Chapter 8

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(Sora's POV)

Luca and I ended up missing first period since we were setting up for Yuki's surprise, but we met them at lunch.

"Luca, do you see Yuki?" I asked.

"Sora......" Luca said pointing across the cafeteria.

Some asshole had cornered Yuki, who was shaking, and two other people were holding Haru back.

"Sora calm down!" Luca said chasing after me as my eyes flashed red and I charged across the cafeteria.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I growled.

"And who are you?" The man said turning around.

"I'll ask again, what the fuck are you doing?!"

"I'm talking to my boyfriend." The asshole said obviously annoyed.

"He isn't your boyfriend."

"Yes, he is. Isn't that right Yuki?"

"N-no! I broke up with you a year ago Damian!"

"You little-!"

Damian raises his hand to slap Yuki and I charged forward grabbing his hand.

"Don't you touch him asshole." I took his hand and pulled his arm behind his back. Luca ran over and grabbed Yuki pulling him away. I shoved Damian forward letting him go.

"You asshole! Do you know who I am?!" Damian shouted.

"Yes, don't care. You're just a stupid Lee. I mean honestly, your mother tried to do something like this too, and she failed. Wanna know why? Cause she's a spoiled fake ass bitch."

At that Damian ran forward fully intended on punching me but inside stepped him making him crash into the wall and knock himself unconscious.

"Idiot." I mumbled.

"Either you let him go, or the same thing is gunna happen to you." I said turning to the guys who had Haru. They quickly let him go and ran to Damian, picking him up and carrying him out.

"Are you okay?" I said running to Yuki, "Did he hurt you? Did he touch you? I swear if he hurt you I'd-!"

"I'm fine Sora, I promise."

"Oh god baby, I was so scared he was gunna hurt you." I muttered grabbing him and pulling him close.

Luca had ran off to Haru and was treating to his black eye. He looked over at me and I mouthed "Tomorrow."

He nodded. I was going to ask Yuki to be my boyfriend tomorrow, today wasn't the right time.

•The Next Day, Second Period•

"This guy has some nerve." I growled walking to the other side of the classroom.

Yuki, Haru and Luca and had second period with me, and apparently so did Damian.

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