Chapter 15

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     Remus offers me a hand, "Come on, let's go help with the snowman." He smiles.

     I take his hand, "Thank you," I tell him.

     "No problem," he grins, "There's snow in your hair." He reaches up and brushes the snow away.

     "," I clear my throat, "thank you, Remus."

     "No problem," he tugs on my hand, which I hadn't even realized I was still holding.

     I follow him over to where the others are, he still hasn't released my hand.

     "You okay, kiddo?" Patton asks, "You're looking a little rosy there."

     "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

     He smiles, "Okay."

     Remus is still holding my hands, I decide it's irrational for me to pretend not to notice, I stare at him.

     "Hm?" he asks, noticing my stare.

     I shift my hand in his, not particularly wanting to draw the attention of anyone else.

     "Is it a problem?" he asks softly.

     I think for a moment, it's a rather pleasant sensation. The warmth of his hand, the calming pressure applied to my own.

     "I suppose not," I shrug.

     He smiles, "Good."


     I stare at Remus and Logan. What is happening?! First Dee and Patton start to get a little too comfortable around each other and now this!

     They don't seem to notice me staring. I look at Roman to see if he's noticed. By the look on his face I'd say he has. 

     "Virgil..." he says slowly, without looking away from them, "Look at Remus and Logan."

     "I see them," I reply quietly. "Should we...I don't know...say something?" I ask.

     "I don't know..." he replies in an even tone.

     I wonder what he thinks, his brother and on earth did that even happen?

     I shake my head, "I suppose it's none of our business."

     "I suppose not," he responds, "but..."

     "If they want to talk to us about it I guess they would."

     "'re right," he shakes his head and looks away, "Let's work on the snowman."

     We try to focus on the snowman, but I notice Roman stealing glances at Remus and Logan. I keep glancing at them and Deceit and Patton. Who are quietly discussing how they will outfit the snowman, but a little closer than what would be considered a friendly distance.

     I try to tell myself it's nothing, that everyone is just getting along really well. Well that's definitely true. But...maybe they're getting along a little too well...


     I pretend not to notice Roman and Virgil staring at us. I focus on the feeling of Logic's hand in my own. It feels...nice, I forget that the whole reason I started doing this was to make him uncomfortable. I wonder if he actually minds the hand holding. If he just said he didn't so he didn't hurt my feelings or whatever.

     But, when I look over to him, I see no signs of discomfort. Quite the opposite actually, he's cradling both our hands in his lap, his other hand smoothing out the side of the snowman. We've got his midsection done now.

     "Logan?" I ask softly.

     "Yes?" he doesn't look up from his task.

     "Are you...comfortable?"

     "Well, it is rather cold," he replies nonchalantly.

     "No, I mean...with this," I hold up our hands.

     "Oh," he thinks for a moment, "yes, I'd have to say that I am."

     "Are you sure?" I ask.

     He stares at me strangely for a moment, "I am certain." 

     I smile, "Okay," I squeeze his hand.

     He squeezes back.


      "Look at them," Patton says gleefully.

     "They look absolutely dreadful," Deceit says smiling at Patton.

     I stare at them, "Do they seem a little..." Roman says to me.

     "Yeah..." I mumble.

     "Did I miss something?" he asks.

     "I think we all did." I sate simply.

     "Should we..." he trails off.

     "I don't really want any of my questions answered, Ro."

     He's quiet for a moment, "You know what? Me neither."


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