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Authors note: sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm gonna try to update, soon. I've got some really good ideas ahead and I hope you will enjoy them!

Chapter 11:

Addisons dads pov: *i know this is different but it's only gonna be a small pov*

Ring ring ring.

"Hello, is this Addison caniff's father or guardian?" A voice asked through the phone.

"This is, can I help you?"

"Yes, you know that your daughter is in the hospital for her last few hours and will be released soon after because she attempted suicide?"

"Yes I do." Im getting curious at this point.

"Ok well we would like her to go to a rehab program where she will Be there for 1 week-4 months if not more, depending on how serious her problem is. We need your permission to send her."

"Umm can I have a day or two to give you my final answer?"

"Ok thank you have a good day."

With that the phone beeped and I sat down on the couch.

One more hour until she will be released from the hospital and she will have to hear the news.

She is going to go.

It is best for everyone.

I called up Hayes and invited him over so when she comes home he will be there. The rest of the grier family, me, Matt, and Taylor will be here. Sky is going to stay home with her mom because she doesn't need to be around an environment like this. Not right now.

15 more minutes.

Everyone is here now besides Matt and Addison since Matt offered to drive her back home.

Nobody knows about rehab except me, and I'm really nervous about how she is going to take it.

Addisons pov:

"Hi." I say to Matt as I sit in the passenger seat.

"Hey." He replies with really no emotion at all.

I rest my head on the window for the remaining five minutes of the car ride.

I don't know what to expect when I get home..

Could be bad, or it could be good.

We pulled into the driveway and I felt my knees start to shake.

A few seconds later I'm at the door and my hand is on the knob.

I turn the door handle and walk in the house slowly.

The first person I look at is my dad, he has such a worried look on his face.


I knew I was gonna come home and it would be bad..

"Hi." I say quietly.

Before I know it I'm embraced in Hayes' arms, then Taylor joins, then Matt, Nash and my dad bring me in a big group hug.

I hug back and laugh a little.

Now that I think of it it would be nice to have a girl around.

We all pull apart and my dad goes into the living room, he motions for us to follow.

"I need to talk to Addison upstairs alone for a second." He says after Everyone is in the room.

Oh gosh. Here we go.

He sits down on his bed and I sit down next to him.

"So I have to talk to you about something, and wether you like it or not your still gonna go." He says TRYING to sound kind.

"Ok go on."

"Ok well I'm just gonna get straight to the point because there I no easy way to say this but you are going to rehab for 1 week-4months if not longer, depending on how well you do."

"No dad! What the fuck! You can't send me there that is where crazy people go. I HATE you!" I scream. Not caring what I said at this point. I'm sure everyone heard me.

I stand up and run to my room and slam my door shut loud enough that everyone downstairs heard it.

"I knew I should have just died!" I scream.

I hear footsteps coming towards my door and on the first knock I stand up and go to the door and say "I don't want to talk right now." Trying to stay calm after what I have been told.

"Please let me in." Hayes' soft gentle voice says.

I pull open the door and wipe away a few tears with the back of my hand.

Tears from pure anger and denial and confusion.

"Wanna sit down?" He asks me.

I shut the door and sit down next to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"What's going on Addison?" He asks using my full name.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"If we are going to make this relationship work we need to to talk to each other."

"Alright fine."

"My dad is sending me to rehab for 1 week to 4 months If not longer." I say with full shame in my voice.

"I think that's what's best for you and the state of mind your in right now Addison. Your dad is only doing this to protect you and the people who love you." He tells me.

"See Hayes that's the problem. I hate myself, and if I hate myself how can I ever let someone else love me?" I question him.

"See that's where your wrong. Because I love you, your dad loves you, your brothers love you. Nash loves you too. You may not think you can let them love you, but I assure you they do. Now if I were you I would go upstairs grab a suitcase and I'll be waiting here for you to help you pack. You will be back home before you know it, but in the end it will all be worth it."
"And one more thing, don't be ashamed, I know you are but this is something to be proud of. Scars are just to prove how strong you are, and that is just one more thing for me to love about you." Hayes tells me.

He is such a stud.

He is right but I want him to be wrong.

"Ok, fine." I say giving in. There is no use in fighting back at this point because he is right.

I say the words I love you, gently, but not loud enough for him to hear.


Authors note: I'm excited for the next few chapters! If any of you guys even read this some of you will be a little upset and that's all I can say. So yea bye!

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