This is part 3 of Secret Assassin and Assassins Life. Please read those two first.
Life is looking up for the Kim-Jeon family. Summer and Kaito are happily married and have two twin boys. But what happens when those two boys become wrapped up in th...
We had been at the cafe for 15 minutes now. The girl worker had left us alone and now we were just talking. That was until a dog jumped up onto my seat.
"Woah!" Haru said as the tiny dog jumped up on me.
"Well hello buddy. What's your name?" I muttered scratching the dogs head.
"Wait a second......Sora?" Sora gave out a quiet bark.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting!" He pushed his head against my leg.
"You found out about mum didn't you?" I asked receiving a whimper.
"I'm fine. She has every right to be mad."
"Um Luca?"
"Yeah Haru?"
"3 o'clock"
"Huh?" I said whipping my head to the right my eyes widening.
Sora let out a whimper and crawled over my lap to the other side of me.
"Hi Yuki." I muttered as he approached our table.
"Hey guys. I uh missed you at school." He muttered.
"Sorry, it's going to be awhile before we come back." I said as Sora hid himself in my side.
"Is that a puppy?" Yuki said noticing Sora.
'Shit.' I thought.
Sora let out a louder whimper as Yuki reaches his hand towards him. "Sorry Yuki, he uh doesn't like strangers very much."
"Oh, that's alright."
"Luca, it's your dad. We need to go." Haru said holding up his blank phone screen.
"Oh okay." I said standing up, picking up Sora.
"Sorry Yuki, I'll talk to you later."
As soon as we got outside we hopped on my bike and drove home, Sora in my arms.
We walked into the house where mum was pacing back and forth. "Where is Sora?"
"He's right here mum." I said setting Sora on the ground.
"Oh baby!" She said trying to pick him up only receiving a growl as Sora ran up the stairs.
"I'll go after him." I muttered running upstairs, Haru following me.
•A Week Later•
(Sora's POV)
After a week I was finally okay to go to school.
"Sora, you excited for school today?" Luca asked.
"Yeah, I am. But I need to do one thing first. Go downstairs." I said and they walked out of my room.
"Okay I won't dye my hair, but I do need to change its color. And I need contacts." I muttered running around my room.
Using my powers I shapeshifter and changed the color of my hair, I put in contacts and covered one of my eyes with an eye patch.
"Perfect, no one will know it's me."
(This is how Sora is going to school:)
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"I'm ready!" I yelled walking down the stairs.
"What did you do to your hair!?" Luca said in surprise.
"I don't want Yuki to know I'm alive. It's better for him."
"If you say so, lets go."
"Wait, I can't go on my bike, or in my car. Yuki knows what it looks like."
"How about we take my car? And then to give you a reason to stay by us, we could say you're a foreign exchange student."
"Y'all can speak more than one language?" Haru asked.
"We're assassins babe, of course we need to know more than one language. We know all of the first and second world country languages."
"Pick a country brother."
"Cool! Now let's go!"
•At school•
(When Shadow(Sora) talks its gunna be in Russian but I'm gunna put the translation on the side)
"Hey guys!" Yuki said approaching us, "Who are you?"
"Меня зовут Shadow." My name is Shadow.
"He said his name is Shadow. Shadow is from Russian, he's a foreign exchange student and he's staying with me." Lucas said.
"Oh, well I'm Yuki."
"Привет Yuki." Hello Yuki.
"He said hi. Well anyways I need to show Shadow around the school, I'll talk to you later." Lica said grabbing my hand and dragging me along.
Once we were around the corner and out of ear shot Luca turned to me. "You need to disguise your voice, Yuki's gunna recognize you!"
"Yeah okay." I muttered, "Now let's go to class."
•Two weeks later•
(Author's POV)
For two weeks Sora stayed disguised Shadow. He even started using a Russian accent to hide his voice. But it was getting tiring.
As much as he wanted to protect Yuki, being around him and pretending to not know him, to ignore those feelings he still had was hurting.
So he made a plan, he was going to reveal himself.