New mission

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"I told you that you will like your new partner." He smiles.
"When you said you got a job, I honestly wasn't expecting this." Taehyung slowly wanders my way and wraps his arms around me.
"We can't get too distracted. You have to get to the level I'm at then we can relax. So, no hugs until training is over today. Got it?" He pouts and tries to give me the puppy dog eyes.
"Aww. That's not fair Y/N! Your my girlfriend."
"That is true, but since we are at work I gotta act professional. I have loads of people looking up to me." I laugh nervously.
"Ok. Fine, let's get started then."
"Now, the first part of training, combat. I'll walk you through some beginner steps, see how well you do, then teach you more. Got it?" He nods and starts to stretch out. I showed him a couple moves and then I show them again with him following me.
"Now then. Next you have to fight of this dummy with the moves I've taught you. Ok?" I grab the dummy from the side of the mat we were on and place it in front of him.
"Ok." He nods, putting on a straight face.
"Ready, begin!"

(Three months later)

"Agent X and V. Please report to my office."
"Uh oh. Do you think we got caught?" Taehyung whispers to me.
"Well, we did sneak out of a conference and I think Rosé saw us come into the storage closet." I giggle, wrapping my arms around him.
"Do we have to go?" He whines.
"Come on kitty. Let's go see what boss man wants. Oh, and fix your hair a little." I ruffle his hair.
"Do you remember what you told me the first day I started training?" He says as we head to boss's office. I was trying to think back that far, but honestly couldn't remember anything.
"Mmm, no I don't. Why?"
"Well, I don't think you are staying true to your word miss 'I have people who look up to me'." He giggles. Then it hits me.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Come on." I pull him by his shirt sleeve to our bosses room.

"Agent X, ever since you've gotten your new, partner, I've noticed You have been distracted with your work. If this keeps happening then I will have to, well I can't really do anything because your our top agent. Just try to keep focused from now on. Ok?"
"Yes sir. Is that all?" I asked standing up, Taehyung following my move.
"No. We have a mission for you two. we have heard some rumors of your last enemy, Elvira, having a brother. He's a scientist who works in Europe. Before we found him some, might I say, disturbances have been caused around France where his lab is located. We have teamed you up with our top agents in our Europe branch to investigate. You will leave tomorrow afternoon."
"Wow! I've always wanted to go to Europe! I mean, I've been there before on a family trip, but I never thought I would be going back! Taehyung this will be so much-"
"Agent X please remember that this is a mission and NOT a vacation."
"Darn. ok, I understand. Do you have the papers?"
"They are being sent as we speak. I'll have Rosé drop them off at your office later today. So in the meantime, how about you work on your partner's concentration skills. As we were talking he was able to rip two holes in my carpet because of a beetle." I turn around to see a small grey cat on the floor ripping a hole in the floor.
"Taehyung! No! Bad kitty. I'm sorry sir. He might be a 20 year old man, but he's still a little kitten at heart." I could hear my boss give a small chuckle as I collect Taehyung from off the floor.
"That's all the information for now. You may leave, and remember, this is a MISSION. Not a vacation."
"Yes that is understood. Come on Taehyung. Let' go figure out what we are going to wear to Europe."

"Here Y/N. These are the papers for the Europe mission. Ya know, if you need any extra help, you can always call up your best friend and her partner? Cause you never know when you might need an extra person for fighting, and someone with impeccable computer skills." Rosé says.
"That is true. But you know that if there are too many people on one mission, it's easier for the bad guy to take a target. I'm sorry. And besides, I'm not allowed to do any vacationing." She looks at me bummed.
"Dang. That's why I was asking. Ok then, I'll see you later. You're still having dinner with Jungkook and I tonight tho. Right?" I nod.
"Yea. We will be there a little earlier because we have to leave around four tomorrow and last time we had dinner with you two, we were up talking till four."
"Ok. I'll text Kook and tell him to pick up the food on his way home then. I'll see you two later then. Bye Taehyung! You silly kitten. I already heard what you did to old boss mans carpet." She cooed at Taehyung. When she leaves, I look over at Taehyung who was playing with a paperclip on my desk.
"What am I gonna do with you kitty." I pick him up and set him in my lap as I look over the papers.

(At Rosé's and Jungkook's apartment)

"I was thinking of dying my hair again. The color has kind of faded. What do you think?" I ask Rosé. She looks over my head.
"Hmm. I don't know. Hey Taehyung! Should Y/N dye her hair again?" I see him get up from where he was sitting with Jungkook.
"Hmmm. I like her pink hair. It fits her personality." He says sweetly. Rosé aww's.
"Hey Taehyung, I don't think annoying and mean matches with pink." Kook yells from the living room.
"Hey! Jungkook your a dead man!" I yell back. I bolt passed Rosé and Taehyung but don't get far because Taehyung held me back.
"See. What did I say. Noona is a meanie." I give him a death glare.
"Hahahaha. I'm only joking noona. Don't kill me." He laughs nervously.
"Ok. That's enough. Let's eat. I'm hungry." Taehyung says. He lets go of my waist and heads to the table.

-After dinner-
"Thank you guys for dinner. I'll see you when we get back. Ok?" I wave goodbye to them as I pull out of the driveway.
"Should I really dye my hair again? I feel like I should." I say.
"If you do, I want to dye it as well." He says.
"Ok. I'll pick for you if you pick for me. Deal?"
"Deal. I know the exact color that will look good on you!!" He says.
"Ok. We can go get that done tomorrow morning before we leave. Let's get home and start packing."

(7:00 am)
"Should I bring a swimsuit? What if we decide to stay longer after our mission. I don't want to be unprepared. Actually, if I don't bring a swimsuit, it gives me an excuse to go shopping. Ok! Not bringing the swimsuit." I ramble. We both decided to pack our bags tonight to we will have time tomorrow to get out hair done, but seeing how Taehyung was paying more attention to his toys, it was up to me to pack our bags.
"You'll like France Taehyung. It's really pretty, and cozy. They have the best bread, which is your favorite thing, and the stores there sell the most beautiful clothes. Oh! And the Eiffel Tower in Paris is such a pretty sight. We have to go there. It's a must. Job or no job, we are definitely going." I get small meows in agreement.
"Ok fluff ball. You have to help me too. Go to the bathroom and pack your toiletries bag." I walked to the living room to grab a few things and when I came back, Taehyung had not moved.
"Taehyung! Come on baby. You have to pack." I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Sleepy kitty. I'll help you. But you owe me." I start putting his things in a bag and then I put my things in a separate bag.
"Ok. I think we are done. Now we just have to wait." I lay down on our bed and put Taehyung on my stomach.
"Do you think we should eat something then go to bed? I'm hungry." I look at the small cat on my stomach and see him fast asleep.
"I guess We are sleeping then."


Hi everyone! I'm back with another story. This is the second book of the Half Human series. So I hope you enjoy!

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