Chapter 4

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     I knock on Virgil's door, "Hey, kiddo. You okay?"

     No answer, I knock louder, "Virgil!" I call.

     The door opens a crack, "Pat?"

     "Yeah, kiddo, it's me. Can I come in?"

     "Y-Yeah, just a sec," he closes the door and I hear shuffling inside, the slamming of drawers.

     The door swings open, "Come on in," he says in a seemingly casual voice.

     I walk in and look around, nothing seems different. But I wonder what Virgil hid from me before he let me in. I sit on the edge of the bed.

     "So," He begins, "what can I do for you, Pops?"

     "Oh," I wasn't expecting him to be so direct, "Well, I just...wanted to check on you."

     "Why?" he asks suspiciously, "I told you I was gonna take a nap."

     "Well, Roman said you were upset and—"

     "Why would Roman say that?!" He asks in a panicky voice.

     "He said you didn't stop when he tried to talk to you and that when he came to check on you, you were crying. He came and got me..."

     "I wasn't crying," he says quickly.

     "Virgil," I pat the spot next to me, he sits down, "you're allowed to be upset."

     "I know, Pat," he mumbles.

     "Then, why are you lying to me?" I ask.

     "Because I don't have anything to talk about! I'm just upset and that's that! There's nothing else to say! I miss them and I know it's okay! But I still feel bad! And there's nothing you can say to change that!"

     "Hey, it's okay," I pat his shoulder, "sometimes you just have to let those feelings out."

     "I know..."

     "Do you need anything?" I ask him softly.

     "I just want to be alone for a little bit. Sorry, Pat."

     "Hey, no, it's okay. We all need some alone time every now and then. Take all the time you need." I pat his knee.

     "Thanks, Patton."

     "Anytime," I shoot him a smile, "call me if you need anything."

     "I will," he promises.

Roman holds the ladder as I attempt to hang the Christmas lights around the living room, I try to do it just the way Patton would do it.


I turn to see Patton watching me, "I didn't know you two were already getting started!"

"We figured you'd be busy for a longer period of time," I explain, "how is Virgil?"

     "He's not really in the mood for talking right now," Patton answers, "but, I think he's gonna be alright."

     I nod.

     "Thanks for getting the decorations," Patton says.

     "No problem, Padre," Roman replies, "We don't have a lot of time before they get here, so we better get a move on!"

      I look at Roman in surprise, Patton does the same. we didn't expect Roman to be so enthusiastic about the Dark Sides coming over, since he was against the idea initially.

      "Yeah!" Patton exclaims, "Let's get to work!"

     I smile, it seems like everything will turn out exactly how we'd hoped.


     I head downstairs a couple of hours after Patton leaves my room. I had to at some point, and I felt bad about not helping with the decorating.

     "Salutations, Virgil," Logan greets me as I enter the living room.

     "Hey," I mumble, "Where's Patton?"

     "I'm right here, kiddo!" Patton jumps up from behind the couch, startling me.

     "What are you doing behind the couch?!"

     "Sorry, Virge. Didn't mean to startle ya. I was just plugging in the lights," he bends down again. The room comes alight with the glow of multi-colored Christmas lights.

"It looks great, Pat, good job."

"Logie, and Roman helped too," he says.

"Roman helped?" I ask confused.

     "Yeah!" Patton says excitedly, "we got most of the decorating done."

"Oh," I say, "sorry I didn't help..."

"It's okay! You can help me make some cookies tomorrow if you want to?"

     "Yeah, okay. That sounds great, Pat."

     He smiles, "it's gonna be so much fun!"

     "I found the stockings!" Roman yells on his way in!"

     "Oh great! Here let me see them," Patton takes the stockings from Roman's open hands.

     "Wait! We don't have stockings for Deceit or Remus!" Patton exclaims.

     "Oh," Roman says, "I could make them some?"

     I stare at him, my mouth open.

     "Oh thanks, Ro! That'd be great!"

     "Virgil," Roman turns to me, "could you help me with them?"

     "I—yeah, yeah sure."

     "Excellent! Come on!" He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs.


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