Chapter 50: But Now the Rains Weep O'er His Hall

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The Wedding feast had been set in the same hall Walder Frey had received him. The man not moving from his original spot. He sat on the high chair at the main table. Roslin and Edmure were to his left and to his right was his new wife, Joyeuse Frey. Above them was a balcony where musicians were playing.

Robb and Karina sat at a table near the front with some of Walder's sons, Lothar and Holden. They would have preferred to be with their family, but they couldn't disobey Lord Frey at the moment. Aren, Catelyn, Brynden sat with Roose Bolton a few tables away from them. The former lord of Veritas looked around cautiously as he sipped his drink. Something in the air felt different, dangerous. He just hoped his senses were messing with him.

"Don't you drink, Lord Bolton?" Catelyn questioned when Roose Bolton stopped the servant from pouring wine into his glass. Practically all of Westeros drank. Some more than others, but nonetheless, they all drank.

"Never do, my lady. Dulls the senses," Roose Bolton replied.

"That's the point," Brynden retorted.

"Growing up, my father always said that never trust a man that doesn't drink," Aren spoke up looking at the lord with suspicion. Sober men were liars. They had something to hide. Something they didn't want others to know until it was too late.

"Why is that, Lord Spyre?" Roose inquired staying nonchalant.

"A man that doesn't drink is trying to keep something from coming out," Aren spoke with narrowed eyes. "But then again, there wasn't a moment my father wasn't drunk. So those were probably just the words of a drunkard," Aren stated with a laugh. The table all joined in.

"Didn't you marry one of these Frey girls?" Brynden questioned when the servant began to pour him a fresh glass of wine. The Blackfish couldn't fathom marrying a Frey.

"Aye. Lord Walder let me choose any of his granddaughters and promised me the girl's weight in silver as a dowry. So I have a fat, young bride," Roose replied with a smile. Brynden and Aren couldn't help but laugh, but Catelyn didn't find it all that funny.

"I hope she makes you very happy," Catelyn said.

"Well, she's made me very rich," Roose retorted. "I'm assuming Karina has made Robb extremely rich," Roose stated glancing over at the two. It seemed as if they were whispering sweet words to each other. Smiles were on both of their faces as they faced one another. "The Lannisters must be seething," he said. "The mother to their heir in the arms of their enemy and all her wealth his," he said.

"Perhaps, but it's not their happiness I care about," Aren stated not concerned about whether Tywin Lannister and his family were happy about Karina's decision to remarry. "Robb makes her happy and as her father that's all I can wish for," Aren said.

"Pardon, my lords, my lady. I need to find a tree to piss on," Brynden said excusing himself from the table.

Near the front, Karina had shifted in her seat so she was facing Robb. "Is everything alright?" Robb asked her seeing the concern in her eyes.

"Pretend like I've said something that has made you laugh," Karina whispered lowly. Robb let out a small laugh before moving closer to Karina. "Lothar and Holden are wearing chainmail," she said in a whisper so no one could over hear their conversation. Karina kept a smile on her face as she spoke, not wanting to give her observations. Robb glanced at the two men beside Karina and saw what she had seen. Chainmail poking out from under their clothing.

"Why would someone wear chainmail to a wedding?" Robb questioned lowly. The suspicion in his arising as he thought of all the warning signs. Correspondence with Tywin Lannister and now this.

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