Acting Pt. 2

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Jungkook move!" I was able to push him out of the way, but I was stuck.
"Hahaha! Oh shit. I totally forgot about that trap! This was too easy. Get her on the truck, I'll handle the boy." The guards around Ruby head over to the cage I was in, taking it out to the truck.
"Taehyung!!!" I saw Ruby walk over to Taehyung and men chain his hands behind his back.
"No no no.This wasn't supposed to happen!" I was trying to see back where everyone else was but we already rounded the corner and at the truck. I was forcefully taken out of the metal prison and blindfolded. Followed by being thrown into the back of the vehicle. The only sound was the clatter of chains and the laughter of the men R called on. Thinking on how I was going to find a way out, I totally remembered that I can talk to Taehyung telepathically.
Wait! Taehyung can you hear me?! Please answer back? Taehyung! Taehyung!
No answer.
"Why can't I hear him!!" I put my head in my hands. The guards all around me start to laugh.
"Having trouble speaking with your freaky friend? She must've given you the Red dragon."
I smile to myself. Everything is falling into place.


We headed back to where we first caught our target and got ready. I Called Lisa's phone again, and luck was on my side because Ruby answered.
"Well hello again. It's sad to say, but Lisa still isn't available. Can I-"
"Actually. I was meaning to talk to you. I- I'll give you what you want." I could hear the others screaming in the back, telling me not to give in.
"I'm so glad you came to your senses and decided to return what is mine."
"Meet us where our last mission was."
"I'll be there in 10." She hangs up and I sigh.
"Taehyung. I don't like this. What if I can't get you back? What if this plan doesn't work." I was watching him try and find the hidden trap from the last time.
"It's will. Trust me. I'll talk to you through the mind thing as well. Ok, here's the trap. Make sure you push me out of the way enough to where you get caught and not me. Ok?" I nod, looking over at the brick he was pointing at. He walked me through the plan some more while we waited for Ruby to show.
"Ok. Now that you know the plan we gotta act it out as well. You're pretty good at the acting thing. I've noticed with previous missions you can act pretty well." I blush.
"Well, I did take some acting classes in college. But not long enough to become really good. But thanks babe!" I give him a hug.
"So all you have to do is-" before he could finish, we heard the screech of tires coming from outside the leigher. We both quickly got into character. Taehyung quickly whipping up some tears. I as well.
"Wow! I can't believe it! After so many months away, I'm finally getting back what was rightfully mine." Ruby walks over to us with ten bodyguards behind her.
"Now agent X, I don't want any funny business here. We will do a quick trade off then we will both be on our way." I kept my gaze to the ground. When I felt Taehyung leave my side is when the show started.
"Please Taehyung! Don't do this! You mean too much to me! Please don't go with her." I was able to get some pretty good tears going because he was actually going with her, as that was the plan.
"I have too. You will get your friends back. Don't worry about me. Please, just try to move on with your life and forget. But I won't forget your kindness. And the hospitality you gave me the past years."

Damn, the ten minute acting lesson I gave him went really well.

"Aww. So sad. Come on crybabies. Let's get a move on. I got other things to do today." Two men bring out Jungkook, Rosé, and Lisa. Everything was going great. Until Jungkook spoke out.
"X don't do this! You don't have to give him up for us!"
"Shut up." The guard holding him pushed him forwards, having him land on the button to the trap. Clanking metal was heard through the room. I acted fast, pushing him out of the way.

-Present Time-

After what felt like an hour of being thrown around in the back of a truck, we finally arrived at what I assumed to be Ruby's headquarters.
"Get her out and put her in the cell with the other agent. Don't do anything to either of them until the boss says so." One of the men says. And with that, I'm forcefully taken out of the cage and thrown in a cell.
"Ouch. What the fuck man." I rub my head and lean up against the wall. Taking my blindfold off, It takes me a while to really get a good look at where I was.
"Agent X?" I sit up straight when I hear that voice. In the opposite corner, I see the silhouette of J.
"J! What the hell are you doing here? You were right about R. She's crazy! she is working on behalf of her dead sister. How did you get here? R said you were working with the tech for this.. now that I say it out loud I know you weren't." He sighs and sits next to me.
"She caught me when I was looking at Elvira's family history. I wasn't able to see much before she knocked me out. Then next thing I knew I was here. Wait, where's V?" I groan when he mentions Taehyung.
"We had a plan to catch her. He stayed up last night figuring the whole thing out, but while the plan was in progress, something happened to where I ended up getting caught. She took him. I really hope he's ok. He's a hybrid you see, and we can talk to each other telepathically, but I can't hear him for some reason. I have no idea what's wrong with me. First, he said there was something wrong with my eye color, and now I can't hear him. This is the second time where I wasn't on guard and he's paying the price for my mistakes." I put my face in the palms of my hands. When Taehyung told me the plan, his specific words were to not tell anyone else. Even if it's someone who you trust. I quickly made up the whole story, fooling J. I did feel a little guilty.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. She fooled all of us. And I should say now, the reason you can't hear him is because of those macrons she gave you. I saw her making them one day in the kitchen and she put something in them. I think it was called red dragon. People who consume it, that have that same mental connection with their hybrid, it blocks off all connection between the two for three weeks. And that's why your eyes are changing color. That's the only side effect. It turns the consumers eyes red when they are filled with rage. That's how it got its name. I'm really sorry I didn't say anything before. I feel like such a dick now. But, I'm going to make it up. come on. We are going to find a way out of here.

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