Chapter 25

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     "Deceit! Wake up! It's Christmas morning!"

He opens one eye and stares at me, "So it would seem," he closes his eye again.

"Come on, Dee!" I poke his stomach, "Don't you wanna open presents."

"After I sleep," he says in a serious tone.

"Come on, Dee..." I pout.

He opens his eyes, "Fine, then," he huffs, but there's a smile on his face when he sits up.

     "Let's go wake up everyone else!"

     "Okay," he laughs, "Try not to combust while I brush my teeth."

     "No promises," I giggle gleefully.


I head into the hallway to see who else is awake, I run into Patton.

"Merry Christmas, Ro!" He greets cheerfully, "Is anyone else up yet?"

I shake my head, "Virgil's still sleeping, and Logan's alarm hasn't gone off yet."

He nods, "You want some breakfast?"

"Sure, Pat. Waffles?"

"Yeah!" He exclaims excitedly.

     He heads downstairs faster than I could even comprehend. He always gets excited on Christmas.

     Deceit wanders out of Patton room a few moments later, "Merry Christmas, Roman," he waves at me.

     "Merry Christmas, Deceit."

     "Have...uh...have you seen Patton?" He asks looking around.

     "He just ran downstairs to make waffles," I chuckle, "be careful, he's a little excited."

     Deceit smiles fondly, "I can handle him."

I chuckle, "You remember the plan?"

"Are you sure it'll work?" He asks nervously, "It's so complicated."

"Trust me, it's classic. And Patton will love it."

He nods, "Okay, you are the expert." He heads downstairs.

"That I am," I say quietly to myself, "that I am.

I head back to my room, "Virgil," I place my hand on his shoulder gently, "Virgil," I shake him slightly.

"Ngh..." he pulls a pillow over his face.

"Come on, my dark and stormy knight, don't be like that. It's Christmas."

"I'm tired," he mumbles into the pillow.

     "Come on," I attempt to coax him out of bed, "Don't you wanna see what I got you?" He groans into the pillow, "Patton's making waffles," I tell him as I pull the pillow out of his hands.

     "Chocolate chip?" He asks.

     "I'm almost sure of it," I mumble as I bring my lips to his, "now why don't you come downstairs with me." I kiss him again.

     When we break apart he chases after my lips, I pull back, "You're making me want to stay here a little while longer, Princey."

     I chuckle, "Come downstairs, we can continue this later."

     He pouts, "You promise?"

     "Cross my heart," I offer him my hand, "Go get ready now."

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