Chapter 8

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(Shiro pov)

I would like to have a day out with everyone but I know that I shouldn't force Rin to have a day out with us. I can't make him come with us I have to let him come to me, to come to us. I have to make sure he knows he has a choice in this. 

I go up to Rin and Yukio's room and knock on the door. "Come in" I hear Rin answer from the room. I come into the room to see Rin finish putting on his plain light blue t-shirt. he grabbed his brush and started to brush his shoulder-length white hair. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with all of us or we can stay in and watch a movie or whatever you want to do?" I ask looking at Rin as he looks at me. He looks at me then hums for a moment and looking away to think.  "W-what about cooking. All of us cooking then watching a movie?" He said a little worried as if I would say no. "Sure" I say happily I say to the others. "I-It's fine if they don't want to" He said looking away from me a little sadly. "I'm sure they'd love to" I said with a big smile and in return, I got a weak smile from Rin. I walked out of the room to speak to the others.

(Rin pov)

'Why was I so nice? I've always been so harsh towards dad and even everyone at the church well excluding Yukio but why?' I asked myself in my head. 'Am I warming up to them? NO! I could never I'm the bad kid that gets into fights all the time!' I shook my head to rid of the thoughts. I got back to what I was doing which was brushing my hair and tying it up in a bun type style.  

Time skip

(Rin pov)

I go downstairs to find everyone just sitting and standing around the service room. "What's going on?" I ask in a curious tone. "Well everyone was welcome to the idea of cooking then watching a movie" dad said in a happy tone and smile. "Alright then" I said as I joined the sit down in the service room. "Anyone got any ideas for cooking or just want to cook something random?" I ask looking at everyone. "What about you choose Rin" Yukio said stepping forward as he imported his idea. "Um... Sure" I say a little confused, usually, everyone is full of ideas. "Hm... Udon?" I ask shrugging my shoulders a little and bringing my arms up as they faced sidewards. "Sure" they reply "It's settled then, we'll make Udon. We better get to it" I say as they nod happily and follow me to the kitchen.

(Third person view)

Throughout the cooking, they had fun, smiled, and laughed. It was a nice time for Rin since he never spent much good time with his family as he was always enraged. Rin had always been angry and upset from the pain but that upset feeling turned to anger. So he was always angry just trying to ignore the pain and get on with his life knowing he could never tell his dad, or brother or anyone at the church for that fact as he knew to be able to turn into a demon and looking like he does was not normal. Even after he found out he was scared and angry, he saw his own family killing his kind and his old man said he wouldn't care for him anymore. Rin may not have shown it but he cared deeply for his family at the church. Everyone in the church really enjoyed spending time with Rin, they entered a world that Rin enjoyed being in. The world of cooking. They later watched a movie and ate the food they made which wasn't bad. Yukio and Shiro felt very happy to see the side of Rin that no-one sees. The relaxed and happy side, not the usual angry side of Rin everyone knows and has grown to love him as he is. 

(Rin pov)

I was starting to fall asleep but before I did I was thinking of today. For once I was happy and relaxed. It felt nice to be with them and be happy, not angry and in pain. I got to be close to everyone and be happy with them, smile with them, laugh with them. I've got used to being my angry self so I forgot what it felt like to be happy and feel contentment with everyone. 'Maybe things will get better' 


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