Chapter 14

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"Hey, Princey," I greet Roman as he comes into the kitchen.

"Morning, Panic! At the Everywhere," he gives me a wide smile.

I throw a bit of egg at him, he laughs.

"Where's Logan?" He asks, "isn't he usually up at like, the crack of dawn?"

"I dunno," I reply, "Remus isn't up either..."

"Salutations, everyone," Logan enters cutting our conversation short.

     "Morning, Lo," I greet him, "You decide to sleep in?"

     His face goes red, "S-something like that..."

     Before I can ask what he means by that Remus comes in.

     "Good evening!" He shouts.

     "Morning, Remus," Deceit calls  from the stove without looking up.

     "So, what're we doing today?" He asks the room as a whole.

     "I dunno," I answer him.

     "We still have...three days until Christmas," Roman supplies helpfully, "What kind of holiday stuff can we do?"

"I think Patton wished for us to go out and make a snowman," Logan says.

"What about me?" Patton says as he comes in.

"Didn't you want us to go make a snowman?" Roman asks.

"It doesn't have to be a snowman," Patton laughs.

"Ah! Fantastic Frozen reference, Patton!"
Roman exclaims.

Patton giggles, "I just thought we could have a fun snow day."

"I think that's a terrible idea," Deceit interjects.

I turn away, I think about how I found Deceit and Patton earlier. They've been getting awfully friendly lately. I'm glad they're getting along, but...this seems to be a little more than a platonic relationship. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it.

"So we'll go after breakfast?" Patton asks everyone.

"Yes! I'm gonna make yellow snow!" Remus shouts excitedly.

"Remus, no." We all say in unison.

We all laugh.

This. This is what I've always wanted. All of us together like this. Everyone happy, having a good time. Enjoying each other's company.
This might just be the best Christmas I've ever had.


As we head into the winter wonderland I've set up in the imagination, I keep an eye on Virgil, he seems to be having a difficult time walking through the snow.

I grab his elbow as he trips, steadying him.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," he answers, "why did you make the snow so difficult to walk through?"

"It'll be easier to make a snowman from snow like this," I explain, "sorry."

"It's fine," he responds.

We start walking again, it's not five minutes later that he trips. I grab his hand, "Let me lead?" I ask.

"Please," he gestures ahead of us.

I hold his hand, guiding him through the tougher areas, and keeping him up when he slips.

When we get to a nice flat area Patton stops us, "This spot is perfect."

"Alright," Deceit says, "Now what?"

"Now," Patton says in a barely contained voice, "We just start from the bottom and work our way up."

"Sounds good," Deceit smiles at Patton.

Patton smiles back and then bends down and starts pacing snow into a snowball. We gather around him to help.

I'm hit from behind by a handful of snow, "Remus!" I shout, shaking snow off.

He giggles and runs off. "You are so dead!" I shout as I run after him with a handful of snow.

"Snowball fight!" I shriek as I throw a snowball at Logan.

"Roman!" Logan shouts indignantly, "You shall pay gravely for that!"

"You'll have to catch me first, Teach!" I run off.

Patton laughs, but quickly stops when he's hit in the chest by a snowball.

"Oops," Deceit smiles innocently.

"Oh you are so gonna get it!" Patton shrieks with laughter.

"Oh, am I?" Deceit chuckles.

I've finally caught Remus, I throw the snowball. He cackles as it hits him in the face.

"," I wheeze.

He laughs again, "Now it is time for vengeance!" He starts throwing a barrage of snowballs at me.

"What do you mean vengeance?!" I call to him as I attempt to shield myself from the oncoming attack, "You started this!"

He laughs, "I'm going to finish it too!"

I'm knocked over by a snowball, "Ha ha," Roman laughs, "Don't worry, Hot Topic! I'm here to rescue you!"

He runs by and grabs my hand, we duck behind a tree as he flings snowballs at Remus who is still laughing like a mad man.

"Thanks, Ro," I say, turning around the other side of the tree to throw snowballs at Remus.

We're hit from behind by Logan, "Ha, I have bested you! Who's laughing now, Roman?"

"I am!" Remus shouts as he throws a snowball at Logan.

"Ah," Logan says, a soft smile on his face, "It seems you have won, Remus."

"Oh, yes, excellent job Remus. You definitely didn't forget about me," We turn to see Deceit smirking, a snowball in his hand.

"Oh no..." Remus says, but before Deceit throws the snowball in his hand, he's hit from the side by Patton.

"Ha! Got you!" Patton cries in victory, he throws a snowball at Remus, "Got you too! I win!"

We all laugh, "Yes you did," Deceit says slowly, advancing on Patton, "Congratulations," he sticks his hand out for Patton to shake.

"Thanks, Dee-" He's cut off by Deceit pulling him to the ground.

"Deceit! No one likes a sore loser!" he calls after Deceit as he walks away.

"Oh, is that so?" Deceit says, a devilish grin on his face, "I was beginning to think quite the opposite." He winks at Patton.

We all stare at Patton in shock, but he's too busy staring after Dee with the same shocked expression on his face.

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