Chapter 1

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Words: 788

"Y'all have a good day at school!" Summer shouted as Luca and Sora drove off.

That morning Sora and Luca had decided to ride on Sora's bike to school instead of both their bikes.

They pulled up to the school and looked around. "Everyone's staring at us." Luca whispered.

"I know." Sora whispered back, stepping off the bike and taking off his helmet followed by Luca doing the same.

Sora and Luca's outfits:

(Sora is like 5' 11" and Luca is 5' 6")

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(Sora is like 5' 11" and Luca is 5' 6")

"Come on let's find the office." Luca said.

After stopping by the office the twins walked through the hallways looking for their lockers.

"Which class do you have first Sora? I have AP Chemistry."

"I have art first."


"Ugh." Sora grunted from the floor.

Sora looked up and saw two boys standing over them. One looked like a jock from the football team and the other, screamed bottom.

"I'm sorry we didn't see you there. My names Haru." Haru said leaning towards Luca holding his hand out.

"And I'm Yuki." Yuki leaned towards Sora and held his hand out.

"I'm good." Sora said jumping up.

(Alright I don't know how to write this move but this is basically what Sora did: He was laying on the floor, and put his arms near his head pushing himself up, then he was like squatting and stood up. It's like that hip hop move they do to get up when there on the floor.)

"Woah." The boys said as Sora pulled Luca to his feet.

"You just couldn't resist the urge to show off, could you?" Luca said smiling.


Before the boys could say anything the bell rang and the twins ran off.

•After Class•

"Sora!" Luca groaned as his twin dragged him away from the boy he was talking to, "That's the 6th time you've done that today! You can't stop me from making friends!"

"I wasn't! And besides all of those boys were looking at you like they wanted to eat you! And I'm not letting you have a boyfriend yet." Sora said crossing his arms.

"Oh come on! Don't do that! You know that all of our family will not let me have a boyfriend! I don't want you to do that too!"

"Yeah, I know, Sorry Luca." Sora said sighing and dropping his arms.

"It's alright. Now let's go it's time to go home."

Sora nodded and the twins started making their way to the bike. Sora pulled on his helmet, handing Luca his, and got on the bike.

"Wait!" A voice called out stopping Luca from putting on his helmet.

They looked over to where the voice came from and saw the two boys from earlier heading over to them.

"Yes?" Luca said.

"Well- ah I was wondering if we could get your names?"

"Oh, well my names Luca!"

Luca pulled his helmet on and sat on the bike wrapping his hands around Sora's waist as to not fall off.

"And you are..?" Yuki said turning to Sora.


Without saying anything else Sora t ur bed on the bike and sped away.

"Cute name." Yuki muttered.

At Home•

(Just so you know, Taehyung still runs Kim Mafia with Jungkook, Summer had decided that she didn't want to take over, and that she just wanted to be an assassin. So when Luca and Sora are old enough they're going to take over the Kim Mafia and run it together.)

"I have a mission for you boys." Taehyung said walking into Luca's room, where the twins were hanging out.

"What is it?" Luca said turning off the game console.

"I need you two to break into Palmer Tech and delete all the information they have about your grandpa's serum."

"Grandpa's serum?! You mean the serum he made so they could control their shapeshifting powers?!" Sora said jumping up.


"How do they know about that?!" Kaito said standing up as well.

"We had a mole, and they managed to get information about the serum."

"Where is the mole now?" Sora said as he and Luca were already getting into their suits.

"Dead. Now this is all the information your going to need, be careful." Taehyung said setting the papers on the bed and walking out of the room.

"What time is it Luca?"

"8, so we should get going, Palmer tech is on the other side of town, and they close at 8:30."


They finished getting into their suits, and grabbed the papers walking out of the room and into the garage.

Sora's Suit:

Sora's Suit:

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Luca's Suit:

"Meet you at Palmer Tech

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"Meet you at Palmer Tech." Luca said before hopping onto his bike and speeding away.

"Oh it's on." Sora muttered speeding after Luca.

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