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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Taehyung's POV

"What the actual hell is wrong with you!" I scream at Agent R.
"If she's the top agent in your branch then this should be easy for her." She says laughing. She wasn't wrong. Y/n is the best. One by one, each guy is taken down with ease. She's not even breaking a sweat. But her eyes changed again.
"Where you in with this?" I ask J. He let go of my arm and scratched the back of his neck.
"Yes. I'm sorry. R is scary when she doesn't have her way. I really like you guys, but I have no clue why she doesn't. You two are very nice. And even when working, you two work together and not one powers over the other. That's how a team should be." I watch Y/n as J talks.
"You better make sure she knows you appreciate her. You don't come around a girl like her everyday. Especially if your a hybrid." My eyes widen.
"How'd you-"
"It's easy. You were the guy Elvira kidnapped. To get this mission, I had to research your guys mission. It was just me for almost the whole time. Right before I was able to reach the family history for Elvira, R showed up and I never saw the paper again. Something about R makes me want to question her about all these coincidences. But if I did, I'm sure I'll get a whole lecture." He laughs.
"Did you ever ask for another copy of the family history? They might have another one."
"That's actually really smart. Why didn't I think of that. I'll go do that now." J waves and leaves.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!! Are you actually insane! We're supposed to be working together!" I snap my attention back to Y/n who was stepping over all the passed out agents on her way to where R was.
"Hahaha! I'm surprised you actually beat all of them! That was fun. Welp, I better be off. Later losers." R jumps off the box she was sitting on and leave the practice room. Y/n was about to run after her, but I grabbed her waist and held her back.
"If you don't let go of me right now I swear to god you won't see tomorrow." She screamed.
"Shhhh. Calm down. Hey, what did I say about not letting her bother you? I actually have something I gotta tell you about her. But you have to calm down." She freezes immediately, smirking at me.
"Spill the tea babe."

"So your saying that J thinks she has something to do with Elvira's brother? Wow. I mean how she acts I can totally see it. I think this mission will be a lot longer than a one nighter. Let's go look at the file room. Maybe we can find something there." He nods and we make our way around headquarters.

"have you found anything?" I ask looking through files.
"Nope. Nothing. Damn. I really thought we were on to something. Maybe J found it and took it back to his office."
"Hey! What are you two doing here?! We're leaving!" R says. I jump from her voice.
"Jheeze. Could she be any more demanding." Y/n says sarcastically dusting off her pants.
"We're coming. Where's the car?"
"Where not going in cars. Here." She tosses me a pair of keys.
"There's a bike for both of us"
"Aww sweet!! Gimme the keys! I'm gonna drive-"
"Ha! Don't make me laugh. Your not driving. Women under 21 don't drive." She says.
"I'm 23 old hag. Now give me the damn keys."
"She'll ride with me. Let's go." Taehyung takes my arm and we head out.

Y/n' POV

Oh I'm so gonna beat her ass when I get the chance.
When we get in the bikes I noticed J wasn't with us.
"Hey, where's J?" I ask. I watch R's reaction.
"He decided to work with us from headquarters. He won't be joining this heist." She smirked. We started the bikes and we were off.
"I told you that she seemed off. She probably killed J." I told Taehyung. He just nods.

When we got to our hideout for the night, which was just in a sewer. I put on my spy belt and gloves and got in position.
"Agent V you will be stationed right there, along the passage. When I give the signal, you hop out and get rid of his henchmen. X, you'll be over there." She points to a place so far away that I couldn't even see it properly.
"Shouldn't I be closer so I can help? What's the point of being out over here?'
"You'll see." She pushes me to where I was supposed to stand. I look over at Taehyung and he looks concerned as well.
"Hey R, is there really a reason she's all the way over there? I mean, we are a team. We should be working together." She huffs.
"Fine, be over there with your sad partner. I'll handle this myself." Taehyung and I both headed to my place.
As our back were turned, gunshots sounded off from where the entrance was.
"Hey teammates! This is our chance. Positions!" Taehyung and I hold off some men while I see R run in.
"We should all be in there helping. Instead she's gonna- behind you!'' I pull Taehyung out of the way of a guy holding a gun. I knock it out of his hand and shoot him.
"Thanks babe. I didn't see him."
"It's over boys! The good guys won! Drop your weapons." We all look over at R who had what seemed to be Elvira's brother in handcuffs. The men that we were fighting immediately dropped their weapons and backed off.
"Something doesn't seem right." Taehyung whispers to me.
"I know. This was too easy." And to make it even more easy, police came right when the battle was done.
"Thank you agent R. I don't know how we would've been able to find him without your help. We will take him from here." She nods and hands over the culprit to the police.
"Well, that was fun. Shall we celebrate with a drink?" She takes out the key of her bike and starts it up.
"But, don't we need to take record? Go through his leigher and see if there's any hostages?" Taehyung asks.
"Don't worry cutie. There was no one there. I did a full sweep while you two were "busy". I know this great pub down the road. Stop stalling. Let's go." We follow her. Words and start out bike up and follow her out.
"Taehyung I have a really bad feeling. I don't really want to go out drinking."
"I know. I have a bad feeling as well. Hey, R! We are gonna call it a night. I didn't realize I had a cut on my arm and I need to to get bandaged up. We will see you tomorrow."
"Party poopers. Well I guess you would want to rest now that our mission is over. You'll probably want to go home early as well. Whatever." She starts her bike up again and leaves.
"Let's go back to headquarters and fill out some papers. Then I guess we can pack to leave?" I say.
"Nope. We are going back to our hotel. I'm tired and I know you are too. We can pick up work again tomorrow."
"Ok. Oh! We can also spend the rest of our trip sightseeing! This will be fun." We get on our bike and head back to our hotel.

-At the hotel-
"Hey babe! I'm gonna go get some ice. I'll be back." Taehyung says. I was making some dinner and listening to the news about the mission we just completed.
"The man known as Eaven, also known to be the brother of criminal Elvira was caught today by no other than Agent R and her partner Agent J. We now go to their agency for a few words from the two heroes.
'I wouldn't have been able to figure this out without my partner J. He has been there helping me become the agent I am today. Who would've thought that I joined only a couple months ago.' Now onto other news..."
As I was setting the table, Taehyung came into our room in a rush.
"Taehyung? What's going- what happened to you?!" He was all covered in scratches and. I rushed over to him to help him up. "What happened!! What's-"
"That was not Eaven who we caught. Whoever that was that wasn't the target. It was a decoy. I was just getting ice when men jumped me." I helped him up and took him to the bathroom to clean him up.
"Are you alright? Nothing major is hurt?"
"No. Just scratches. I was able to get them off me. Did you hear me?"
"Huh? No? I didn't. I heard you say you were going to get ice then when you came back through the door?"
"Oh? That's weird? I could hear you? You were talking to the tv about R's interview. Something isn't right." he hops off the counter and grabs his phone.
"Taehyung I wasn't finished! Get back here!"
"Hold on. I need to make a call." I watch him grab his dish from the table and head to our room and shut the door. And that's where he was for the rest of the night.

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