Chapter 10

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Words: 1008

(You're gunna hate me)

(Luca's POV)

About 5 minutes after Haru left the room people started running in.

"So that's what he went to do." Sora muttered crossing his arms.

"Boys we cant just attack the Lees right now, we don't even know where Yuki is." Grandpas said as the rest of them ran inside, Haru following last.

He squeezed through everyone and sat down in the chair next to me, facing away from me.

"Haru? You okay?" I asked while everyone else was busy planning.

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

"Haru.....look at me."

"I'm fine! Really!" He said not turning around.

I quickly grabbed his chair and turned him around, gasping.

"What happened to your face?" I asked tilting his head so I could look at the bruise on the side of his face.

"I accidentally snuck up on people in a mafia house? I mean it was my fault I should have knocked." He said hissing in pain when my fingers brushed the bruise.

"What happened?!"

"I walked into the room on the left of the training room and then someone grabbed me and slammed my head against a table."

"Who?!" I demanded.

"I don't know."

"Well who did you talk to?"

"Luca, I promise I'm fine. Let's just find Yuki." He said pulling me out of my chair and into his lap.

"You're still an adorable wolf by the way." He said petting my ears.

In seconds I shifted out of my form.

"Awwwww, what's wrong? Is puppy embarrassed?" He cooed making me hide my face in his chest.

He turned his chair to face everyone else in the room and started listening to their conversation as he ran his fingers through my hair.

(Sora's POV)

"We tracked Yuki to the abandoned building in the forest near Crescent. The best chance we have would be to attack now. There are three guards patrolling the two entrances. If we split into three teams, one team can attack the front and draw the guards out, while the other two teams sneak through the back. Team two will find the Lee's boss and kill him while team three finds Yuki and gets him out of there." I said pointing out the different areas on the map.

"This will work, but who's on which team?" Mum asked.

"Team one will have you, Grandpa, Uncle Hoseok, Aunt Amber, and Uncle Namjoon. Team two will have Granddad, Uncle Jimin, Aunt Taeyeon, and Aunt Seohyun. Uncle Yoongi and Uncle Jin will stay in the van and guide us through the building."

"And team three?" Grandpa asked.

"Uncle Jeongguk, Luca and me."

"No. We can't send only three of you!"

"That's all we can spare mum, we need more people to make a diversion and to take out the Lees. Besides it's three assassins we'll be fine." I said nodding.

"Alright, lets move out."

•In The Forest•

"Team two and three ready to infiltrate the building." Luca whispered into the coms.

"Team two and three stand by. Team one on my count," Jin said.




After that the coms went silent the only thing we could hear was each other's breaths, until the gun fire started. In seconds the guards guarding the back ran from their position to help the others.

"Go! Go! Go!" I whisper-yelled.

We got inside the building and split up.

"If the blueprints are right we need to take a left, then a right, and then a left." I muttered as we snuck down the hallway.

In a few short seconds we reached the area where prisoners were being held.

"Yuki!" I whispered as I saw him chained to the wall.

"Shit!" Uncle Jeongguk muttered grabbing me and pulling me back.

"What are you doing! There's no one there!" I whispered struggling in his grip.

"Damian is there!" He whispered into my ear letting me go.

"You two get Yuki, Damian's mine." I muttered standing up and walking out.

"Damian." I grunted making him turn around.

"And who are you? Are you here to rescue poor Yuki here? Well let me tell you, you can't." He snarled.

"We'll see about that."

(Luca's POV)

We used to the fight to our advantage sneaking around the corner and to Yuki.

We set our gloves to laser and cut the chains around Yuki's wrist. Once we had him we slipped out of the room.

"Wait! Sora! If he doesn't get out of here before the charges explode he'll be killed!" I said stopping Uncle Jeongguk.

"He's going to now we need to get out of here!"

We ran through the hallways and got out the back where Team two was waiting.

I looked at the expectantly.

"All the Lee's are dead. Damian's mum and dad, and their guards." Aunt Seohyun said.

"That's good. Now let's move, we need to get out of the blast zone."

Aunt Seohyun nodded and we ran around to the front of the building. Team one had already taken out all the guards, everyone was dead.

We ran to the van and all hopped in.

"Wait....where's Sora??!!" I yelled bursting out the van and running to the tree line.

"Luca!" Mum said grabbing me.

"Let me go! Sora is still in there!"

Before I could see what happened I was knocked off my feet, flying backward.

I hit the side of the van and screamed.

"Sora!" I yelled fighting the arms around me.

"Luca, he's gone!" Aunt Amber yelled making me fall back against her.

"My baby!" I head mum scream but the voices were becoming distant.

I could see their mouths moving but I couldn't hear anything except the ringing in my ears, and then I saw black.

Since I don't wanna do a full chapter for it, here's a glimpse of Yuki's past with his dad, also the knife on the floor, was used by his dad to cut Yuki's eye. That's where the scar he has came from:

If you know the song for this lyrics tell me and I'll give you a shout-out

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If you know the song for this lyrics tell me and I'll give you a shout-out

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