Entering the Vault

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She continues fighting, Mey dodges and pushes her back with his own attack. Until he shot her with his gun again.

She died.

"There is no more hope for the future,"

A bright light surrounds her.

She is standing in front of him. Her frustrated expression turned into a sadistic one as she attacks him once more.

Mey tries to spare her again this time instead of sparing him, she ferociously attacks him.

"You really look angry there, I guess I was able to do it in another timeline," Mey said jokingly at her.

"Just don't tell the other Mey's what happened," Mey said as he winked and continued the battle.

Meika continued fighting, her determination to open the vault is more than Mey's determination to stop her from opening the vault.

He starts to understand why Cody or Ken Drick cannot use their magic or dodging skills too much because it simply exhausts them to the point where they would fall asleep in the middle of a battle.

He started to get desperate as her attacks started to become more ferocious and powerful.

"Oh well... If you survive this... I'll show you my special attack... And we both know we don't want to see that," Mey said as she rolled her eyes and attacked him.

Its time to give his all. He started using his Magic to form tridents going towards her. She continued on her sprint to destroy him.

Mey dodged her attack and used his trident to push her back. His tridents became purple as it hit Meika and surrounded her.

She tried to move but the pain that the tridents caused was too much.

"Heh, it has been one hell of a battle..." he felt his eyelids becoming heavier. He can't sleep now, especially when the fate of the world rests on him now.

"I knew you for a long time and you're the really determined type of person. The most determined thing you could do is just QUIT," Mey said as he sits and started feeling his sleepiness get the better of him.

Meika watched as he closed his eyes. All she needed to do is wait, his magic will slip up like Cody's did.

She felt the tridents starting to retreat down back to the floor. She started sprinting towards him and like Cody. Mey dodged her attack last minute.

"What the hell was that fo-" Before he could finish his sentence he was stabbed
straight at the chest. He falls down to the floor as his blade and gun clatters on the floor too.

She grabbed her necklace from him and looked at him with cold, black eyes.

"I guess this was my final chance, I hope you make the right decision next time... My love," as Mey passes away his hand falls from his chest wound and it opens to reveal a small box.

"He really loved you" Jiya said as Meika remained quiet, watching Mey's yellow soul begin to shake and shatter. She felt her stats update.

Meika Onderon
L.V: 20           H.P: 99
DEF: 91

She felt the HATE from Mey's soul go towards her black soul. A sadistic smile started forming on her face as he placed the final key onto its lock.

Jiya started to worry, even during the previous tiemlines she could hear Meika's thoughts. This time it was just pure silence, no quips or anything.

She started to think quietly. Maybe she might have pushed this caring girl too far into the path of Genocide. She tried to talk to her again.

"Meika are you still there, please talk to me."

Yet she was only greeted with silence. She continued to watch through Meika's eyes as the vault doors started to move.

There were much more things inside the vault than she last remembered yet there was one thing that remained familiar to her.

A golden pedestal that holds a leather book. It was quite familiar, close to her brother's old journals, yet it wasn't. It didn't give the warm feeling of her brother.

She looks up to see the painting of the man who fallen into the void, knowing immediately who owns this book.

"Our journey comes to an end," Meika said as she smiles more and more sadistically.

"What do you mean Meika?" Jiya asks curiously.

Meika looks at Jiya with a sadistic grin.

"Let's erase this pointless world, with this book, we could kill everyone who thought we were weak, who thought we couldn't accomplish anything," Jiya looks at Meika as if she's insane. When it came to an end of this kind of runs they never erased the world. They both just reset it and bear with the consequences but now Meika is serious about erasing everything. All the stories and memories of everything will become useless.

"Meika! NO! This isn't right, I know that they mistreated you and me, but the world has done nothing wrong to you!" Jiya said desperately trying to stop Meika from erasing the world.

"Since when do you have a choice" Meika said as she grabbed Jiya's arm and started laughing creepily. The Red-black liquid falling down her eyes and mouth.

The End =)

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