Chapter 12

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     We've spent all day playing board games, and telling stories. It was a really nice day. Dee taught me how to play chess, I'm not very good, but he seemed to have fun playing me anyway. He told me I was a rather "interesting" opponent.

As we all head off to bed I find myself watching Deceit. The way he takes his cape off, his hat, the fact that he sleeps with his gloves on.

Everything is fascinating and something to be admired.

"You're definitely not starting to make me uncomfortable with all the staring," he deadpans.

I feel heat rise to my cheeks, "Sorry, I just..." I trail off, not really sure what to say.

"Hm? I'm afraid you'll have to speak up, Patton. My hearing isn't the best."

"I...I'm sorry...I don' mean..." gosh how do I get out of this?

He smiles, "Goodnight, Patton." He lays down facing away from me.


I lay down, I don't know what to think about what just happened.

I don't know what I'm feeling about Dee right now, it's not a bad feeling.'s different. I try to put it out of my mind.

Remus :

"You really don't mind this at all?" I ask slightly frustrated.

Logan laughs, "Why would I? You have no impact? What harm are you doing?"

"You don't...find it disturbing? Unnerving? Upsetting?"

"No." He tilts his head to the side.

I sigh, "you're no fun." I pull the knife out of his chest.

"My apologies," he smiles, "I simply do not see what your objective is."

"To ruin that calm demeanor!" I cry, "You've been completely relaxed no matter what I do!"

"And that's a problem?" He asks.

"No..." I grumble, "it's just not what I'm used to."

"Interesting," He reaches for a notebook, "so you're saying that my response to your violent actions is not what you're used to?" I nod, "and that upsets you?"

"Not exactly," I attempt to explain, "I just don't understand why you don't react like everyone else does! Even Dee has a limit! And he lives with me!"

He laughs, that infuriating laugh! It makes my insides feel funny. Yet all I want is to hear him do it again.

"Stop laughing at me!" I yell.

"My apologies, Remus," his expression returns to its usual neutral state, "it is just that your confusion is quite...endearing."

"I don't know what that means," I state simply.

He waves it off, "I enjoy your perspective, your antics do not disturb me because I do not see a reason for them to. You do not cause irreparable damage to anything."

I frown, "Why does everyone else react the way they do?"

"They have a more difficult time seeing the logical side of things," he explains, "I do not have such an emotional response. Emotions are not my strong point."

I think for a moment, then I remember how flustered he got the other day. Emotions. That's the ticket.

He climbs into his bed, "I'm going to head to bed now, goodnight, Remus."

I smirk, then I jump onto his bed. His eyes widen in surprise but he quickly regains his composure, "What are you doing?" He asks.

I smirk, "Going to sleep," I say innocently, "Goodnight, Logan." I curl into his side. I feel him tense up.

"Al-alright," He says, I watch him compose himself once again, "Goodnight." He turns the light out.

I'm shocked when halfway through the night I feel him wrap an arm around me. I think about pushing him away, but I don't. It's...pleasant, I guess. The feeling of being held close.


"Goodnight, Princey," I call as I start down the hall.

"Virgil, wait," Roman grabs my hand.

"What is it?" I ask.

" just wanted to say that I, um. I'm glad you're having a good Christmas."

I smile, "Thank you for being so chill about all of this. I know Remus is difficult for you to be around."

"He's...he could be worse."

I laugh, "you're not wrong."

"I just, and Remus..."

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You guys are really close?" He asks.

"Yeah, ironically enough he's like a brother to me." I laugh.

Roman laughs, "Like a brother?"

"Yeah," I say, "I mean I grew up with him, so."

"Oh," he smiles, "that's really sweet."

I laugh, "is that all you wanted to talk about, Princey?"

"Yeah, sorry, I'll let you get to bed."

I look down, he still has a hold of my hand, "Uhm, Roman?"

"Hm? Oh." He blushes and let's go, "Sorry, I d-didn't mean to...uh...goodnight, Virgil."

He heads in the direction of his room, "Night, Princey."

I smile softly as I head to my room. I think about what Roman said. Was it just my imagination or did he seem...jealous of Remus? No, surely not. There's no way Roman feels that way about me. That's just wishful thinking. I sigh, a side could dream though.

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