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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I was finally back home. After spending five weeks in Paris. Four of those weeks on a mission and the last week being passed out in the hospital. I was so glad to go home. The plane ride back to Seoul was a little uncomfortable, due to the bullet wound in my thigh, but it was worth it. Taehyung helped me with my bags as Rosé helped me walk. She helped me to the couch as I sat down.
"You have your pain medicine? And your crutches are by the door. What about-"
"Rosé, I'm fine. There's no need to worry. I've been shot before and was perfectly fine." I smiled at her reassuringly.
"Ok. I hope your leg heals soon. I bet boss man has already heard about this. So there's no rush to come back. Take as long as you need to recover. I'll leave you two be now. I gotta go save my mom from hobbie and Yoongi. She texted me while we were gone that they were becoming a handful." She laughed nervously. I waved as she left, closing the door. I sighed, finally being able to relax after the long mission. When I heard Taehyung come back downstairs I didn't even think of moving. Though he came over to me and crawled on top of me. Putting himself in between my legs, resting his head on my chest.
"I'm glad we are home. I missed this." He says. I run my fingers through his hair. Kissing the top of his head. His tail slowly wiped back and forth,  soft purrs coming from him.
"Me too. It feels nice to just relax."

- Five months later -

"It's great to see you back Agent X. How's your injury?" Boss says as I was sitting in his office.
"It healed great. Thank you. Have there been any cases lately?" I waited eagerly for his response. Fingers crossed hoping to get a case.
"No. All our other agents have the most important ones already. Unless you want to do small missions that we give our beginners." I scrunch my nose shaking my head.
"No thanks."
"Then you guys are on break. That is until you get called in. Go enjoy yourselves. Sleep in. Go on trips. All that fun stuff." I nod, taking Taehyung's hand.
"Thank you sir. We'll see you later then." We walk out of headquarters and to our car.
"So what's first?" Taehyung says. 
"Well, I've always wanted to go to London?" He smiled.
"Are you going to be ok for the flight?" He nods vigorously. I giggled.
"Ok. London it is."

- A year later -

"Wow Y/n! You guys went everywhere! England, Japan, China, America, Canada! How'd you get all this free time?" Rosé asked as I was showing her pictured from our trips.
"When I went into work as soon as I was better, Boss said he didn't have any missions for us. So we went on vacation." She was so into the pictures that my words kinda went over her head.
"You met Ariana Grande!!" She showed the picture to Jungkook who was sitting next to her. I got up from the floor, finding Taehyung sitting on the couch watching tv. I plopped down next to Jim and leaned my head on his shoulder. He held up two. Pieces of paper in front of me.
"Wanna go?" I took the paper and saw that they were two first class tickets to Paris.
"You want to go back?" He pouted.
"You don't want to go?" He said try to grab the tickets back. I quickly pulled them away.
"Yes I want to go! But, I thought you wouldn't want to go back because of the mission we had last year?" He shook his head.
"Just because we had a mission there doesn't mean we have to avoid the place. Come one. Two weeks of strictly vacationing. What do you say?" He gave me a boxy smile. Which of course made me smile back.
"I'd love to." I say wrapping my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss. I felt his lips curve into  another smile.
"Is this another trip? I swear, with all these trips you're turning into a retired couple." Jungkook laughs.
"Jungkook if you had all this free time, I'm sure you would be taking Rosé to all these places." I spat. Not looking at him. He laughed nervously.

- Two weeks later in Paris -

"Ok. So we've been to all the shops, museums, and cafe's. Where to next?"
"I've been saving the Eiffel Tower for our last day. So that's where we will go today." He smiled. I jumped up, clapping my hands together.
"Yay! I'm so excited. I'm going to get changed." I dashed to our room and started looking through my closet. Towards the back, I saw a dress with a sticky note on it saying,

    Wear on our Eiffel Tower date

"What's this?" I pull out the most beautiful dress I've ever seen.
"Do you like it?" Taehyung was standing at the door, fiddling with his fingers.
"I do! This is so pretty!" I laid the dress on the bed and gave him a hug.
"Go put it on. I'll wait downstairs." I nod and quickly change. Also fixing my hair and my makeup.
"Ok baby! I'm ready. How do I-" I stop mid sentence when I see Taehyung wearing a suit, all dressed up like myself.
"Whoa. Your hot babe." I smirk, giggling a little. I put my heels on and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Is seeing the Eiffel Tower the only thing we are seeing tonight?" I said.
"Mmm, I mean I also have a couple other things we could do after. But you're just gonna have to wait." He winked at me, then took my hand to lead me to our destination.

"There's no line? That's funny. I could've sworn there was a line three blocks down from here?" Taehyung smiled.
"I had some things arranged. We have the whole tower to ourselves." He leads me to the elevator and the man working them welcomes us. He takes us to the top, and we get out.
"Wow! The view! It's so pretty!" I looked out over the edge. Taking in the beautiful scenery. Taehyung comes over wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Look. There's our hotel. And there's the museum we went to yesterday. And, aww, a cute dog." I giggle.
"Hey! What about me? I'm cute." He pouted. I cooed.
"Of course! You're the cutest of them all." I kissed his nose and gave him a hug.
"This is great. I love this."
"It gets better though! Come on." He takes my hand and we go up some stairs to the top part of the tower. When we reached the top, a table was there, filled with plates of food. A butler was there, holding a wine bottle as well.
"Dinner on top of the tower! Oh wow!" Taehyung lead me to my seat pushing my chair in for me.
"We have some of our favorite French dishes, along with some of our home favorites." I giggle when I see a plate with two grilled cheese sandwiches.

We both ate in a comfortable silence. And after we were finished, we just talked about random things. Or what we saw through our various trips we've been on. Plus some future trips as well.
"Ok. So, I have one more surprise for you. You ready?" I nod my head. He leads me. To the railing and not long after, fireworks were set off.
"Whoa!! That's so pretty!" I watched as the beautiful colors brightened up the night sky. I got super excited when I saw my name come up.
"Taehyung look! It's my name!" I turned next ro me, only to see no one was there.
"Taehyung?" I turned around to see him a few feet behind me.
"Did you see that! My name was up there! Was that the last surprise? If it was, I absolutely loved it." I said kissing him.
"That's one of them. Ready for the next? Hold out your hands. Oh! And close your eyes." I did as he told me. I waited. And waited.
"Taehyung? You still there?" I peaked out of one eye to see Taehyung kneeling on one knee. I gasped, covering my mouth. Tears starting to fall.
"Y/F/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honor and become my wife?" I could tell he was nervous. But his big smile hid it well. I nod my head.
"Yes!" He let go of the air he was holding and put the ring on my finger. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He placed his hands on my cheeks wiping away the tears. The rest of the night was filled with music and some dancing. Along with some pretty bad singing. When we got back to our hotel room, we both were exhausted. We both changed back into comfy clothes and collapsed onto the bed. Taehyung snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Tae Tae." I kissed his nose and we both fell asleep.

Oh my gosh!! Yay!! The end!! Happy endings for everyone!! 😂 so how was it? I hope you enjoyed. I'm wanting to start writing another book soon so stay tuned. We have a six week break off of school so I'm planning on starting something soon. Hope everyone had a great day. Stay healthy! Wash ur hands, don't touch ur face. K byee!! ✌🏻

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