Chapter 6

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(Rin pov) 2 months since everything happened

I woke up squinting at everything as it seemed smaller than usual, well at least small was the usual for the last two months. I sat up to see mine and Yukio's empty room. No-one but me in it. I got up and I was wearing the same cloths as I was two months ago. I got up but then fell straight back down 'great I forgot how to walk' I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and sighed. I got up again and crawled over to my wardrobe and opened it getting cloths out still kneeling on the floor. I used the wardrobe to balance myself and stand up to change into a white shirt and blue shorts that went down to my knees. I started walking taking small steps and using the wall and bed for balance as I walked to the door. I opened it and pushed with my arms which I could still use them properly, thank god. I walked down the short corridors to the stairs gripping to the wall for dear life. I sat down again and slid down the stairs one stair at a time. Thankfully no-one saw or heard me I would have been more embarrassed than eating a few weeks ago.

For the last few months I had just been sleeping and only got up to eat twice. From now on I'm going to sleep in my demon form so I'm not always in pain.

I got up, using the stair bar for balance. I lean against the wall and hear everyone in the dining room talking. I walked into the kitchen quietly using the counter as balance. I grabbed a bowl and got some serial and milk. Everyone must not have heard me from talking as when I walked in they where all surprised.

"Rin!" Everyone said in unison. I walk in leaning against the wall while holding my bowl of cereal. I push myself off the wall slowly limping my way to the table. "Hey Rin you ok?" dad comes up to me as he lets me lean on him to walk to the table and sit on the chair left of Yukio. "nope" I replied blandly and took a spoonful of cereal 'god damn this tastes good!' I thought 'I haven't had food in basically two months' it tasted so good! How would you feel if you couldn't eat anything for two months? "Why what's wrong?" dad asked as he pulled me out of my train of thought "well I've been walking on Six legs for the last two months so you think I'm gonna be able to walk on two legs all of a sudden" I say it was more of a statement than a question. I look at my dad with a face that just shows 'stupid' "no it doesn't work like that. It also feels really weird to feel so tall. I always feel small like that and I'm already small" I use my hand to motion my body "but let's not talk about that" I go back to eating my breakfast. Wait. "What time is it?" I ask looking at the church helpers "almost one pm" the chubby one responds "Well that's odd, I never sleep this late" I say, I hum and shrug my shoulders and continue to eat my cereal.

After I finished eating my cereal I go to get up and take one step and go to take another I fall over, I clench my eyes shut waiting for the impact but it never happened. I felt a soft arm and soft and hand around my waist and one on my in front of my shoulders. I open my eyes and look up to see dad had caught me. "Th-thanks" I mumble looking away from him.

(Shiro pov)

"Th-Thanks" Rin mumbles looking away from me. I lift him up to stand up right, I help him to the kitchen, he limps his way there with the help of me. He leans up against the sink and puts his bowl in the sink and turned on the tap. i turned of the tap and he turned to me with an angry face. "I'll do that, you go rest" I said to him 'Honestly this boy never gives up' I think before he speaks again "If I don't start doing stuff now I ain't gonna get any better at walking" "you're in pain Rin even a blind man can see that" I shot back. Rin stood there for a moment and looked away then looked back at me with an angrier face "I KNOW MORE ABOUT MY OWN BODY AND DEMON FORM THAN YOU OLD MAN!!!" He shouted at the top of his voice at me, full of anger, blue flames appearing on him. He pushed past me. 'I'm better letting him cool off' I looked back to where he was walking. I saw him trip and his flames disappeared I was about to go help him up after he had face planted. When the blue flames appeared and when they cleared I saw Rin's small white fluffed demon form scurry away. 

(Rin pov)

I ran up the stairs I didn't care how hard it was I was getting up them to get to my bedroom. Once I got to the top a transformed back and limped into the bedroom not bothering to lean against the wall. 'What does he know about me!' I thought angrily I began to pace around my room while ranting in my thoughts, plus it meant I'd be able to walk properly again. 'I thought after he and everyone else talked to me in my demon form things would be alright but things are worse' I was annoyed, angered and I think... sad. Sad that my family are trying to help me but they're not they're making things worse. I hate it when people starting over worrying or caring to much about me. 

(Third person pov)

Shiro walked back into the Dining room with a worried look plastered on his face. "He's always been like that" I heard Naoya say I looked up to see everyone looking either me or Naoya. "He has a point. Nii~san has always been the independent one. Hates it when people try to care for him. Thinks he has to care for everyone when really he needs the help" Everyone hummed and nodded. "Yeah he has always been like that especially to you Yukio" Shiro commented. "But Rin did also make a valid point" Izumi spoke as a few of the others in the room looked at him in confusion. "He knows himself and his body better than anyone and especially his demon form" Izumi spoke looking at everyone "We've known for what? Two months and now we come charging in like we're pro's. No he is the pro on this here" Yukio said "I guess you're right. I should probably apologies, cause even priests can make mistakes" Shiro said sitting down "I'll let him come to me" Shiro said looking of into the distance in thought.

'How bad is your mental damage Rin?' was the thought that stood out in Shiro's mind.


ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!! I have created an insta account for big updates and teasers and lot's more like that!
name: WasReality

I had created one before but me being an idiot forgot the password lol 

The first like 2 and half paragraphs of this I had no idea what I was doing but now I got an idea

anyone got guesses for what will happen?

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