Chapter 2

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This chapter is going to be small and just explain some stuff


(Rin pov) Rin and Yukio are 10

'What are these things?' I thought as I was walking back from school with Yukio. It had been a week since 'that' happened. I started waffing my hands to where the small black flying things where. I had seen them since I transformed into that thing, but I had only just noticed them a few days ago. No-one else seems to see them. I couldn't see them till now so maybe it was some weird thing I Don't know. "Hey Rin what you doing?" Yukio asked as he looked at me and my hands waffing about. 'oh shit I forgot he was here! Think of something quickly!' I thought as I panicked I'd been doing that a lot lately. Panicking. "Uhh... There was a fly! Yh!" I said pulling my hands down to my sides instantly. "A-Alright" my little brother basis as he grabbed the straps of his backpack on his shoulders and looked at the ground.

Time skip brought to you by my very cold room

(Rin pov) Rin and Yukio are now 10

I had skipped away to an alley as I said I was going to the park my old man let me go alone as he trusted me not to get into any trouble.

I closed my eyes and thought of that form I had taken about two months ago. I felt the heat I had known before. I opened my eyes to find myself lower to the ground. I brought my paw into view and nodded as I saw it was white a fur with three sharp claws. I tried to walk but fell face first and tubled forward and landing on my butt. As I tripped over my back and middle feet. As I hit the ground I made a squeak sound. Like a squeaky toy. My eyes widened as I looked from left to right just in shock of the sound I just made. 'That wasn't me... right?' with that supposition I got up and tried something else. "Other animals can walk on four legs so why can't I" I spoke aloud as it was not a question either. I slowly lifted my left middle paw of the ground I was a bit unsteady at first then I was ok, I lifted my right middle paw and almost fell but not the were both held up and it was a little trouble to keep them up that long but not to much. I closed me eyes and tools deep breath "here we go" I said before trying to walk. As expected I tripped after a few tries I got it but tripped every few steps.

After months I was able to go after and after I could walk and run on four or six paws. I could easily sleep like that but when I was ten and a half I realised how bad it would be if my dad and Yuki found out. So I stopped transforming and I haven't strand formed for just over five years. I'm in pain all the time for trying the not transform but hey! It's for a good cause.

At the age of five I also often felt like I was being watched but I ignored but now I know why...


567 words

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