Chapter 5 EDITED

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Short chapter because I want to get everything out before Friday if I can because things will be slower because I'm seeing my family on Friday and I'll be spending time with them for the next 10 days.


(Third person view)

It's been two weeks since everything happened and Rin has just been sleeping waking up every few days. A lot of the time Rin just walks up to people and goes on their lap if they're sitting down. To them it's like the greatest privilege to have such a cute demon sleeping on their lap.

"Hey dad come look at this" Yukio whispered as he leaned back to look at his dad from outside the kitchen, he motioned for his dad to come. Shiro quickly walked over trying to be quiet. He went up to the door way and leaned against it beside Yukio.

They looked at the bottom of the cupboards that were at the right side of the room. There sat a six legged white fluffed animal. "What is he doing?" Shiro asked silently. Rin should have been able to hear them but he was too involved in trying to do what he was trying to do. "Just watch, he's been at this about ten minutes now" Yukio replied. Then Yukio got an idea he walked away, later came back with a camera and started recording.

Suddenly Rin jumped and managed to get his claws on the counted and tried to get his back feet and middle feet up but failed miserably. Again. He fell to land on his back and roll of to his side. He got up again and sat there looking furiously at the counter.

(Rin pov)

'this damn counter!' I looked up at getting ready to jump again. My tail sweeped along the floor in agitation. I pounced up but banged by head on the bottom of the counter edge. I gave a loud squeak. I have a low growl as I looked back at the ledge while rubbing my head with my front paw. 'That's it!' I immediately put power into my back and my white wings grew out my side.

 'That's it!' I immediately put power into my back and my white wings grew out my side

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(Wings look like those)

I never used my wings because I couldn't use then very well and I didn't like them much either, so I always hid them. I flapped them and let myself fly up I gripped the edge and pulled myself forward with my paws and claws.

(Third person view)

"Wait what?" Yukio said quietly "he has wings?" Shiro asked after what Yukio whispered. The younger continued to video as Rin's wings disappeared again. He stopped upon the counter and grabbed the door nob of the cupbourd in his mouth dripping with his teeth. He walked backwards slowing, pulling the door with him. He stopped once it was open enough and slid under the door ducking his head and crawled under. Rin sat and looked, then moved his tail up to the inside of the cupbourd and grabbed onto a pack of digestives and brung them down and lay them on thier side. Two biscuits slid out Rin used his front paw to drag the biscuits out. He grabbed the pack and tried to out it back in the cupboard but couldn't and ripped then on the floor he turned around to see Shiro holding the pack of biscuits he gave smile before putting the biscuits back in the cupboard and closed it.

"Thanks" Rin mumbled while looking away. "It's ok" Shiro said while ruffling Rin's ears on his head, Shiro gave his usual cheery smile. Rin jumped across to the table in the room then into a chair then the floor carrying the two biscuits in his mouth. Shiro followed him "go away" Rin said "why?" Shiro asked with Yukio following behind no longer recording. "Cause it's embarrassing" Rin spoke while walking up to the stairs starting at them then sighed "how is embarrassing Nii~san?" Yukio asked  "Cause I literally have to eat like an animal" Rin replied while trying to climb the steps but falling backwards "shit" Rin mumbled under his breath after a squeak left him. "You have a point I shouldn't be making you feel uncomfortable in your own home" Shiro said before picking Rin around the stomach and then letting him lie in his arms and taking him upstairs. "There you go" The boys father said before ruffling his ears and walking out closing the door behind him. Shiro went downstairs "why'd you do that?" Yukio asked following him into kitchen "Because this situation is hard on him, he may not show it but I can tell it's taking it's tow on him" Shiro said sitting down at the table and started doing paperwork  "you have a point, he's always been good at hiding his feelings. Not just that but secrets them selves" Yukio spoke as if in thought. "yup he must have learned from the best" the old man commented with a chuckle Yukio joined in. The younger went of to do his own thing as Shiro concentrated on his work and with one thought.

'How much pain have you had to go through? Rin'


Sorry it's short!!!

854 words

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