Chapter 11

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(I probably picked the worst chapter to put this but oh well. I made a YouTube video so check it out! It's quite funny)

Words: 1105

(Luca's POV)

The drive back to the mansion was quiet, except for the few sobs everyone was letting out. I was the only one not crying.

I was numb. It was like a horrible nightmare I couldn't wake up from. I didn't even notice arriving home.

I couldn't do anything but stare straight ahead. Grandpa picked me up and carried me inside.

Uncle Jeongguk was carrying Yuki. He said something to Uncle Jin and they disappeared into the medical room.

Grandpa carried me up to my room where Haru was waiting. They started talking and Haru had stumbled back.

Grandpa handed me off to Haru before leaving. And that's when I could hear again.

I let out a sob and curled into his chest.

"H-He can't be gone! H-he promised to always be there! He can't be dead!"

"Shhhh, Luca, you need to rest." Haru said pressing his lips against my head.

We stayed like this as I yelled nonsense until I fell asleep.

(Sora's POV)

•Before the bomb•

I had Damian trapped on the floor and I removed my mask.

"S-Sora?" He choked out.

"Surprise." I grinned before sticking my knife into his chest dragging it down cutting him open.

His screams faded out as he died.

"Now I need to get out of here." I muttered standing up.

I glanced at the bomb charge next to me and my eyes widened.

20 seconds

"Shit no time." I muttered running out of the room and down the hallway. I found a manhole cover and managed to climb down inside before the bombs went off knocking me off the latter splashing into the sewer water.

"Gross." I groaned wiping the grime off my face.

I climbed up the latter and tried to push it up. It was no use the bomb must have covered it up trapping me.

With a sigh I jumped off the latter and flipped on my flashlight. Luckily my suit and tech was water proof. Except my GPS has broken from falling off the latter.

I started walking through the water. About 30 minutes in I paused, realization finally hitting me.

"Shit! Luca is going to be broken! They must think I'm dead!" I yelled groaning.

"Sara, can you call anyone?"

"No sir, I can't get a transmission out."

"Do you know where I am?"

"You are under crescent, you cleared the forest about 5 minutes ago."

"Sara do you have a map of the sewers?"

"Yes sir. Generating map."

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