D1 Chapter 6- hanging out and a rematch

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This part is during when jay was talking with coach Jenkins.

Alex's POV

After me and Carlos went to the stable to meet fireheart Carlos went to his dorm and I went to meet mal and then I saw her and i said to her "hey mal you ready" and then she saw me and said "hey Alex" then me and mal started to walk though the woods and then mal said to me " hey Alex can I ask you a question?" And I said smiling "sure" then she asked " how come did you know that man's name who attacked me and my friends" then we stopped walking and I sat down in a log and then mal sat down next to me

then I started to explain "the reason I know koragg's name because before I was born and when my parents were still rangers My father never knew his birth parents and he became the first koragg's rival but until he found that his mentor and the first koragg were his biological parents!" But mal has a look of shock on her face and she said "really" then I said to her "yeah and you could say that you and I know what is it like" but then me and mal started to laugh but we heard a voice then we both turned around and we both saw koragg.

Then koragg said to me and mal "so we meet again red ranger" and then I said with mal by my side "what are you doing here?" And koragg said while getting his sword ready and points at me and Mal" I have came for a rematch red ranger and to finish ...

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Then koragg said to me and mal "so we meet again red ranger" and then I said with mal by my side "what are you doing here?" And koragg said while getting his sword ready and points at me and Mal" I have came for a rematch red ranger and to finish what started!" And then Mal looks at me and she nods at me and I moved forward and I said "you need to go through me to get to her then bring it on" then mal ran behind a tree and I took out my Morpher and I pressed the button on the side to activate the wand mode and I pressed the numbers 1-2-3 and I said "MAGICAL SOURCE, MYSTIC FORCE!" And after I morphed then saw I took out my morpher and I pressed the numbers 8-8-3 and I said "SUMMON MYSTIC FORCE FIGHTERS" then mal had a look of shock on her face when 2 red boxing gloves appeared on my hands and Then me and koragg got ready to fight.

Then koragg said to me and mal "so we meet again red ranger" and then I said with mal by my side "what are you doing here?" And koragg said while getting his sword ready and points at me and Mal" I have came for a rematch red ranger and to finish ...

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(Start at 1:27 and Ignore the titans fight.)

After I beaten koragg again he shouted at me while I was in my ranger Form and holding my side while getting up with a broken sword "THIS ISN'T OVER RED RANGER" and he disappears and then mal saw Me demorphed and I walked up to her and Then mal said to me while helping "are you okay? Then I said to her smiling "I will be fine." And mal asked me " what was that thing?" And I answered her question "that was the power of the Phoenix." And Then mal just nodded as we continue to walk through the forest.

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