Chapter 10

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     I wake up to the sound of banging on the walls.

     "Ugh..." I groan.

     The banging gets louder, I sit up, "What the heck is that?!?"

     The banging stops, "I think we woke up Roman!" I hear a muffled voice say frantically.

     Someone cackles and I hear feet storming down the hallway away from my room.

     I scowl, "Remus..." I grumble.

     I drag myself out if bed and check the time, six thirty!!! It's too early for this...

     After I get dressed I head downstairs to find Logan sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee, "You're up early," he remarks.

     "Remus," I say in answer.

     "Ah, yes. Your brother is quite the early riser."

     I grunt in agreement, "Did he wake you up?"

     Logan chuckles, "He did. He sat on the edge of my bed and read from a philosophy book, he asked me some rather insightful questions," he smiles.

     I roll my eyes, "I don't know how you can handle sharing a room with him."

     "He's actually not a bad roommate," Logan states simply, "he has some rather...intriguing mannerisms, but they are more strange than bothersome."

     I stare at him, it's so strange to me that everyone seems to be having a nice time with my brother. The same Remus who knocked me out cold a few months ago is now having philosophical conversations with The Nerd? It makes no sense.


     I wake up to see Patton exiting the bathroom, "Oh, good morning, Dee!"

     "Morning, Patton," I crawl out of bed.

     "The bathrooms all yours, would you like some pancakes?"

     "Um...yeah...sure, thank you," I reply slightly dazed.

     "Great! See ya downstairs!" He skips out the door.

     I head to the bathroom, a fond grin on my face.


     "Where are Virgil and Remus?" Patton asks as he makes breakfast.

     "Last I saw them they were making plans to build a catapult," I answer.

     Patton freezes, "Um...maybe we put a stop to that idea."

     "Why?" I ask, "Engineering is a very valuable skill. I feel like we should encourage this interest of theirs."

     "Logan," he says slowly, "they're going to build a catapult. Something used to aggressively fling things through the air. I don't think they're doing it as a fun construction project."

     "Oh, I see," I reply, "I will go investigate their intentions," I reply as I stand up.

     "Could you also tell them breakfast is ready?" He calls after me.

     I head upstairs, I check Virgil's room, they're not there. I check my room, no sign of them.

     "Virgil!" I call, "Remus!"

     I hear the sound of feet hitting the floor, when I turn around Remus is standing right behind me.

     "Hello, Remus. Where is Virgil?"

     "He's taking a shower, apparently rotten cheese is not one of his favorite smells," he shrugs.

     "Most people seem to share that view," I comment.

     "Can't imagine why," he responds seriously.

     I open my mouth to explain before thinking better of it, "Patton asked me to inform you that breakfast is ready."

     "Ooh, breakfast!" He shouts before grabbing my arm and pulling me downstairs.


     "Oh, those smell absolutely vile," Deceit remarks when he comes in.

     "I'm glad," I laugh, "here you go," I offer him a plate.

     "Thank you," he sits down with Roman at the table, "Good Morning, Roman," he says in a friendly tone.

     "Morning," Roman says without smiling.

     Dee frowns, " everything alright, Roman?"

     "Yep," Roman answers popping the P, "Everything is just fabulous."

     "Roman," I say gently, "Do you need to talk?"

     He waves me off, "I'm fine, Padre. Don't worry about it."

     I turn back to the stove and try to focus on the pancakes, but I can't stop worrying about Roman.


     I turn around and smile at Remus while handing him a plate, "Do you want any...toppings?" I ask hesitantly, I still haven't gotten used to Remus eating things that aren't food.

     "I got it covered," he assures me as he shows me a can of shaving gel.

     "Ah," I smile, "good. Where's Virgil?"

     "I'm right here," he says from the doorway, his hair wet.

     "You want some pancakes, kiddo?"

     "Thanks, Popstar."

     After we've all sat down and are eating our pancakes I let everyone know we're gonna decorate the Christmas tree after we eat.

     "Ooh, we brought some of our special decorations! Didn't we, Dee?" Remus says.

     "No," he says with a grin.

     I chuckle, "that's great you guys! We'll be sure to get them in the tree."

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