School/ Bus Ride

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Authors note:

Hey guys! I'll be introducing a new character is in this chapter! Enjoy!


Chapter 7:


Addisons pov:

I was awoken by the harshening sound of my alarm.

Great MY first day of school. Everyone else started school about a month ago.

I walked to the bathroom and someone was in there.

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" Matt called.

"It's addy. Are you almost done?"

"Yea almost."


I sat next to the door so if taylor walked out of his room I would get in the bathroom first.

Matt apologized to me and asked if we could put everything behind us. I said and we started fresh.

It was nice not cutting and trying to love my life but what Hayes didn't know was that I kept 2 extra blades in my socks.

I haven't cut in about 2 days, not many but it's a start.

Matt opened the door and said good morning.

"Good morning." I replied.

I walked into the the bathroom and locked the door.

I turned the shower on and enjoyed the hot water hitting my back.

I hopped out of the shower and started blow drying my hair.

Once it was dry I took the tang top with flowers on it I had and slipped it on over my bra.

I then took my gray cardigan with wholes in it like a print and put it on over it.

I grabbed my faded skinny jeans and put those on too, completing my outfit.

I also slipped on my plain black vans.

For my hair I just straightened it.

My hair was naturally straight but it had a few waves to it.

I applied some concealer and then a bit of mascara.

I grabbed my perfume and sprayed it all over my body and put my deodorant on.

I opened the door to reveal taylor just walking out of our room.

Yea we share a room for now until my room is finished.

"Morning sleepy head." I said.

He just looked at me with one of those don't talk to me faces.

I packed my bag with all the supplies I needed and walked down stairs.

I decided I would cook me matt and taylor some pancakes since our dad left at 4:30 am.

It was only 6:15 so I still had 45 minutes until the bus came.

Matt walked down the stairs and his face lit up when he saw the pancakes.

"Those smell so good!"

"Haha thanks matt."

"I think you and Tay should talk about your mom passing away. I know he doesn't like to talk to you and I honestly don't really know why. But I think he would be willing to talk about this situation."

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