Chapter 24

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"Let me get this straight," I stare at Virgil and Deceit, we're sitting in my room, "You and Patton," I point at Deceit, "Are not together, and you want me to help you change that."

"Incorrect," Deceit nods.

"And you're encouraging this?" I ask Virgil.

"It's what they both want," he shrugs.

"Alright, then," I smile widely at Dee, "This is gonna be fun."


     "It's time to bake!" I cry out happily as everyone files into the kitchen.

Remus cackles happily as he pulls Logan inside by the hand. I guess Virgil was right, there really is something between them. I smile, good for them.

Virgil and Roman come in, hands also joined together, by now its spread throughout the house that they're together.

And then comes Deceit, he walks up to me and brandishes a bag of cinnamon candy, "For the cookies," he explains.

"Ah, perfect!" I wrap my arms around him in a hug before I can think about it.

"" his face is red on the scaleless side, I pull away.

     "Let's get cooking!" I put on my apron.

    I start mixing the ingredients in the bowl, Deceit dropping them in as I go. Everyone else sits at the table awaiting further instructions.


     "So," Virgil says, looking between me and Logan, "Are you two like a thing now?"

     I look to Logan, "Yes," he says simply, "that's one way of putting it."

     Virgil nods, "Don't mess this up." He says.

     "Which one of us are you talking to?" I ask.

     "Both of you," he smiles, "I'm happy for you, it's unexpected, but I'm glad you're happy."

     Logan smiles, "Thank you, Virgil. Your support is of extreme importance to me."

     I smile too, "Yeah, thanks, Vee." I kiss Logan on the cheek.

     Roman laughs, "You're both so different, it's perfect. Be nice to him, Remus."

     I laugh, "I will," I squeeze Logan's hand.


     I help Patton make the cookie dough, he insists on making from scratch. Because, "there's more love in it."

He catches me sneaking chocolate chips out of the bag, "Deceit!" He laughs, "Get out of the chocolate chips!"

"Of course," I say as I put more in my mouth.

     "Deceit!" He squeals as he sets the bowl down, "at least share."

     I grin mischievously, "Of course, Patton. I take one and hold it up to his mouth.

     He stares at me in shock, but then he smiles and takes the chocolate chip form between my fingers with his own, "Thank you!" He says cheerfully as he pops it in his mouth.

     I look at Roman, who's got his head on the table trying not to laugh too loudly, Virgil is in a similar state, Logan is trying not to look in our direction, Remus is outright cackling.

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