Chapter 12

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Words: 1337

(Sora's POV)

I jumped awake as I heard a twig snap, only to be greeted by a surprise. I was a bunny.

When I had passed out I had shifted, and I guess I shifted into a bunny. I shifted out of my form and put my clothes back on.

"Sara what time is it?" I asked looking around at the dark sky.

"It's 10PM sir. You passed out at 3AM, it's been 19 hours."

"Fuck." I muttered grabbing my bag and walking out of the woods.

Everyone was probably asleep since all the lights were turned off so I stood by the wall of the house and stared at Luca's window. Haru was probably with him but I needed to make sure my brother was okay.

With a sigh I turned on my gloves and started climbed up the wall. I reached the window and opened it jumping inside. Luca was asleep in his bed, and Haru was probably in the bathroom since the light was on.

"I need a changed of clothes." I muttered looking down at my wet pants and shoes.

I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Luca? What is it baby?" Haru said walking out.

"Not Luca." I muttered as he gasped grabbing me into a hug.

"We thought you were dead!"

"Shhhh." I said covering his mouth.

"Oops." He said glancing at Luca.

"I escaped through a manhole before the explosion, but my GPS was damaged. I wondered around in the sewer for 30 minutes until Sara gave me a map. I traveled as a wolf and as a bird through the sewer. It took me 6 hours to get here. I got here at 3AM, but I passed out in the forest and woke up at 10PM as a bunny. I'm tired and want to sleep with my brother. Can you please grab me some clothes from my room?"

"Of course." Haru said running out of the room. He came back a minute later and I changed.

"Can I sleep with Luca tonight? You can sleep in my room if you want. I'll tell everyone I'm alive tomorrow I haven't slept since we left for the mission."

"Yes you can, I'll take your room. We missed you Sora." Haru said giving me a hug before leaving the room.

I sighed and climbed onto the bed and curled behind Luca falling asleep.

•In the morning•

(Luca's POV)

I woke up and froze. Haru never slept with his back facing me, who the fuck was in my bed?!

I kicked the person out of my bed and jumped up.

"Who the fuck are you?" I yelled.

The person said nothing and stood up.

"Where's Haru?"

I glanced at the person back. There was a large bruise from where I kicked them as well as multiple bruises on their side and back.

"Luca stop!" Haru said running into my room and in front of the person.

"Are you okay?" He said to the person making me grit my teeth.

"Oh shit, why didn't you show me this last night? We need to get you to the medical room. When you fell you must have damaged something, your skin isn't supposed to be that color."

The person he was talking to slumped against him and Haru's eyes widened.

"Luca! Help!" He yelled.

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