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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"I'm so tired!" I say as I collapse onto our bed. Agents J and R kept us up till three the next morning and we were finally able to get back to our hotel room by four.
"Why did they have us stay so late? All we were doing was just sitting there in a van. I don't like them. Actually, scratch that. J is fine, maybe. It's R that pisses me off. Like come on lady! Take a chill pill!" I groan as I rub my eyes. The whole time I was grumbling, Taehyung was just nodding and getting ready for bed. When he was done, he walked over to me and took my boots off and set out a pair of pajamas for me.
"Uh Huh. I agree. How about you go get ready." He takes my hands away from my face and closely inspects my eyes again.
"What are you doing?" I say confused. She shook his head and a smile turned up.
"Nothing baby! Go get ready so we can snuggle." I sigh at his answer and grab my things and got ready.

Taehyung's POV

"Hello? Jungkook? So remember the text it sent you earlier today about-"
"About y/n's eyes? Yea. I looked it up and couldn't find anything for it. It's weird. Like, I would get close to finding it out then it would lead me to somewhere else. I'm sorry Taehyung. But, I'll keep looking. If I find anything I'll call you immediately."
"Ok. Thanks Kook. I'll talk to you later"
I hang up my phone and get into bed, waiting for Y/n. I turn on the TV to see the news reporting the three guys that we caught and Y/n being interviewed. I looked closely at her eyes and yet again, they were glowing red and then over time, they slowly turned back to her natural blue.
"Hey! That's me!! Are they saying I'm a hero?" I hear her giggle.
"Yea yea. I helped too!!" I decided not to mention her eyes so I wouldn't freak her out. She crawled up next to me and wrapped my arms around her.
"What time do we have to be at headquarters tomorrow?" She yawns.
"Don't worry. I'll get you up. Go to sleep baby." I kiss her forehead and she slowly falls asleep.

-The next morning-

"Hey Y/n, get up. We have to leave soon." I say sleepily looking at the clock on the nightstand. I gave her a kiss and got up getting changed. I saw her get up and walk over to me.
"Do we have to go? I absolutely hate going there."
"Aww come on baby!! Ever since we've gotten here you've been down in the dumps! I miss your smile!" I squish her cheeks trying to get a laugh out of her.
"Come on baby!!! Smile for your kitty!!!" I popped my ears out and picked her up, nuzzling my nose into the crook of her neck.
"Ok! Ok! Stop! Your tickling me!" She giggles.
"Promise you will have a better attitude? Please!"
"I will. Let me go get cleaned up. So we can go eat breakfast." I set her down and head out of the room.

Y/n's POV

After breakfast we made our way up to headquarters and the first two faces I see are Agents J and R.
"Great.. just who I wanted to see." I say sarcastically. I felt Taehyung squeeze my hand.
"Finally. You two are here, took you forever, but let's get started. While you two where, resting, we were able to find the hiding spot of Elvira's brother. I think we will be able to bust this guy by tonight. That is, if you won't be too tired to do the job?" Agent R looks at me.
"Don't worry honey! I'm a lot younger than you so You won't have to worry about that." I smirk. She scowls at me and walks into the building.
"So, we will be stationed one tenth street at 9pm sharp. Till then, we will be here. Making sure backup is ready, and that everything will go smoothly. But, I guess since you two took so long we've already covered that. There's a practice room right down the hall if you need to warm up for later." R says.

K, im seriously thinking about punching this bitch.

"Great! I'll take X there now. We'll meet up later with you two." Taehyung takes my arm and leads me to the practice room.
"Your mumbling again." He giggles.
"I'm sorry! She's just so- ugghhh!"
"Yea. I know. I can see it too-"
"Oh thank god!! I thought I was the only one. Sometimes I just wanna-"
"Hey guys! Can I join you?" I quickly stop venting when I hear J come up behind us.
"Sure. Let's go." I fall silent and only use eye contact with tae to finish my venting.  He nods and gets everything I'm saying.
"So, how long have you two been partners. I can tell you're really close."
"We've been partners for almost a year now. But we knew each other before we were partners too." Taehyung says.
"What about you and R?"
"Only a couple months. She came in when we first started the case for Elvira's brother. Which to me is kind of suspicious, but the boss man let her in. She's pretty good in hand on combat. That's how she got in. But she needed help with everything else. I'm actually supposed to be training her, but she's kind of taken over. As you can probably tell X. I'm sorry for how she's acting." I could feel some of my anger towards him leave and turn into sympathy.
"It's alright. I've dealt with worse. But she seems like a great partner." I say, holding my tongue. I could see Taehyung looking at me with that weird look on his face.
"Hey X. I've noticed this before, but do you know your eye color changes with different lighting?" J exclaims.
"Oh? No I haven't noticed." I tilt my head to the side.
"It's not bad looking. It actually makes you look more intimidating. That can be useful." J says.
"Ok. Let's start, I was thinking simple stretches then-"
"Oh no. We are doing this my way. If little miss here says she won't get tired, let's test it." R was already in the practice room and surrounded by men.
"Men, you know what to do." They all nod their head and charge at me. I look to where Tae was and see J holding him back.
"What the hell!!"

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