D1 Chapter 12- clash of the titans

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And then everyone saw Alex, mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos morphed and they took out their magi staffs and it turned into its sword, Spector, trident, axe and crossbow mode then everyone were in shock when they saw us morph especially chad, Audrey, Doug, Lonnie, Ben, his parents, fairy godmother, koragg and maleficent and then fairy godmother said "they have returned" and then Alex said to koragg and maleficent as we are ready to fight "bring it" but then maleficent froze everyone except for Alex, Mal, Evie, Carlos, jay and my family then koragg said angry "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE" then Alex heard Mal said "you better believe it" but then we saw dude running and jumped on maleficent but then maleficent pushes dude off her and then she said "Enough! You all will regret this" and then maleficent transform into a dragon and began to fly out of the church and koragg grew bigger

And then everyone saw Alex, mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos morphed and they took out their magi staffs and it turned into its sword, Spector, trident, axe and crossbow mode then everyone were in shock when they saw us morph especially chad, Audrey, Dou...

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and lands onto maleficent's back then Alex, Mal and Evie jay and Carlos ran outside and then Mal said to the others rangers "guys we need to titan up to stop my mother" then Alex said as Evie, Jay and Carlos agreed "ok guys let's do it" the Alex's family came out of the church and Alex's grandfather said to Alex, mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "we will unfreeze everyone go and stop them" then Alex said as they took out their morphers "you got it grandfather" then they pressed the button on the side of the morphers to activate the wand mode and we  pressed the number 1-2-5 and a voice said as Alex, mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos spinned around "GALWIT MYSTO PRIFIOR"

(Start at 0:24 and stop at 0:59)

And after they transformed into their titans forms then alex said as Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos were admiring the titans forms "you want an aerial battle you got one, ready guys" then Mal, Evie Jay and Carlos excitedly said "we're ready" and Mal, Evie Jay and Carlos yelled as they jumped into the sky "MYSTIC TITANS, DRAGON FORMATION"

(Start a at 1:10 and stop at 1:19)

Then after mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos combined then Alex in his Titan form said as he looked up to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "you can do it guys" and then Alex jumped and landed onto the mystic titan dragon form and then everyone including chad, Audrey, Doug, Lonnie, Ben, his parents and fairy godmother came out of the church after Alex's grandparents unfroze them and they saw the new mystic rangers fighting maleficent as an dragon and but then they saw Alex in his titan form jumping off the mystic dragon and they also saw a mystic fireball acoming out of the mystic dragon's mouth and then Alex in his titan form kicked the mystic fireball at maleficent and koragg and then koragg landed on the ground but maleficent shrink down and turned into a lizard then the lizard began to escape but Alex's uncle chip put the dome over the lizard

And then the mystic dragon reverted beck to their titans forms and then jay in his titan form said " we did it guys" then Alex said to them as they saw koragg getting up "we ain't done yet guys" then koragg said to Alex, mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "you have may defeated my new master but it's my turn" and koragg put his hand out and said "Uthe Mejor Catastros" and then everyone saw the legendary horse catastros coming out of the ground

And then the mystic dragon reverted beck to their titans forms and then jay in his titan form said " we did it guys" then Alex said to them as they saw koragg getting up "we ain't done yet guys" then koragg said to Alex, mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos ...

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And then koragg said as he and catastros combine

(Start at 0:06 and stop at 0:16)

After Alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos saw koragg and catastros combined into the Centaurus wolf megazord then Ben shouted "COME ON GUYS YOU CAN DO IT" then everyone started to cheer on the new mystic rangers and then Alex said to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "come in guys let's show koragg we can do it" and then Alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos then they all said "Galwit Mysto Unios" and then they flew up into the sky and as they combined Alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are now the cockpit and Mal said as she, Evie, jay and Carlos looks around "wow this place is amazing" and then Evie said "you got it right" and jay said "this must be our new cockpit" then Carlos just had an look of amazement and then Alex said as his chess piece moved to the front "alright guys time to fight" and then they all yelled "TITAN MEGAZORD"

(Start at 0:03 and replace the monster with the Centaurus wolf megazord and then Finish at 1:07)

And after they defeated koragg and maleficent and with koragg exploded Alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos reverted back to their ranger forms and then de-morphed and as they ran back to the church they saw catastros walking up to the crowd then Alex slowly walked up to catastros and start to stroke catastros and Alex said to the horse "do you want to stay with us" then catastros nuzzled Alex with love and then the fairy godmother said to alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "thank you for saving the kingdom" and then fairy godmother said Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "and you got yourselves an A in remedial goodness class" and then fairy godmother said as she dubbed Alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos "and we dubbed thee the new protectors of auradon" and then everyone started to cheer for them and then Mal said "where's my mom" then Alex's uncle chip said as he walked up to Mal with maleficent as a lizard in plastic tub and gave her to Mal  "she's right here" then Evie said as she saw maleficent as a lizard  "what happened to her" then the fairy godmother said "it was when you kids shot a mystic fireball and Alex kicked it at them" and then Alex, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos just nodded and then jay said as he, Alex, Mal, Evie and Carlos gone into a huddle "Well, let's get this party started!" And then they all said "Ohayohay, hey"

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