Chapter 7

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I only slept 4 hours lol


PLEASE READ! (There will be a part in this that might not make sense but I've wanted to include this aspect of Rin for ages but couldn't find a story to put it in so I'm putting it in this one)

(Rin pov)

I had ended up falling asleep in my demon form in my room after I had raced up to my room after I had had a fight with my old man. I got up and hopped onto the floor and transformed back into my human form. I looked over to Yukio's bed and he wasn't there, I looked out the window to see that the sun was just setting. I picked up a towel and went and got a shower, bringing a change of clothes with me. 

When I started to wash my hair I realized something. It was long. 'Oh yeah, I forgot about that' When I had first transformed my hair was the same but then the second time I changed my hair turned white. I had figured I could just hide it like I could transform, which in fact I could. I eventually decided I wanted to grow it a little and so I did, not that anyone would see it as I always had to hide it. My hair goes down to my shoulders. With my hair, I also got a white tail which I don't really like so I always hid it. I also got pointed ears and sharpened canines. 

I got out of the shower and got dressed in black ripped jeans and blue t-shirt with an orange monster thing on it. I then looked in the mirror.
(If y'all are wondering he looks like this, just without the ear piercing)

(If y'all are wondering he looks like this, just without the ear piercing)

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I realized my tail was out and hid it with my abilities. I never liked my tail. One it was sensitive. Two it got in the way of things. Three I just never liked it. Plus it wasn't normal to have a tail, none of me was normal. I put my towel and old clothes in the washing basket. I went out to my room and went under my bed to find a small box with hair bobbles and hair clips 'I knew these would come in handy one day'  I thought as I tied my hair in a bun type style. (How it looks in the photo) I put the box of bobbles and hair clips on my bedside table. I was about to go out of my room when I froze at a thought. 'What will happen when I go downstairs?' First of all, I just had a fight with my old man a couple of hours ago and second I have white hair and pointed ears. I gave a sigh. "Might as well go downstairs" I say to myself as I start my trek to the kitchen I was hungry. It was pretty quiet when I reached the kitchen. No-one was anywhere to be seen. 'They must have all gone out'  I think as I get stuff out to cook Sukiyaki.  

I sat down at the table in my normal seat, the left of where Yukio would normally sit. I had made enough for everyone if they wanted some at only god knows o'clock. I begin eating. 

Time skip

(Rin pov)

As I was eating I heard the door open and I froze 'Shit I was hoping I'd have a little more time to prepare myself for this!'  I think to myself as I put down my knife and fork. 

(Yukio pov)

I and everyone else had just gotten back from having to do an errand at True Cross. Mephisto wanted us to do it and he probably purposely did it knowing what was happening at home. But I guess it was also to help as Rin needed space. I Went to the kitchen to get food to see that there was Sukiyaki sitting there. "Rin made food!" I yell to everyone in the church service room. Everyone comes in and takes a bowl of food. I go to the dining room and freeze when I see someone with white hair sitting at the table eating Sukiyaki. He turns slowly and I relax a little but I have a shocked face to see it was Rin. Shiro goes past me and then stops for a moment before going up to Rin. "What happened to you?" He asks not in a rude or sad way just a questioning voice. "Umm... Might wanna take a seat cause this will take a bit of time to explain" Rin replies looking away. Dad obliges and sits down and we all go along with his request as Shiro motions for us to come and sit too.

(Third person view)

"So want to explain?" Shiro asks/says. He said it in a normal but questioning voice. "Well, when  I transformed a second time my hair changed to white. I figured that I could hide it like I could transform" Rin said still looking at his food then looked up at Shiro. "What about the ears?" Shiro asks then taking a bite of his Sukiyaki and everyone else listening to the conversation at hand as they ate Rin's well-cooked food. It had been ages since they had had well-cooked food. Everyone's cooking skills were shit and food they bought didn't taste as good as Rin's cooking.

"Well, it was the same with my ears. When I transformed fo the second time they appeared along with my sharpened canines and tail" Rin says as he points at his tail that he made appear. It was white silk-like looking with a large amount of fluff on the end.  He then made it disappear again. "I also wanted to grow my hair but at the point, I wasn't bothered whether it was short or long because no-one would see it but I still wanted to grow it. I like it long" "Rin says, playing with the bun tied hair. "I see" Shiro says. 

Rin begins to eat again with his thinking face on. After he finished he took his and everyone's plate to wash up. Everyone went to do their own things and Yukio helped Rin with the dishes. After done with the dishes Yukio went to go do his own thing and Rin went on a hunt for his dad.

(Shiro pov)

I hear a knock on my door "Come in" I shout so the person on the other side of the door can hear me. The door opens and Rin comes in closing the door behind him. "Rin what you need?" I ask kindly as I stand up from my desk and go round to him. He was looking away from me, specifically the ground. He was fiddling with my fingers. You didn't have to be smart to figure out what he wanted if you had seen his previous actions. "I... I-I... I'M SORRY FOR THE WAY I ACTED EARLIER TODAY!" Rin spat his words out rather quickly while bowing slightly at me. I'm not surprised though he never was one to apologize or anything like that. That isn't what made me burst out laughing though. "STOP LAUGHING OLD MAN" He shouts in rage at me, I clutch my stomach. "Y-You think it was... it was earlier today?" I ask in between laughs. "W-What?" He asks me as I calm down. "That happened yesterday, You've been asleep for over a day" I compose myself again but still smiling. "Ohh... oops" He says while looking away again and rubbing the back of his head. "Don't worry about it" I say to him he looks at me and smiles. "Want a hug?" I ask with a bright smile. Since what had happened it would be a good way to help him understand we're here for him  "Piss off" He says running out the door away from my open arms. I give a laugh and go back to my desk where my paperwork is. 'Still same old Rin aye?' I think as I look at the slammed door. "When will you understand we are here for you Rin?"


So I went to sleep at 4:30 am yesterday and woke at 9 am and now it's 1:35 am and I'm tired cause I only got about 4 hours sleep. *cries* 

1417 words

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