Chapter 23

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I head upstairs to Virgil's room, I knock on the door. No response. I knock with slightly more force. This still elicits no response.

"Virgil!" I call. This time I decide to open the door, he probably has those impractically large headphones on.

I'm confused when I enter his room to find him not there. Where else would he be? He's not in his bathroom, the door's open. I shrug, and decide to go get Roman.

I knock on his door rather forcefully, he's a heavy sleeper. "Roman!" I call.

"Who is it?" I hear a groggy voice ask.

"It's Logan," I say exasperatedly, "Patton told me to wake you. Come downstairs for breakfast."

"Okay, thank you!" He calls, then I hear him speaking in a quieter voice.

"What was that?" I ask, straining to hear.

"No-nothing!" He calls back, "I'll be down in a minute!"

Satisfied by his answer I head back downstairs.


"Oh, god, what will Patton think?" Virgil says as he sits up next to me in bed.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"If he knew we were in here together," he says frantically, "he'd think we were up to something...dirty."

"God, Virgil, you're an adult!" I laugh, "and besides it's not like we were, we were just cuddling, it's fine."

"Well he's still Patton! I can't have Patton thinking things like that!" He cries out.

"He doesn't know," I reassure him.

"What if he does?" He asks anxiously.

"Then I'll take care of it," I kiss him softly on the cheek.

"You," he says with a wicked grin, "need to brush your teeth."

I gasp, "How dare you!" I shout indignantly.

     He laughs, "I'm gonna go shower," he heads to the door, turns back, and kisses me on the lips, he makes a face, "and you're gonna go brush your teeth."

     I shake my head as he heads out, this is gonna be a good day.


I head to the kitchen after my shower.

"Morning, kiddo!" Comes Patton's usual greeting, "Pancakes?"

"Do you even have to ask?" I say taking the plate he offered me.

     "Good morning, Virgil," Deceit sits down next to me.

     "Morning, Dee," I say between bites of pancake.

     "Could I talk to you later?" He says, voice low, "I could use your help with something." He glances at Patton, but Patton's too busy flipping pancakes.

     "Okay?" I say confused.

     "Thank you," Dee says.

I stare at him strangely, he doesn't meet my gaze. I hope that this isn't something bad.

"Dee?" Patton calls softly.

"Yes, Patton?" Dee says in a voice I rarely hear him use.

"Can you help me? I can't reach this box of pancake mix." He reaches vainly in the direction of the mix.

"Why is it up so high, you don't do all the cooking?" Dee asks as he grabs the box.

Patton shrugs, "Logan organizes the kitchen, I'm sure it makes sense to him."

"It does," Logan pipes up from the table.

"Pancakes!" Roman shouts, coming in.

"Here you go, Ro," Patton giggles as he passes him a plate.

     "So," Patton says as he sits down with his own plate, "Is everyone ready to make cookies for Santa?"

      Deceit and Remus both freeze, glancing at everyone's faces to see if Patton's joking. They don't find any sign that he is.

     "Um...sure, Pat," Dee says.

     "Don't worry, he knows," Logan says in a monotone.

     "Oh, thank god," Dee breathes out, "I was kinda worried."

     Patton laughs, "It's just a fun tradition we have."

"You really thought Patton still believed in Santa?" I laugh.

Deceit looks at me incredulously, "If anyone still did it would be him!" Patton frowns, "I mean that in the worst way possible, Patton. Your childlike wonder is endearing I swear on it." He adds hastily.

Patton brightens up again, "So you'll help with the cookies?" He asks.

"Of course," Dee smiles.

"Great!" He claps his hands together, "who else is helping?" Everyone raises their hands, "ooh, this is gonna be so fun this year!"


Virgil follows me into the hall after breakfast.

"So what do you need, Dee?" He asks, leaning against the wall.

"Um..." I fiddle with my glove, "I need your advice...on..." my voice turns to a barely audible whisper, "Patton."

Virgil's eyes widen, "What do you mean?"

"It seems I've...well...definitely not developed feelings for him."

Virgil laughs, "Is this supposed to be a surprise?"

I frown, "I heard you talking to him yesterday, my fear of rejection is mostly abated. But," I stare at him, "I don't know how to tell him."

Virgil laughs, "you don't know how to tell him?"

"Oh shut up, you hypocrite. How long were you lining for Roman?"

He flushes red, I smile, "So," I say slowly, "will you help me?"

He smiles, "I think I know someone who can help us."

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