💌 𝒋𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒐

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they were finally done and dusted. you hated school so much, but the only thing that made you motivated to attend on time was none other than your boyfriend, jinho.

he was the school's heartthrob. everyone admired his smart brain, athletic abilities, and his phenomenal singing skills.

you were now walking out of the examination hall with your best friend, hongseok. he's been your closest friend since kindergarten. if it wasn't for him, you would've been the loneliest single pringle on earth.

"hey (y/n),"

hongseok asked as he gently tapped your shoulder.

"not to break it to you, but jinho cheated."

your heart sank.

on your first ever date with him, you two swore to never cheat on each other. after three years, he must've become bored of you to choose another girl instead of seoul high school's smartest student, a true nerd.

you could feel tears forming inside your eyes. you understand the emotions you were feeling.

obviously you were mad at him for cheating on you, but then you were sad because you always knew he was too good for you, and you were also glad because without hongseok, you would have never known.

"he's been cheating the past week, i can't believe you didn't know,"
hongseok added, making you feel even more sorrow.

you had been too focused on your exams and ensuring that you know everything for the upcoming tests, that you completely forgot about paying attention to your boyfriend.

well, ex-boyfriend now.


you caught the bus back home, while listening to levanter by stray kids. it was such a soothing song, and you began to feel emotional again.

memories of the past three years with your boyfriend rushed through your mind. they were so vivid, as if they were hostile objects, you could touch them as they washed away right before your eyes. but that didn't matter now, he was a cheater.

a filthy cheater.

you left the bus at your stop and saw jinho waiting for you.

how can he be so sly?

"(y/n), i'm so glad exams are over! do you want to go on a date-"

he was stopped by a loud slap. his right red cheek was covered by his beautiful hand.

"you cheated?"

you ask, lifting your arm up to hit his left cheek. you slowly dropped it down as your heart ached watching him in pain.

"how could you, how could you!"

he engaged eye contact with you as he saw the love of his life crying, because of him. he felt shattered, broken and disappointed in himself. he didn't know it would lead him to this much trouble, especially with his girlfriend.

"i'm sorry,"

he said wiping her tears with his soft fingers.

"i couldn't help myself."

(y/n) wanted to run away, pretending this had never happened. her vision was blurred by her tears, she turned around and covered her face.

she was done with him, she had to break up.

she turned back and faced the boy, quietly staring at the ground, hoping it was a dream.

"jinho, i-"

you were cut by a passionate kiss.

"i'm sorry okay?"

the angered boy blurted out.

"i suck at maths, i hate differentiation!"

wait, what?

"please forgive me!"

jinho said as he went on his knees and begged in public.

"what are you even talking about?"

you say, still astonished at your own stupidity.

"fine, i know you hate cheaters because you think studying is the key, not cheating, but i couldn't help myself. i'm sorry (y/n),"

jinho says, now bringing you closer to his embrace.

"i just suck at maths, not everyone is smart like you!"

i'm sure smart jinho, clearly.

you began to wipe your tears and began to laugh while your head rested on his chest.

now extremely confused, jinho broke the hug and stared into your eyes.

"why are you laughing?"

when you heard his voice, your laughter couldn't be held in.

"why didn't you tell me earlier!"

you say, trying to stop yourself from laughing. the confused boy just stared at you trying to understand the situation.

"you cheated on a maths exam? not me?"

you watched jinho's eye widening. he told a deep sigh and brought you into another warm hug.

"of course i'd never cheat on you! remember our promise?"

he said as he pecked your cheek.

"i love you (y/n)."


hey everyone! 🥰
that's the end of my pentagon imagines book! thank you for the constant support & kind comments 🤧💓
i love you all 😌💖
have an amazing day my fellow universes! 🥺💘

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