D1 Chapter 4- first day at aruadon prep part 1

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Remedial Goodness 101 Classroom, morning

Mal's POV

After me, Jay, evie and Carlos tried to steal the wand  we started our first day at auradon prep and we were
In our remedial goodness 101 and the Fairy Godmother was asking us a set of questions "If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?"

Then I saw Evie put her hand up and fairy godmother said "Evie."

And then Evie said "What was the second one?"

Then Fairy Godmother said "Oh, okay. Anyone else?"

Then I put my head back down and counting to draw the wand then I heard the fairy godmother said my name "Mal?" Then I answered the fairy godmother said "C, give it a bottle."

Then the Fairy Godmother said smiling"Correct. Again."

And then Carlos said to me "You are on fire, girl!"

Then replied to Carlos "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

Then I heard carlos and Evie said "Oh, That makes so much sense."
And then I simply said to them "oh"

But then I see a girl in a light blue outfit that looked scared of us.

Then the Fairy Godmother said to the girl "Oh. Hello, dear one." Then the girl said while passing something to the the fairy godmother "Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation."

Then the fairy godmother said to us while writing "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"

And then Jane said to her mother "Mom, no!"

Then the Fairy Godmother said to  Jane "It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."

But Jane said to us "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were."

Then Fairy Godmother said and Ahem. "Let's continue." Then she asked us a another set questions "You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Then Evie, jay and Carlos putted their hands while return to draw a red Phoenix that I saw on Alex.

but then Carlos said to jay while we were fighting over the answer "Oh! Ooh... get off."

Then the Fairy Godmother pointed to jay and said "Jay."

Then Jay answered "C. You turn it over to the proper authorities."

Then Carlos said to jay "I was gonna say that."

But Jay said to Carlos "But I said it first. Come here!" Then they starting to fight.

Then then Fairy Godmother said while tapping the ruler "Boys. Boys!"

Then the boys stopped fighting

Then the fairy godmother said "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

Then Carlos said while getting up "Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll... We'll pass."

(This part was during jay and Carlos joined the tourney team.)

Alex's POV

I started my first day at auradon prep and and I am wearing a grey t-shirt, dark red and blue, grey jeans, purple and blue high tops and my Phoenix pendant

I started my first day at auradon prep and and I am wearing a grey t-shirt, dark red and blue, grey jeans, purple and blue high tops and my Phoenix pendant

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and I am in  magical history with the fairy godmother as my teacher and she was teaching the class about the legend of Catastros and I was sitting with Lonnie then the fairy godmother asked me a question " Alex can you tell the class what was the ...

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and I am in magical history with the fairy godmother as my teacher and she was teaching the class about the legend of Catastros and I was sitting with Lonnie then the fairy godmother asked me a question " Alex can you tell the class what was the incarnation that Koragg used to combine with Catastros?" And then everyone was looking at me then I answered "the incarnation that Koragg used to combine with Catastros is Uthe Mejor Ultimas."

Then the fairy godmother had an impressed look and said "correct Alex" and then Lonnie said to me " how did know that don't mind me asking?" And said to Lonnie " my grandfather told me when I was a kid and he was the first Koragg.

After my magical history class has ended I went to my locker to some books inside and then I saw Ben, chad and Audrey then chad pointing to mal and Evie at lockers and I heard him  said "Those kids are trouble."

Then Evie closed her locker and said to mal "Bye, Mal."

And Mal said to Evie "Bye."

Then Ben said to chad "Come on, Chad. Give them a chance."

Then I closed my locker and walked to ben, chad and Audrey and I said to Audrey and chad " yeah and what is your problem with them anyway you two?

Audrey: No offense, Bennybear, Alex but you both are just too trusting. Look Ben I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girl's mother.

Then I said to Audrey "so my dad and grandfather was Possessed and became Koragg."

Ben: and we think you're wrong about them.

Then I said to Ben "I got to go to chemistry see you around Ben" and they Saw me walking to mal and I said "Hey mal."

Then mal turned around and saw me then said "Hey."

Then i said "How was your first day going?"

Then Mal replies with a hit of Sarcasm "Super."

Then I saw her painting on the locker and I said to her smiling " you are really good mal you should sign up the art class that got here.

Then Jane walked by us and caught mal's attention and I asked mal "do you want to hangout with me in the Forest later?"

But Mal said to me smiling "Way to take all the fun out of it." Before she went in same direction as Jane she said to me "yes."

Then I just said smiling "Huh" and then Ben came to me and said to me smiling " so you are date with mal "  then I said to Ben pretend to be confused "it's not a date Ben we are just hanging out" then Ben said to me " you both have chemistry since you met her."

(Start at 1:09)

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