Chapter 3

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Words: 1130


(Sora's POV)

After 10 minutes of him not breaking I growled and got up pacing the room in frustration.

I had already taken 7 fingers, 4 toes, an ear, one of his hands, and his man part. He wasn't breaking.

"You know," I muttered loud enough for him to hear, I was slowly losing the grip I had on my sanity. Last time I had lost grip, the dude was in hundreds of different pieces. "Your lucky I need you to talk, or I'd have already sown your lips shut so you wouldn't scream."

He didn't spit at me this time, he was too weak from blood loss to do that, he just ignored me.

"I need to change the way I'm doing this, don't I? You're gunna make me go there aren't you?"


"Yes. There." I muttered grabbing a tablet and marching over to Daewon.

"I wonder if I should call your family?" Now that got a reaction from him. He pulled against his restraints and growled at me.

"Leave them alone!"

"Now why should I? You didn't leave my family alone. Why don't I call them? So then I can torture you in front of them! Oh that's a great idea!" I laughed finally losing grip on my sanity.

"Don't touch them!" He shouted at me.

"Wow, feisty." I said smiling as I twisted the knife in his thigh making him scream.

"Oh! I got it! Why don't I torture them! And then make you watch!" I pulled the knife out.

"A knife coming out hurts more than a knife going in doesn't it?"

"I'll tell you what you want to know! Just don't hurt my family!"

"You swear?"


"Well then, start talking." I growled.

30 minutes later I snuck out of the room with a crazy grin on my face.

It didn't take him an hour to tell me everything, that only took 10 minutes, but it took him 20 minutes to die.

I looked down at my blood covered shirt and immediately stopped walking.

"Shit, I can't let them see me like this!" I whispered sneaking through the house to get to my room.

I made it a third way to my room before I heard voices down the hall.

I ducked into the crevice of the wall. There were lots of places like this in the house, the one over by the doctors room was used by my mum and dad to hide dad from everyone.

As the voices grew closer I could make out who it was.

I let out a breath. It was only Uncle Jeongguk and Grandpa. I'm pretty sure Uncle Jeongguk knew what I was so I decided to walk out of my hiding space.

I coughed, making my presence known before walking out in front of them.

The one silent rule everyone had was to not surprise the shapeshifters.

Grandpa, Uncle Jeongguk, Aunt Taeyeon, and Aunt Seohyun all took the serum so they showed their emotions all the time. But if we were to surprise them they would shift, and we don't want that.

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