit of thread from my clothing attached to one of Rin's claws. I gave a small smile and took the thread from his claws and walked out and closed it. 'now to rebuild the church'

Time skip

(Third person view)

It's been two days since Astaroth attacked and everyone at the church found out about Rin. The church had been repaired. Rin had been sleeping in his 'demon' form for all the time.

"How does someone sleep through all that noise!" Izumi asked as he cleaned the window. It was dark outside so they were finishing up their final jobs. "Hey dad I'm done everything I'm going to bed now goodnight" Yukio said as he gave a small wave and went up the stairs. "Goodnight son" Shiro said as he gave a small wave back and then went back to his job at hand.

Time skip

In Rin and Yukio's room

(Rin pov)

'That was scary' I just woke up from a nightmare but it wasn't as bad as what actually happened... I don't know how many days but to add to the matter of bad things there's a storm coming on and I can hear the thunder. My enhanced hearing makes it that much louder. Everyone thought I had gotten over my fear but I never had. 'Would Yukio be ok with me... going over to his bed?' I really need my sleep even though I've slept for the past two days but still, and for the first time in five years I'm not in pain.

I let out a small squeal and squeak at the same time when the thunder came. I heard a small movement in the sheets on Yukio's bed. I prayed that he hasn't woken up but I don't think he did as I didn't hear any more movement. 'ahh fuck it I need the sleep'  I stood up on four of my six legs and jumped down from my bed as quietly as I could. I then went to the end of Yukio's bed and jumped up.

(Yukio pov)

I heard something jump of Rin's bed which I presumed was Rin. He stopped and then I felt a weight on the end of my bed. Suddenly something was going up beside my legs under the covers. It was soft and fluffy I continued to crawl under my sheets to were my arms were at the top of the bed and on top of the covers. Suddenly a white-furred head with two white horns and blue eyes broke the surface and crawled up in-between my arms and snuggled his face into my chest. 'wh-what?' I thought as I concentrated on not giving any hints I was awake. 'I guess... He's still the same Rin. My Nii~san' I thought as I went back to sleep.


I've got so many ideas for this that's I'm just writing constantly xD

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