Chapter 46: Two Dead Boys

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Robb woke up to Karina lying on his bare chest. He could feel her naked body against his. His right hand ran through her raven locks as he thought about his future with Karina. "Why are you awake so early?" Karina muttered waking up.

"I'm just thinking," Robb said glancing down at her. "Did I wake you?" He questioned.

"Not entirely," Karina said tracing patterns on his chest. "I like to wake up early," she told him as she drew a phoenix with her finger. "What's on your mind?" she asked glancing up to meet his eyes. Robb couldn't deny  that he could get used to his mornings like this. Karina cuddled up to him, drawing random figures with her fingers on his chest and looking at him with a sleepy gaze.

"Our future," Robb replied tightening his arm around her. "If we even have one," he sighed. Nothing was set in stone. Not when they were at war with practically everyone of power.

"We will," Karina reassured him. She moved up a bit so she was at face level with him. "I refuse to believe that our story is going to end any time soon," she stated cradling his face in her hands. "You and I, we have a lot left to do. And I will not let my second marriage turn into a disaster as well," she said making him smile slightly. He admired Karina for her strength and bravery. It was rare for women in Westeros to show that they were not damsels in distress. He hoped that if they did have children together, they would be like their mother. Strong and brave.

"We should probably get out of bed then," Robb said leaning forward and giving her chaste kiss.

"Not yet," Karina replied inching even closer to Robb if that was possible. "I'm much too comfortable," she said making him laugh. He was very comfortable too. So he complied with her wish and stayed in bed. Just for a few moments they could be lost in their own bubble.


"We should have gotten up," Karina muttered as she looked upon the bodies of the two Lannister squires laid out in front of them. She stood to Robb's right with her father while Catelyn was on his left. Lord Karstark and some of his men stood on the other side of the bodies. Brynden and Edmure Tully stood near Catelyn.

Karina recognized the two from King's Landing. She had seen them in passing with some of the Lannister soldiers. Both of them were still boys, no older than five and ten. "It took five of you to murder two unarmed squires?" Robb questioned. It was clear he was disgusted by what he was seeing. They all were. No matter on which side they were, mere children didn't need to be murdered so brutally for the crimes of their kin.

"Not murder, Your Grace. Vengeance," Lord Karstark said standing across from them. His men behind him.

"Vengeance?" Karina questioned with a raised brow.

"Those boys didn't kill your sons," Robb stated. "I saw Harrion die on the battlefield and Torrhen ..." he started by was cut off by Lord Karstark.

"Was strangled by the Kingslayer," Karstark finished for Robb. "They were his kin."

"They were boys!" Robb yelled. The King in the North was angry. "Look at them."

"Tell your pretty little wife to look at them. She killed them as much as I," Karstark said looking at Karina who had taken hold of Robb's hand and was trying to calm him down. Karstark much preferred the Spyre Queen to the Volantene healer, but she was still the woman who took away his chance at vengeance for his sons.

"Karina had nothing to do with this," Robb said defending Karina. "This was your treason," he said squeezing Karina's hand. It felt good to have someone by his side. Someone who understood the weight of the crown.

"Your wife took the Kingslayer, for all we know he's probably living like a king in the Falls. After all she was married to him and has a child with him," Karstark said glaring at the dark haired woman by his king's side.

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