Chapter 1

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(Name) woke up to the sound of her alarm going off.

"Is it seriously time to get up already?" she quietly groaned as she dragged herself out of bed. Her feet touched the cold tile beneath her, causing her to recoil back into the bed.

"Just five more minutes..." she softly mumbled to herself. So she covered herself with blankets once more and went back to sleep.

----------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------

"(Name)! Hurry up and get out of bed! You're going to be late for school again!"

I groaned and rolled over, covering my ears with a pillow to drown out my nagging mother's voice. But before I could get back to sleep, I felt the blankets get roughly removed and the cold started to bite at my toes.

"Mum. I just want to go back to sleep!" I told her with my eyelids half open.

"I don't care. You are not going to be late for school three days in row miss. Now hurry up and get ready, before I have to do it for you."

I shivered at the thought of her getting me ready for school, or was it just the cold? But anyways, I rushed her out of the room and walked over to my closet. I then proceded to looked at my clothes in dissapointment. There wasn't really much to choose from. So I just threw on an old shirt, skinny jeans, my worn out converses and an old aviator jacket. I left my (Hair Length) (Hair Colour) hair out, since I wasn't all that bothered to do anything with it.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the sound of my parents arguing.

"What is it this time, guys." I
asked in a bored monotone.

"Nothing, honey. Your lunch is in the fridge. Have a nice day!" they both said.

Weird. They never tell you to have a nice day. Something's off. Very off. But I simply ignored their strange comment and got my lunch out of the fridge and shoved it into my bag.

"See ya guys!" I shouted as I ran out the door.

"Bye! Have a nice day at school!" they both said once again.

I rolled your eyes. Since when are good days related with school? But back to the point. Since I had missed the bus, I had to walk. Which would take at least half an hour tops. But if I ran, I could get there in fifteen minutes, meaning that I wouldn't be late, since I would get there right on the bell. So I took off, my bag bouncing and my hair flowing in a stream behind me.

----------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------

I walked home after a long, boring day. (Favourite Artist) was blasting in my ears as Iwalked. I had decided not to catch the bus, since all the kids who caught it were basically, how would you say it, not part of the 'In Crowd'. Niether was I, but I never did like to be associated with them, since I actually have friends that have lives outside of school and the internet.

I entered the house and was greeted by silence. 'Where could your parents be?' I thought to as I walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, only to find a box of (Favourite Chocolate)s with my name on it. Literally. An envelope with my name on it in my mother's neat hand writting was tapped to the box. I picked it up and opened it.

'Dear (Full Male Name),

You have been accepted to enroll into Hetalia
Academy. The abilities you have shown in your
enrollment form were exactly what we have been
looking for. With this letter, your uniform has been
delivered and we hope you accept this once in a life
time opportunity.

Yours sincerely,
Hetalia Academy Admin.'

I dropped the note, and then heard clapping. I turned around, confused as hell as to why this was addressed to our address, since my name wasn't (Male Name), and it certainly wasn't dad's name either. When I had fully turned around, I saw my parents clapping, excitment written all over their faces.

"Well, (Name), you have been accepted into Hetalia Academy!" dad squealed, causing both mum and I to laugh.

"What do you mean by that I've been accepted into Hetalia Academy? It's an all boys school for christs sake!"

"What your father is trying to say is that we decided to enroll you into Hetalia Academy." my mother excitedly squealed.

"And why would you do that?"

"Because it will give you a new experience."

"Like the experience of being surrounded by a bunch of guys? I wonder how that will turn out." I sarcastically replied.

"You may be surrounded by boys, but you will be disguised as one as well! They'll never know. That's why we used the name (Male Name) instead of (Name)! Now you can go undetected!"

I gave both your parents a skeptical look and left the room. As I quickly made my way upstairs, my parents shouted something about a uniform being on my bed. I simply ignored it and continued to trudge towards my room.

Stepping inside, I noticed a blue blazer sitting on my bed as well as a pair of blue tartan dress pants [dress pants actually come in tartan. I used to have a pair], and a pair of black leather shoes. I decided to leave them and instead google Hetalia Academy, so that I could know what exactly I was being thrown into. But I didn't get the time, since dad barged into my room and claimed that he was going to buy me a whole new wardrobe, since I was going to become one of the boarders there. He also said that he was taking me for a hair cut, since my hair apparently looked to 'Girlish'.

"That's the point dad. I'm a girl. My hair is supposed to look girlish!" I cried. But he just ignored me and dragged me to the car.

So for the rest of the afternoon, I was stuck with my dad telling ne all about how amazing Hetalia Academy was and he bought me clothes that I would never have thought that I would be wearing one day.


Ok. This is my first fanfic. So yeah, not my best work. But don't forget to vote!!! Thx!!!

UPDATE 9/7/15 : ARTHUR-CHAN HERE! God, I love how that sounds. I have two announcements. 1: I will be changing my account name to Arthur-chan, so I will no longer be refered to as Author. And 2: I have decided to change the way that this is written and I am currently changing the rest of the chapters. I sincerly apologise for any confusion throughout the story.

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