Chapter 7

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Words: 1227

•On Monday•

(Sora's POV)

Luca and I walked into school and quickly located Haru and Yuki.

Luca grabbed Haru by the hand, and dragged him away.

"Hey." I said to Yuki my face getting hot as I remembered Saturday.


"There's no teacher in first today, so class is canceled, which means we have a free period!" Yuki exclaimed, excited. Yuki and I shared first period while Haru and Luca shared first.

"Wanna go to the coffee shop then? They have ice cream." I asked.

"Sure! Let's go!"

Today Luca and I had taken both our bikes, which was a good call now.

"I brought my bike today. Do you want to walk?" I asked.

"It's fine, we can take your bike."

"Alright, here put this on." I handed him my helmet and sat on the bike.

"Just hold onto my waist okay?" I said as Yuki got onto the bike.

His arms wrapped around my waist and he hurried his head into my back.

"I'm going to drive now." I said starting the bike and driving out of the parking lot.

I heard a small whimper and moved one of my hands to Yuki's hands, which were around my waist, giving them a squeeze.

"It's okay, take a look."

I felt his head leave my back and a little gasp followed.

"It's so pretty." He whispered making me smile.

In 5 minutes we reached the cafe and I pulled into the parking lot, stopping the bike.

We got off and walked into the cafe.

"I'll have the pumpkin spice latte, two vanilla cones and....."

"A mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino." Yuki finished, placing his order.


I paid the money and waited for our drinks while Yuki picked a seat. Our drinks came out and I headed to the table sitting opposite of Yuki.

"We have 50 minutes." I said looking at my watch.


25 minutes into our conversation Yuki paused, his face red.

"What is it?"

" this a date?" Yuki asked.

Now it was my turn to heat up, "Well- I mean- yeah- if you want it to be."

"Did you want this to be a date?"

"Yeah, I was hoping this was a date." I said in a small voice.

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