Chapter 13

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Words: 1661

•The Next Day•

(Luca's POV)

After we performed the surgery we had moved Sora to the other medical room where he would be staying until he woke up. Jin, Namjoon, Grandpa, and Granddad has retreated to their rooms and stayed in there the rest of the day.

Now that it had been a day since the surgery we needed to talk about what to do.

I grabbed Haru's hand and pulled him off the bed.

"We need to talk about what to do with Sora. Come on." I muttered dragging him to Uncle Jin's room. Luckily when Haru has gotten Jin yesterday Aunt Seohyun had been on a mission, so she didn't know Sora was alive.

After we got Grandpa, Granddad, Uncle Jin and Uncle Namjoon we went into the meeting room.

"Are we going to tell everyone Sora is alive?" I said getting straight to business.

Grandpa sighed and dragged his hand down his face, "Yes, we have to, even tho it might just be false hope, they need to know he's alive."

"So we call a family meeting? And Haru should explain what happened, he was the first one to see Sora." I said.

"Yes." Uncle Jin replied with a nod. We all got up and went into the living room sitting down.

"Family meeting!" I yelled and slowly everyone started heading to the living room.

"So um well I don't know how to say this but- Haru has something to tell you." I said stepping to the side.

Haru gave me a look as to say "Thanks" for putting him in the spotlight. I gave him a shrug and mouthed sorry.

"Sora is alive."

"No he's not, he died in the explosion!" My mum yelled.

"No, he didn't. You see before the explosion went off he found a manhole and went inside. But before he could get off the latter the explosion knocked him off and he hit the bottom of the sewer. Since he was underground he couldn't fall anyone, and the fall had broken his GPS. So he used Sara to find a map of the sewer. He traveled for 30 minutes as a human, but he didn't have anything to eat or drink so he couldn't walk for 8 hours as a human. He then shifted into a wolf and traveled 3 more hours. But being a wolf wasn't shortening his travel time. So he changed into a bird and flew 3 more hours before finding another manhole cover and climbing out of it exiting in the woods behind the house at 3AM the day before yesterday. But since he had no food or drinks he passed out and woke back up at 10 PM. He then climbed into Luca's room through the window where he ran into me. He told me to get him clothes and he fell asleep in Luca's bed. Then when Luca woke up yesterday he was startled and kicked Sora out of the bed. I ran into the room but before anything could happen Sora passed out in my arms. We took him to the medical room where I then got Jin. Jin said that two of Sora's ribs had broken when he fell in the sewer and a piece of his rib was pushing into his lungs. Jin, Luca, and Mr. Jungkook has to perform surgery. After the surgery Sora was okay, but HES now going to be in a coma for 2 weeks. And this was yesterday. Right now Sora is in the second medical room, where he will stay until he wakes up." Haru said gasping for breath.

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