Will you be my princess? Cause I can be your prince.

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"Whoa, whats going on in here?" Luke questioned us angrily.

"Um.." I just realized how awkward this looked, Michael on top of me, laying on the ground...

"You know what Magan? Whatever!" He yelled and stormed out of the room. Tears welled in my eyes as I watch him.

"LUKE!!" I yelled after him, but no response came. Then came the tears, first it was only one or two, then they came like waterfalls, and I collapsed onto the ground, my arms wrapped around my legs, my small frame noticeably shaking.

"Magan?" A voice called out, but I curled into a tighter ball, digging my face further into my arms. "Magan?" The same voice called out again, this time closer.

I managed a weak, "Go away." Before a sob wracked my body again.

"Oh Magan." Michael whispered, coming closer.

"Go away," I managed once again, turning my small frame into the corner of the wall.

"Magan, please talk to me. I really care about you, I just want to be able to fix this, I hate seeing you cry." Michael soothingly said, and despite my efforts, he wrapped his arms around me. "Magan I'm sorry." He whispered. "Luke is never like this, I just don't understand." I gave him a muffled reply. "Magan please, look at me."

I lifted my head, knowing I looked like crap, with black streaks running down my face, though I smiled slightly. "Hai." I said pitifully.

"Beautiful." He whispered smiling at me, I smiled back.

"When you asked about my tattoo, I do have one, but its a secret. Shh." i managed between tears.

He nodded, "Can I see it?" He asked, and I nodded. I Lifted up my tank, and right below my sports bra, wrapping around to my back, was a flock of birds. Underneath it said "Freedom."

"What are you free from?" He asked me.

I gave him a small smile, "That's one secret you won't be getting out of me today." He pouted slightly, but I think he understood, understood why I was keeping it a secret. Because we all have secrets, and some are darker than others.

"Gotcha princess." He replied.

"Princess?" I questioned confused.

"Will you be my princess? 'Cause I can be your prince."


A/N;; Whats she going to say? And what about Luke????

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